《Tiny Texas Time!》Sheriff


Mexico walked in holding the small bundle of flowers.

"Oh, lemme guess, another lady thankin you for your service?" Australia said. Mexico smiled and rolled his eyes.

"Actually, this is for you," Mexico said, handing the flowers to Texas. Texas smiled, because he liked flowers, and these ones smelled like his grammas perfume.

"Who got him flowers?" Britain asked. Mexico sighed, a small smile on his face.

"Tito," Mexico said. The adults aww'd, and Texas hid behind his flowers, trying to hide the fact that he is cute. This only made him more cute, to his dismay.

A little bit later, Texas decided that milkshakes were something he wanted.

"Oh! Aussie, Kiwi, you should go drive him to get a milkshake," Britain said.


"Please?!!" Texas exclaimed happily. Australia sighed.

"Okaaaay... but you're paying me back, Ame," Australia said.

"Oh c'mon, you two never hang out with Texas! It's just a short drive to the ice cream parlor, don't be unreasonable," Canada said.

"Ok, ok, c'mon ya lil wallaby," Australia said. Texas smiled and followed his uncles outside.

"It's a bit counterintuitive to have a kiddie seat if Texas can buckle himself in and out of it with no problem," New Zealand said, as Texas buckled his own safety seatbelt after New Zealand struggled with it.

"I think it's just so he fits in the seat better, after all, he's still tiny," Australia said. Texas giggled.

"Grampy said I'm gonna be as tall as dad one day," Texas said.

"A boy can dream," Australia said. Once everyone was settled in, Australia tried starting his car, witch hissed and groaned. New Zealand scoffed.

"When will you get rid of this old thing?" New Zealand asked.

"Hey, it got us here, didn't it?" Australia said. Suddenly, the car coughed back to life. "There we go! Alright, Ice cream time!" Australia exclaimed. Texas made celebration noises, feeling cool being in his uncles convertible mustang. They started going on their way, a band he always heard his uncle singing along to playing on the scratchy cassette player.


"Aus, it's too loud, my ears are ringing," New Zealand said. Australia smiled and turned it up louder. New Zealand scoffed.

"You're such a dumba**," New Zealand said.

"What's a dumba**?" Texas asked.

"A stupid person, but don't ever say that word, ok?" New Zealand said.

"Ok!" Texas said happily, just excited about getting a milkshake.

And soon, he did.

"Yaaay!!!" Texas exclaimed, being happy because milkshake.

"Ok, let's just get home now...," New Zealand said. They began taking the long way back home, because Texas wanted to see the ocean that was just beyond the cliff the road sat on. Suddenly, they heard sirens.

"Ugh, your backlights are probably busted again... just pull over," New Zealand said. Australia was trying to turn the wheel, but suddenly grew panicked.

"The wheel won't turn," Australia said.


"I said the wheel won't f*cking turn!"


Texas bailed out of the car before they reached the cliff, so he couldn't hear what his uncle shouted, but he assumed it had to do with the cliff they were reaching the end of. Luckily, Australia slammed on the breaks, but they were teetering off the edge, and they were too terrified to move. Texas got up off of the road he'd jumped out onto, and didn't like how the road hurt him. Suddenly, the police car pulled up behind him, and a woman came out and gently picked him up.

"Hey, are you alright?" She asked.

"Mhm, b-but I lost my milkshake," Texas said shakily.

"Are your parents in the car?" The woman asked.

"My uncles are," Texas said.

"Did they know their taillights were out?" She asked.

"I dunno... my uncle kiwi said my uncle Aussie is a stupid person... specifically a dumba**, but they said I can't say that word," Texas said. The woman laughed.


"Well, let's go help them," She said. She let Texas sit in the passenger side of her car and watch as she was able to help Australia and New Zealand safely climb out of the car. Texas smiled, thinking this girl looked like a cowgirl.

"Are you a cowgirl?" Texas asked, as she drove them home safely. She chuckled.

"Nope, I'm the sheriff," She said.

"Huh? Aren't those the guys who sleep while guarding in prisons?" Texas asked.

"Nope, I'm a law enforcement officer. I'm responsible for keeping the peace," The sheriff said. Texas was in awe, because that sounded exactly like what he wanted to do with his life. They were dropped off at home, and she gave him a little sheriff-badge sticker.

Texas knew what his new dream was.

"Dad!!! Imma be a sheriff!!!" Texas exclaimed as America tucked him into bed that night. America smiled, and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"Being a sheriff is a lot of work... I know you'd be up to the challenge," America said.

"Mhm!!!" Texas exclaimed. And that night, he dreamed of doing cool sheriff things.

(Oh btw I think the book might end soon but idk)

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