《Spitfire (statehumans)》After party


*Texas's POV*

We make it to the after party, and I start feeling a little nervous... me and Mexicos friendship didn't exactly end on the best terms. I hold tightly onto Californias hand as we navigate the party. Suddenly, I hear a familiar voice.

"Texas?" Mexico said.

"México...," I say.

"Hey Mex... it's been a while," California said, clutching onto my arm.

"Yeah... a long while," Mexico said.

"Texas! Cali! Good to see you guys!" America joined the conversation, slinging an arm around Mexico's shoulder.

"Good to see ya too. I heard you and Mex are a couple now," I say.

"Yep! And I heard from somewhere you two are as well!" America exclaimed.

"Really?" Mexico said, obviously not in the loop about our little relationship mess.

"Yep! It was all anyone was talking about for a while," I said. Mexico smiled.

"I knew it, Cali always used to look up to you-,"

"Shhh!" California exclaimed, embarrassed. Mexico laughed.

"No hard feelings about.. you know... everything?" I ask. Mexico shrugged.

"Nope! We're good...en su mayoría," Mexico said. I smile.

"Eso es bueno," I say.

"Ah, still speaking Spanish eh?" Mexico said.

"I decided speaking Spanish wasn't so bad after all," I say.

"Took you long enough," Mexico said, we laugh and continue catching up. Mexico and America are almost acting like parents to me and Cali; the second we told them about the rough few weeks we had, they started furiously asking who needed a beating. Anyway, we have a great time, and the party is over before we know it.

"Let's get together again soon!" Mexico exclaimed as we walk away.

"Definitely! Buenas noches!" I exclaim.

"Hasta luego!" México exclaimed. Me and Cali start walking to the bar, taking in the quiet night.


"That was nice... it's always great to see an old friend," I say.

"Is that so?" A chillingly familiar voice says. Me and California freeze, and turn around.

"What... what are you doing here...," I say.

"I got parole... after... oh, I can't even keep track how long ago it was," he says.

"Look... leave me alone ok? I... I don't want any trouble," I say. He walks up to me and grabs me by my waist.

"That's not how you talk to your master, pet,"

he says, making my heart stop. But suddenly, California tears him away from me.

"GO TO HELL, DIXIE!" California shouts, kicking Confederate in the groin. He stumbles back, and we run away as fast as we can. We get to my car and drive home, running inside the house and locking the door behind us.

"Fuck... why'd he get let out on parole?!" California exclaimed. I tear up. "What's wrong?" California asked.

"I want that... that fucking pervert... I want him to stay away from me...," I say.

"D-did he do something to you?" California asked. I close my eyes tightly.

"I...I don't want to talk about it," I say... since I was a darker skin color than the rest of the south, Confederate picked me as his 'pet'... I did his bidding, and was too... groomed to realize how trapped I was... When America found out, he punched a wall, furious in his twin brother for not only the war, but how he treated me... let's just say, it took a lot of therapy to heal what he did, and I'm not about to let him do it again.

"Let's warn the rest of the south...," California said. I nodded, and texted them... all of them in disbelief. I texted America, and he was furious. I don't know how this'll end... but one thing is for sure...

I'm ready to kill if he dare touches me or Cali.

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