《BLS #2 : Challenging The Billionare》Chapter 27 - Turn Into a Devil


Opening my eyes and the sun rays hit straight to my eyes. I felt Sky's hand circling my waist and pulled me closer to him. My back meet his body and I immediately felt the sparks.

He kissed the back of my neck and suddenly his phone rings. He groaned annoy and I chuckled lightly.

"What is your problem calling me in the morning?" He blurted and I turned to see him shirtless.

"Yes it's the punishment" He said and took a glance at me. So it must be the car , the car has arrive at their place.

"Are you all sastified? Shut it!" He ended the call as I get off from the bed. We're currently at Sky's house in LA. I canceled my hotel resevation. He didn't even tell me that he has a house.

"Why are you getting out of bed?" He asked

"It's 9 a.m Sky" I pointed at he clock and he grinned

"Come here" He gestured me to come and I shook my head

"Get your ass here before I drag you" He said in a dangerous tone

"Aren't you suppose to get back to New York and work?" I asked and he shrugged. I continued to walk to the bathroom but I felt a strong arms carrying me to the bed.

"I love it when you're in my shirt" He looked into my eyes and I gave him a peck on his lips

"What about work?" I asked and he pouted like a 5 years old kid

"We have to meet the others at 10" Sky sighed

"Aaron and Sophia haven't go to honeymoon yet?" I asked curious and he shook his head

"They will go next week"

"So we have to go now" I said and buried his head to my chest. Hugging me so tightly


"Sky" I called

"Sky" I called again

"I'm still sleepy" He mumbled and I tried to push him away but no use. He's body is just bigger than mine.

"Sky let me shower first"

"Aren't you sore?" He asked bluntly and I can't help but remembering what happen last night. My face is starting to heat up

"I need to go to the shower Sky" I tried to hide my blush

"No , I still want to hug you"

"Let me shower and make you breakfast"

"We're meeting them to have breakfast" Sky said

"Okay jus-" He crashed his lips to mine , I pushed his chest because I heard something downstairs.

"Someone downstair" I said and looked at me , getting off the bed. He walked out and I quickly go to the bathroom. Taking a quick bath and change into my clothes. I decided to go downstairs and find Sky's parents sitting down on the living room.

"Good morning Lily and Savio" I hugged Lily first and then Savio , I saw Sky still shirtless. I glared at him and gestured him to wear some clothes. He sighed and walked upstairs.

"Have you guys eat? I can make-"

"We just eat sweety and thankyou. That's so sweet of you" Lily said and I smiled

"How long have you been with our son?" Savio asked

"Uhm actually.. we just got together" I said and Lily chuckled

"It's a long story , we met in a really weird way" I chuckled

"Do you have siblings?"

"I have one brother , he's currently study medical in Stanford" I said and they nodded

"How about your parents?" Savio asked

"They both passed away , my mom had cancer and my dad just passed away 2 months ago because he's failed to have a heart transplant surgery" Lily suddenly take my hand and I looked at her


"You're a really strong girl" She smiled


"Sky never listen to us" Savio said and I raised my eyebrows

"I listen you guys alright" Sky suddenly walked down , wearing a white tee and casual short looking so handsome as ever

"Janet you should have dinner with us tonight" Lily said and I nodded

"I will come"

"No we won't" Me and Sky said it at the same time and I turned to Sky. I mouthed 'don't be rude' and he pouted like a kid

"We will" I turned back to Lily and Savio

"Great , are you two going out somewhere?" She asked

"Meeting the guys" Sky said

"Very well then , come to our house tonight okay?" Lily said once again

"I will"

"Let's go beautiful" Sky pulled my hand

"They're so cute!" I heard Lily squealed and I chuckled. We walked out and get in his car. Sky quickly drive away

Suddenly my phone rings , it's Paul. I met him at Greece and he's nice person. He shows me around Greece


"Hey Jen , how are you?"

"I'm good" I answered and Sky is looking at curious

"When will you come to Greece again?" He asked

"I don't think I will come there soon" I said and Sky already gave me a questioning look

"That's sad" He said

"Yeah sorry" I said and suddenly my phone was taken by Sky. My eyes widen because of the shock.

"Who are you?" He asked straight foward

"Don't call my girlfriend again" He said in a really cold tone

"I don't fucking care , I trust her you moron" He ended the call and gave my phone back.

"You better block him Janet" He said in a serious tone

"What? Why?"

"He just said that you slept with him" Sky looked at me with his cold eyes

"Yeah right and you know the fact about it last night" I crossed my arms in front of my chest

"That's why I told him that I trust you. Stupid fucking man" I decided to block him , I didn't expect Paul will be so low

"I didn't expect that" I said

"Who wouldn't want you Janet? You're a perfect girl and who wouldn't want that?" That make me smile

"She was taken by a guy name Sky Hell Locason" I said


"You were a devil when you're jealous"

"Of course beautiful" He smirked

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