《BLS #2 : Challenging The Billionare》Chapter 8 - I Hate It but I Quite Like It


I looked at the clock in my phone and it's 11.20 now , Sky has an appointment with Mr. Johnson in St. Regis hotel at 12. I quickly put the file that I worked on and walked to Sky's office.

Knocked his door and waited for answer... none. I knocked again and waited for his answer because I just can't barge inside , he will mad as hell and decided to throw me out from the window.

"Boo" I jumped and closed my eyes in process

"Come in" He said and that made me open my eyes

He's freaking 28 but act like 2 years old

"Mr. Locason , you have an appointment at 12 with Mr. Johnson in St-"

"Cancel it" He cut me and my eyes widen , I wanted to say something but I remember he doesn't like to repeat what he said so I keep it for myself.

"Okay" I answered and walk towards the door

"Jenny" He called and that make me quickly turn to him

"Yes sir?" I asked

"About that kiss-"

"Sorry sir , I need to go to the toilet" I smile awkwardly to him and quickly walked out from his office. My heart beat two times faster than usual when he mention that. I gulped nervously.

I walked to my office and called Mr. Johnson's secretary to let him know that Sky asshole cancel the meeting. After I called her , I decided to go to eat lunch. My stomach growl like crazy.

I took my bag and walked out from my office , press the lift button and waited the lift to come up to my floor.

"Where are you going?" I jumped again and closed my eyes

"You scared me" I whispered

"I don't like to-"

"To eat lunch" I answered quickly before he even finished the sentence


"Good then , let's eat tog-"

"Oh I forgot to call Mr. Johnson" I turned back to avoid him , I don't want to be in one room with him other than business.

I walked but he caught my wrist , he looked at me with a glare and I gulped nervously.

"I need to-"

"I know you already told him , you don't have any excuse anymore Jenny"

"Stop calling me that" I sighed and pulled my wrist from his grip

"Now come with me to lunch" He said and I shook my head

"I don't want too" I said honestly and avoid his gaze , I took out my hairband and pulled my hair up and at the same time he lift opens. We walked in and I tied my hair up.

Suddenly my hair fell down again , I gasped as Sky hold my hairband in his hand and he put it inside his pocket.

"Mr. Locason!" I glared

"I told you to no-"

"It's hot" I cut him and he smirked

"Why? Are you nervous being around me after tha-"

"Oh look we're at the lobby" I quickly walked out from the lift and I heard Sky laughed behind me. I walked quickly out from the building and go to the Seven Eleven store just across the building.

Pushed the door and walked in , I smiled and ready to fill my tummy. Walked to the open fridge , take a chocolate bread , banana and cheese. Go toward the cashier but suddenly someone took the things that I hold , I turned to see Sky looked at my food weirdly.

"This is your lunch?" He asked in a disgusting tone

"Give it back to me" I said nicely and insted giving it back to me , he put it all in a random place. He gestured me to follow him but instead of following him , I took my food back and walkes to the cashier.


I payed it and walked to the table near the window. I saw Sky looked at me with a burning eyes and ready to kill me. I ignored him and start eating my chocolate bread slowly.

I saw him taking out his phone and called somebody , my phone vibrates and showing Bad Temper Guy as the caller ID.

I showed him my phone screen through the window and press reject and he gave me a warning look. He called again and I don't have a choice but answer it.

"Yes bad temper guy?" I answered bravely as I munch into my chocolate bread

"If you don't bring your beautiful ass right here right now , I'm going to do something to you that you won't like Janet Stanmore" I sighed and brought all my food out , walking towards him and raised my eyebrows

He took my banana , chocolate bread and cheese. Mye eyes widen as my eyes followed him. He threw everything to the trash bin.

"Hey!" I protested and he took my wrist and force me to follow him back to his building. Dragging me to his car and force me to get inside the passenger seat.

I sighed and frustrated , I swear I don't want to do everything that involves him.

"Put on the seatbelt Jenny" He said as he got inside his car and started it. Instead doing what he told me to do , I scowled by looking out the window.

"Janet" He called and I turned my face but my lips meet his , he started kissing me as my eyes widen loading.. what just happen..

As my brain connected , at the same time Sky pulled the seatbelt and put it in place but still kissing me. I closed my eyes feeling how kissable his lips are and I hate to admit that he's good in kissing.

"I swear you keep getting on my nerve Jenny , I hate it but I quite like it" He said as he stopped kissing me. Looking straight into my blue eyes

"Let's talk about the kiss" I sighed and he smiled in victory

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