《Colors of Lightbulb // an Inanimate Insanity AU》The last Lightbulb


"Alright, Lightbulb, come out already." Paintbrush said as they, Fan and Test Tube went into the elimination area.

"Yeah, we wanna take you back to the hotel!" Fan called.

"I don't think she's here." Test Tube said.

"Man, I really hoped she'd be..." Fan said. He blushed.

Test Tube and Paintbrush saw it and blushed as well.

"I think... we all like her the same way she apparently does..." Test Tube said hesitantly.

"Yeah, and honestly, I don't mind." Paintbrush admitted.

Suddenly, they heard fast, frequent footsteps. Pink Lightbulb came running up to the three of them, jumped up and caught them all in a big hug. The force was so big they all fell on the ground. Pink Lightbulb was giving all three of them little kisses and mwah's all over their faces.

"I love you I love you I love you!" She exclaimed happily, snuggling them all tighter.

"Well, honestly, we love you too..." Test Tube said.

"*GASP* YOU DO?!?!" The hearts in Pink Lightbulb's eyes seemed to grow bigger. Pink Lightbulb then squealed loudly in delight and gave her fellow Lights kisses again.

"Yeah, we do, but uhm..." Fan started, but he was too flustered to talk.

"We need to bring you back to the hotel." Paintbrush finished for him.

"Awww can we stay for a little longer? Pleeeaaaase?"

Paintbrush, Fan and Test Tube looked at each other.

"Yes." They all said in unison.

"But only for a little while." Paintbrush said.

"Yay! I love you guys!" Pink Lightbulb readjusted herself.

"We love you too..." Fan replied.

"This feels awesome..." Test Tube mumbled.

They all stayed like this, for a little while, until they all fell asleep.

"Are you guys sure I can enter?" Taco asked.

"We will explain the situation, don't worry." Microphone reassured Taco.


Taco smiled. "Thanks, Mic."

They went inside.

"We have the sad one guys!" Mic called.

Everyone turned around.

Mic, Taco and Soap were pretty late, since the others were already there with their Lightbulbs, except OJ and Paper, but that was also because Mic, Soap and Taco were the farthest away from the hotel.

"Why is she here?" Pickle asked when he noticed Taco.

"She helped us find the blue one." Microphone explained.

"Yeah, she's actually nicer than you guys claim her to be." Soap agreed.

"Oh, she never mentioned what she's done in season one, did she?" Knife asked.

"What has she done?" Soap asked.

"She faked mental illness to win. And when she didn't win, she stole the case, kinda killed MePhone, said these bad and hurtful things to Pickle about how they were never friends and revealed her true, evil side doing this." Knife explained.

"She was, like, so annoying anyway." Salt said, scrolling on her phone while sitting next to Pepper, who was doing the same.

"Oh." Soap said. "Well that's... something."

"I changed. You guys didn't believe Balloon either when he said he changed, and it made him depressed and turned this whole show into a hellhole." Taco said. "I don't mind if I don't get to stay here, but at least understand I regret my actions and therefore want to help you guys whenever something goes wrong."

"Well uhh, I think that-"

Suitcase got interrupted by OJ and Paper storming in, OJ still carrying yellow Lightbulb, who was softly giggling, since she woke up during the walk.

"We have the yellow one!" Paper yelled as he and OJ got into the hotel.

"Good, then we have only one left. You guys are pretty late by the way. What happened?" MePhone said.

"Oh, we... kinda got a little distracted..." Paper said, scratching the back of his neck.


"But at least we have her!" OJ said happily. He then noticed Taco. "Wait, why is Taco here?"

Microphone explained the situations and how Taco wanted to change.

"Oh, well, in this hotel, everyone is welcome! You did help them find blue Lightbulb." Paper said.

"That's what I wanted to say too." Suitcase said.

"Hmm, I still don't like Taco, but I know how it feels when everyone hates you, so I think she's welcome." Balloon said.

"We still hate her, right Salty-Salt?" Pepper said.

"Yeah, like, totally." Salt replied, sounding a bit distant.

"I'm not ready to forgive her yet." Pickle said.

He got up and walked out. Knife saw he was visibly upset because he was remembering things and got up to talk to him. He gave Mic the antidote.

"Keep an eye on this one, will ya." He said before walking out.

Taco looked pretty guilty. She wanted to follow Knife as well, but Microphone stopped her.

"It's best to leave them alone for now." She said.

Taco nodded.

It was around two hours later. Paintbrush, Fan and Test Tube still hadn't returned with their Lightbulb.

"Ugh, where are they?" Knife asked.

He and Pickle had returned from their little time alone. Knife had comforted Pickle, who had been crying at the memories of his friendship with Taco. Pickle seemed to feel a bit better now. He still refused to look Taco in the eyes though.

"I don't know." Paper replied.

"Who here has Paintbrush's number and wants to call them?" Nickel asked, sounding bored. "Not me."

"I'll call them." Knife pulled out his phone to call Paintbrush.

Paintbrush, Fan and Test Tube were all cuddling pink Lightbulb. All four of them were still asleep. But then Paintbrush's phone went off. Everyone woke up as the song seasons suddenly blasted from Paintbrush's phone. Paintbrush groaned and checked who was calling them

"Huh? Knife? What does he want?"

They picked up.

"Where the hell are you?!" Knife yelled.

Paintbrush had to keep their phone away from their ear for a moment because the volume was pretty loud. They put the volume down a bit and put their phone on their ear again.

"Knife, what do you want?" They asked, sounding sleepy.

"We need pink Lightbulb, man! Where are y'all at?" Knife replied.

"CRAP!" Paintbrush shouted, making Fan and Test Tube flinch. "How long have we slept?!" They turned to Test Tube.

Test Tube pulled out her phone as well and gasped.

"Oh golly! We've been sleeping here for about two hours!" She exclaimed.

"But it was fun though." Pink Lightbulb said in a flirting tone.

"We need to bring you back, man! Come on!" Fan exclaimed as he got up.

Test Tube, Pink Lightbulb and Paintbrush got up as well.

"Sorry Knife, but we... we fell asleep. And we kinda lost track of time." Paintbrush chuckled awkwardly.

"Well, at least you guys are ok. Now come back ASAP, we need pink Lightbulb." Knife said.

"Yeah, we'll come." Paintbrush said calmly, then hung up.

They then started talking to the others, but less calmly.


Everyone got up quickly. They didn't have to drag pink Lightbulb along, because she wanted to come with them. More specifically, on Paintbrush's back, so she was getting a piggyback ride.

"So, uh, we're an official poly thing now?" Fan asked.

"If you guys want...?" Test Tube replied.

"I... don't mind..." Paintbrush said.

"I'd LOVE to be in a poly relationship with you guys!" Pink Lightbulb exclaimed.

They all walked back to the hotel in a calm pace.

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