《Colors of Lightbulb // an Inanimate Insanity AU》The search continues


"I think that's her!" Microphone said.

"Let's run, quick!" Taco exclaimed.

"Yeah!" Soap yelled.

They ran to the cliff and stopped when they saw blue Lightbulb sitting on the cliff. She was talking to herself.

"No one likes me anymore... Painty doesn't like me, Fan doesn't like me, Testy doesn't like me, they don't like me the way I like them..."

"Damn, you weren't lying about her being emo, Soap." Taco said.

"Let's approach her." Microphone said.

They approached blue Lightbulb carefully. Blue Lightbulb noticed them.

"Go away, I want to be alone and die here..." she said.

"I'm sorry but you need to go back to the hotel." Microphone said. "We need to put all five of you together."

"She's better off without me!" Blue Lightbulb started sobbing loudly. "And so is everyone else..."

"No she isn't. Sadness is important too, y'know." Microphone explained. "And no one is better off without you, Lightbulb."

"Your friends love you, we appreciate you." Soap added.

"So please come with us." Taco said.

Blue Lightbulb sighed.

"Ok then..."

The four of them then went to walk back to the hotel.

Meanwhile, Knife and Pickle were walking around the field, looking for the red Lightbulb.

"Alright, where is she at?" Knife asked.

"I have no idea." Pickle replied. "Also the outside world is too bright for my eyes after being inside and gaming for so long."

Knife chuckled. "Wow."

"And I'm tired too. Last night I spent the entire night gaming instead of sleeping. Am I healthy? No. Am I gonna do anything about it? Also no."

Knife laughed. He then looked serious again.

"Well I think you should go to sleep sometime. You really gotta get some rest."


"Yeah, but I think I'm an insomniac at this point. So yeah, I basically can't sleep." Pickle chuckled.

"Dude, that's pretty concerning. And that's coming from me."

Pickle sighed. "I know... but I like suffering in silence." Pickle smiled.

"Why are you smiling? This is not funny anymore. And again that's coming from me."

Pickle's smile disappeared. "Yeah, you're probably right. But why do you care so much?"

"Because I care about you. I want you to be ok, man." Knife confessed, blushing a bit. "You're the best person in my life, bro."

Pickle blushed as well and scratched the back of his head.

"Well, uh, thanks I guess."

They continued walking in silence. They then saw red Lightbulb, punching a tree.

"Wow, to be honest I didn't even know she could get angry enough to actually punch stuff." Pickle said.

"Yeah, but she's funny though." Knife snickered.

"We're not messing with her. We're just going to bring her back to let her drink the potion." Pickle said sternly.

"I know, I'm just saying."

They slowly approached red Lightbulb. Knife snickered again.

"Watch this." He said.

"What are you gonna do?" Pickle asked, a little worried.

"I'm just gonna scare her, chill."

Knife slowly got behind red Lightbulb. He then slammed his hands on her shoulders.



Red Lightbulb turned around and punched Knife in the face. Knife yelped in surprise and stumbled back.

"Wow, I didn't know she would actually punch-"

"COME AT ME BRO!" Knife interrupted Pickle.

"No, you're NOT fighting with her! You might shatter her!" Pickle said.

Knife sighed and turned around.

"You're right..."

"Well, Lightbulb, it's time to go." Pickle told red Lightbulb.


"I'm not coming with you." Red Lightbulb replied.

"Well, you gotta." Knife grabbed red Lightbulb's wrist and dragged her with him.

Red Lightbulb didn't try to get free. She just muttered and cursed some unholy words under her breath.

And like this, they made their way to the hotel.

Balloon and Suitcase were walking by the water and the docks, looking for purple Lightbulb.

"Lightbulb, where are you?" Balloon called.

"We aren't dangerous, we promise!" Suitcase added.

No reply. Just silence.

"Welp, this'll be less easy than I thought it'd be. We've been looking for her for around ten minutes already." Balloon said, sitting down.

"Hey, we can't give up like that. They're counting on us and of course the other groups as well." Suitcase said.

"I'm not giving up. I'm just taking a quick break." Balloon said.

"Yeah, I get that. Let's take a small break for now." Suitcase sat down next to Balloon.

They sat there for a few moments. Balloon was deep in thought. Suitcase noticed.


Balloon snapped back.

"Wha- yeah?"

"What's wrong? You seem deep in thought."

Balloon sighed.

"Well, it's Nickel."

Suitcase sighed too and rolled her eyes.

"What did he do this time?"

"Well, he didn't do anything, it's just... I feel like he's avoiding me and when we do meet, he's pretty awkward around me... Also, I get these... weird feelings around him..." Balloon explained.

"What kind of feelings?" Suitcase asked.

"Well, uhm, I get all blushy and tingly around him. And nervous too. And I have the desire to cuddle him... People say I'm in love but I don't think that's right... We're frenemies, nothing more."

"Oh, well, those people are right though. And that's ok. All feelings are valid."

"Yeah, but I'm scared he doesn't feel the same."

"Yeah, I get that..."

They suddenly heard a scream in a bush nearby. Balloon and Suitcase sprung up and quickly went to take a look.

In the bush was purple Lightbulb. She was laying on the ground, curled up into a ball and shivering.

"There you are! We finally found you!" Suitcase said with a smile.

"W-what do you guys want from me?" Purple Lightbulb asked.

"We just want to bring you back to the hotel to put you back together." Balloon said with a smile.

"But I don't want to!" Purple Lightbulb exclaimed.

"You'll be fine, don't worry." Suitcase reassured her.

"You want a hug to calm you down?" Balloon asked.

Purple Lightbulb sniffled and then nodded. She got up and Balloon took her into a hug. Purple Lightbulb's fast breathing slowly but surely slowed down to normal breathing.

"See? Doesn't that feel better?" Balloon said.

Purple Lightbulb nodded.

The three then went walking back to the hotel.

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