《Colors of Lightbulb // an Inanimate Insanity AU》I leave for one month...


It was the next day. Yellow Lightbulb was the first one to wake up. She walked up to Paintbrush (The four bright lights sleep in the same room in my hc btw) and gently shook them.

"Wake up Painty!" She whispered.

Paintbrush, who was hugged by both pink Lightbulb and purple Lightbulb (because purple Lightbulb got scared), didn't respond. Yellow Lightbulb kept trying though. She eventually gave up and gave Paintbrush some soft pets on their bristles. She then walked over to Fan, careful not to trip over blue Lightbulb and red Lightbulb, who were laying on the floor.

"Fan! Fanny-Fan, wake up!" Yellow Lightbulb said, gently shaking Fan.

"Ughhh, Lightbulb... lemme sleep..." Fan groaned.

"C'mon, wake up Fan! It's gonna be a bright day today!"

Fan turned around, ignoring her. Yellow Lightbulb walked over to Test Tube. She shook her gently.

"Wake up Testy!"

Test Tube didn't respond either. She just stirred a bit.

Yellow Lightbulb sighed. She then walked back to her own bed, grabbed her phone from her nightstand and searched the song get up by Rival. She then blasted it on full volume, waking everyone else in the room.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Paintbrush yelled, accidentally pushing pink and purple Lightbulb from their bed.

Purple Lightbulb curled up into a ball, shivering.

Yellow Lightbulb was singing along loudly.


Red Lightbulb walked over to yellow Lightbulb and snatched her phone. She put the song out, threw the phone back at yellow Lightbulb and walked back to her spot on the floor.

Yellow Lightbulb giggled.

"Aww, why so angry?"

"Uhh, because you WOKE US UP?!" Paintbrush said.

"Ooh Painty, it's so hot when you're angry..." pink Lightbulb flirted. "All of you are hot messes to be honest, Flat Face, Tube, Painty, all of you!"


Paintbrush, Fan and Test Tube all blushed. Red Lightbulb cursed under her breath.

Eventually, everyone was down in the lobby or the kitchen to make breakfast.

Suddenly, the doors opened, revealing MePhone.

"Hey guys, I'm back!" He said.

"Oh great. Another day of- Oh wait, I don't have to compete in this show again!" Nickel said.

Balloon just sighed at him.

"Alright, final four, please come with me and-" MePhone fell silent when he noticed five Lightbulbs staring at him. "What the hell? Oh god, I should've gone to sleep instead of eating cookies all night."

"No, you're not hallucinating, they're very real." Knife said, leaning on red Lightbulb, which was easy since he's taller than her.

Red Lightbulb slapped his arm away.

"Back off will ya!" She said.

Knife snickered. "It's so fun messing with you now that you can actually get angry."

"Wow, I leave you guys alone for one month and THIS happens? How did it even happen?" MePhone asked.

Test Tube explained what happened.

"Wow, that's absurd indeed." MePhone said.

"But what about the competition?" Baseball asked.

"Well, uhm, I guess we'll be putting that on a hiatus for now... I can't comprehend this at the moment. Bye guys." MePhone replied.

He walked back out of the hotel. MePad, who was waiting at the door, looked at him.

"Sir, are you ok?" He asked.

"No," MePhone replied. "I feel like I'm having a weird fever dream. I'm going to bed."

"Sleep well sir." MePad said.

"Thanks..." MePhone replied, continuing to walk away.

Yellow Lightbulb was baking pancakes, humming to herself. The pancakes were all in cute animal shapes. When the pancakes were done, yellow Lightbulb walked to a spot where the other Lightbulbs and Fan, Test Tube and Paintbrush were sitting.


"Here you guys go! Some cute animal pancakes! Hehe!" Yellow Lightbulb said happily.

"Wow, can't we all be normal in this hotel for once?" Red Lightbulb said angrily.

"Says you." Knife muttered, walking by. He snickered to himself.

Everyone ate their pancakes. Pink Lightbulb was sitting close to Paintbrush, Fan and Test Tube, checking all three of them out. It made Fan nervous.

"Lightbulb...s, I know you like Paintbrush, but why are you checking all of us out now?" He asked.

"Because you're absolutely amazing!" Yellow Lightbulb exclaimed.

"And you're all so cute and hot~ I wanna kiss all of you!"

Fan blushed madly. "O-oh, alright..."

"W-well, uh, I'm- ok then." Test Tube was also blushing by now.

Paintbrush was silent, but also blushing.

"Simp." Red Lightbulb muttered.

Pink Lightbulb ignored her and suddenly took Paintbrush, Fan and Test Tube in a hug.

"Come on everybody! Group hug!" Yellow Lightbulb said when she saw it.

She hugged the others too. Purple Lightbulb joined as well. Yellow Lightbulb pulled the red and blue Lightbulbs into the hug as well, which red Lightbulb liked, surprisingly.

"You know LB loves hugs when even her angry side isn't complaining." Fan said.

"I love hugs!" Yellow Lightbulb laughed.

It was a few days later. People were getting pretty tired of all those Lightbulbs around. And MePhone really wanted to continue his show. OJ had called everyone into the lobby.

"Ok guys, we really need to put Lightbulb back together. Her five emotions are... kind of becoming a bother." OJ explained.

"Yeah, and I really want to continue Inanimate Insanity." MePhone said.

"I know, I'm worthless..." blue Lightbulb muttered. She was laying on the floor once again.

"No you're not!" Fan replied. "You're a precious bean!"

"So yeah, Test Tube has an antidote to put you back together." OJ said.

"Yep!" Test Tube showed five test tubes with dark blue liquid. "Each of the Lightbulbs will be drinking it. That'll put you back together."

"I beg to differ!" Red Lightbulb said, standing up. "We ain't going anywhere!"

"I'll go if you guys go as well~" pink Lightbulb said, looking at Fan, Test Tube and Paintbrush.

"Jeez dude you keep freaking me out more and more every time." Nickel said.

"Let's go Lights!" Red Lightbulb said. "Yes, you too, emo me!"

Blue Lightbulb sighed, standing up and following.

The Lightbulbs then all ran. OJ, Paper and MePhone tried to chase them, but they were faster and already were outside before OJ, Paper and MePhone could catch any of them.

"Oohhhhh crap." Paper said. "How will we get them now?"

"We will have to choose people to go and catch them, I guess." MePhone replied.

"Yeah, we can do that." OJ agreed.

They went back to discuss the plan.

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