《Colors of Lightbulb // an Inanimate Insanity AU》And then there were five Lightbulbs


Test Tube was walking in the cave. She had decided to explore the cave because she was bored. She was pretty deep inside the cave already when she saw... a weirdly shaped gem, in the wall.

It was white colored and had a round but also pentagon-like shape. It was slightly bigger than the alien egg Fan used to babysit. Test Tube walked up to it.

"Wow, fascinating. What is this?" She said, grabbing her pickaxe she was carrying.

She carefully mined the gem out, making sure not to damage it. She eventually could pull out the gem.

"I'll take this back for research!" Test Tube exclaimed to herself.

She started walking back to Hotel OJ. She stepped into the lobby. Cheesy, Lightbulb, Cherries and Yin-Yang were in the lobby. Lightbulb was the first one to see what Test Tube was holding.

"Hey Tube, what's that?" She asked.

"Oh, it's a gem I found in the cave. I took it with me to- hey!"

Yin-Yang had snatched the gem out of Test Tube's hands. Yang was laughing evilly.

Give that back!" Test Tube yelled, trying to snatch it back, but Yin-Yang threw it to Cheesy.

"Yo Cheesy! Catch!"

Cheesy caught it. Cherries saw it and laughed.

"Throw it to me!"

Cheesy threw at at Cherries.

"Ooh, I wanna join too!" Lightbulb said, laughing.

They all started playing catch with one another, using the gem as a ball.

"Guys, stop! We don't know what that gem's capable of!" Test Tube tried to yell, but no one listened.

Eventually, the gem hit Lightbulb's head and fell on the ground, shattering.

"Aww..." Cherries said, looking down sadly. "Sorry Lightbulb."

"Are you ok?" Yin asked.

"Of course I'm ok!" Lightbulb said. "It was fun. It's a shame the gem shattered though."


"Well, it's your fault, you didn't catch it." Yang said.

"No, Yang, it's your fault because you SNATCHED the gem away from me!" Test Tube said angrily.

"Relax, Test Tube, no need to react so ACTIVELY!" Cheesy slapped his knee. "Get it? Active as in radioactive?"

"That wasn't funny." Cherries said.

Cheesy looked down and mumbled something under his breath.

Meanwhile, Lightbulb was holding a shattered piece of the gem. She slowly took it to her mouth. Test Tube saw it.

"Lightbulb, don't do it! You don't know what it can do." She begged.

"Relax, Test Tube, I'm sure it'll be alright." Lightbulb said before putting the gem in her mouth.

She started chewing. Test Tube cringed at the sound of a piece of gem being chewed on. Cheesy, Yin-Yang and Cherries looked intrigued.

But then, something happened.

Lightbulb started glowing white. Not just her bulb, but her whole body. She started floating and the light got brighter every second. When the light dimmed, there were five Lightbulbs, all being a different color and having a different face expression.

One Lightbulb was yellow and looked happy.

The second one was blue and looked sad.

The third one was red and looked angry.

The fourth one was purple and looked scared.

The fifth one was pink and just looked into space with a dazed expression and sparkling hearts in her eyes.

"Ok, uh, what just happened?" Yin asked.

"It looks like the gem split Lightbulb into five different beings. Fascinating..." Test Tube said.

Paintbrush walked into the room. They were very surprised to see five versions of their best friend standing there.

"Ok, what the hell happened here?" They asked.

Pink Lightbulb walked up to Paintbrush.

"Hey Painty~" she flirted. "You look kinda hot..."


She wrapped her arms around Paintbrush's neck and pulled them into a kiss. She then skipped away, giggling. Paintbrush was beet red and touched their lips in disbelief.

Test Tube explained the story to Paintbrush.

"And then the gem split her into five." She ended her story.

"Wow, that's... absurd." Paintbrush said.

The news about Lightbulb being split into five spread very fast. Eventually, the whole hotel knew.

"There are FIVE Lightbulbs now?! Wh- wh- I'm surprised!" Fan exclaimed.

"Me too." Test Tube said. "But also intrigued."

Balloon walked up to red Lightbulb, who was sitting on the couch, still looking angry.

"Hey, why are you so angry?" He asked.

"None of your business. I didn't permit you to speak." Red Lightbulb replied. She stood up and walked away.

"Wow, the yellow one looks most like normal Lightbulb honestly." OJ remarked.

"Wait, I just realized Lightbulb does have to compete. What about that?" Paper asked.

"I'll be fine, don't worry!" Yellow Lightbulb said.

Blue Lightbulb was laying on the ground. Microphone looked at her.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

"No, life isn't bright today." Blue Lightbulb answered, muffled.

"Wow, uh, ok." Microphone mumbled as she walked away.

"I think I'm going to my room for a while." Paintbrush said.

Purple Lightbulb heard this. She ran up to Paintbrush and clung onto them.

"Don't go! Please!" She said, in a seriously scared tone. "I don't wanna lose you Painty..."

"I'm... just going to our room, I'll be fine." Paintbrush said.

Purple Lightbulb kept clinging onto Paintbrush. Red Lightbulb walked up to the two and pulled purple Lightbulb off.

"Don't cling on them you absolute coward." She said.

"Ok, guys, I think I figured out what all these versions of Lightbulb are." Test Tube said.

Everyone got silent to listen. Test Tube started speaking.

"The yellow one is her happiness, the blue one is her sadness and possible depression, the purple one is her fear, which explains why she was so scared to lose Paintbrush, since she's afraid her friends will leave her behind, the red one is her anger and the pink one is her... passion and love, which explains why she just kissed Paintbrush like that."

"Whoa... I KNEW SHE LIKED PAINTBRUSH!" Fan exclaimed.

Everyone started talking again, until OJ started yelling.

"Ok GUYS!" Everyone got silent again. "I know it's all weird to have five Lightbulbs here, but we'll have to deal with it. I'm pretty sure we will be fine with five Lightbulbs for now."

Everyone somewhat agreed and went to do their own thing.

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