《Project You》Chapter 17


I knew my outfit would be considered simple compared to other peoples for the gallery opening, since it was the opening, not just some small casual event, so i'd decided to just go with the only relatively formal looking dress I owned.

It was a long black dress with a slit up to my thigh, I then just paired it with plain black strap heels and straightened my hair down my shoulders before I did some makeup, red lipstick, some touches of mascara and eyeliner and I was ready to go.

It was a cute look, maybe even pretty looking, and about as much effort i'd put in since tonight I was more exhausted than usual, almost cancelling on Summer but I knew I couldn't do that on such late notice especially when i'd already said yes the day before.

I sigh as I move back away from the mirror after applying a coat of the red colored lipstick that was relatively similar to the color of my usual everyday lipstick, which actually kind of defeated the purpose of wearing it to an event instead of wearing something I didn't usually use, but it didn't matter.

I liked using it.

Soon after getting done with my makeup i'd grabbed a pair of teardrop earrings and put them on, then a black purse I could keep my phone in and put the single strap over my shoulder, wondering if this was a good idea, if leaving my mom alone for a few hours at night was a good idea, if not telling my nonna I was going out with a friend- if considering Summer a friend was wrong.

I was admittedly a little confused of everything lately. It all seemed to change so damn fast.

I tell myself to breathe, to calm down and let things sink in for a moment, because this was weird and foreign to me. Being out at night with someone else, friendships, not being alone all the time. It was new to me and I didn't know how to work around it without panicking on the inside.

For a moment I contemplate calling Karsen but he's probably asleep recovering from his hangover from the day before and its kind weird that I thought about calling him out of everyone,

I shake my head of the thought and walk down the stairs, knowing my mom was asleep and I didn't have to notify her about my whereabouts anyway.

So I took my car keys from the counter, along with the house keys and I made way out the house and to the car, then to the gallery's destination, all while wondering, if this change was... good.



"You look absolutely beautiful!" Is the first words that I am met with as soon as I walk over to Sumner, her eyes widen and jaw on the floor as if i've never gotten dressed up before and it makes me want to laugh.

"Thank you." I reply, walking over and giving her a hug since she opens her arms up first and I know what it means even if I rarely get hugs.

"You look amazing." I tell her when I move back from the hug and she smiles gentle, waving a hand in the air in dismissal but its true, she does look great, she has a gold color satin dress, the whole lower back open, and her makeup matches the dresses color, except that her lips are a nude color and her golden hair is in a perfect ballet bun. Her shoes are wedge heeled and gold, and the design over it were beautiful too.

She looked simple yet elegant with a matching gold necklace over her neck.

"Thank you, thank you, so lets get going!" She says, taking my hand in hers before she practically drags me up the staircase and to the doors, I try to keep up and thankfully she notices my slight struggle and slows her steps.

Theres a man in front around our age checking everyones tickets, and when we get to the front he eyes both of us before he holds his hand out, "You look beautiful ladies, unfortunately still need to see tickets."

Summer laughs lightly and I roll my eyes, yet a small smile lingered on my face. Summer showed the tickets and he check them before he let us in.

For a moment as soon as we get in I just look around at the building itself, the high roofs, the stain glass on the roof, the beautiful chandelier dangling and the colors of the walls. They were all different colored of the same shade of brown nude.

It was spacious and several paintings hung on the wall along with sculptures and honestly if I ever got married this was where i'd wished to get proposed to.


"You work at the library, right?" Summer asks as we walk through, getting flutes off champagne from the passing waitress and I nod even if I wonder how she knew that.

"So you do like reading?"

Like would be an understatement. "Yeah, I do."

Her lips quirk up at that and she holds her hand out once again which I take, we walk till we get to the other side of the of the gallery.


Entering and exiting a few rooms, people moving in and out like us, and finally when we arrive wherever she wanted to take me I see it.

A huge sized book, hugely taller than we were and my lips part as I stare at it.

I look to the board written to tell the story of the art piece and I read that it has names of classic fiction authors written on the cover and it makes my heart squeeze as I walk closer to try and read any of the names.

"Karsen told me you liked reading." She says from behind me and I hum, "Its my favorite thing to do, apart from art."

I still wonder why Karsen had spoken about me to her but I don't question it.

"Its nice you know loving things that can never be taken away from you, like art, ballet, books." I tell her as I look back to her and she smiles. "True, Im happy you liked this though."

I smile back at her. "Im... happy to be here."

I swear her smile widens and her eyes seem to become brighter. "Me too."


We spent a few hours chatting, eyeing several art pieces and sculptures that helped me get so many ideas for our project that I had become happier. All the creativity rushed through me and I wished i'd brought a book to list my ideas but I settled for typing it down on my phone.

Now I walked to the bathroom with Summer, she needed to pee and put another tampon before we left and so I went along with, taking my second flute of champagne on my way there.

Since I was drinking my champagne I decided to wait outside to not get all the bathroom air on my drink.

"I'll be quick." She says and I nod, leaning on the wall as she walks in.

Suddenly I feel a vibration in my purse, and thinking it was my mom I quickly took my phone out, hoping she was okay.

But when I see the text, I see that it is not from my mom who rarely ever texts anyway.

: Having fun?

I eye the text as I sip on the champagne in hand, not having drank much before and so I didn't want to go overboard this time and accidentally get drunk, especially not on my first proper night out.

: Loads.

I reply simply, wondering what he himself was doing. Maybe he'd been sleeping his Saturday away.

: I can't tell if this is sarcasm.

I smirk at that, sipping another little bit of champagne.

: It isn't sarcasm, Einstein.

: I know the Einstein part is sarcasm.

: Proud of you.

: So much sarcasm, its hurting my still recovering head.

I almost laugh but I restrain it and instead I settle for a shake of my head.

: You're still hungover?

: Very, I think I saw stars after the amount of shots I took.

I snort at that because I truly doubted it, not that i've ever been drunk to know if it was actually possible to see stars from one too many shots though.

: Or maybe you walked outside and saw the sky.

I see the three dots meaning he was texting me back, then it pauses for a moment, then he finishes whatever sentence he was typing and the text comes through.

: Fuck, I think you're right Addy.

I can't help that my head tilts back and I let out a soft laugh, part of me actually finding him funny but i'd never admit that he'd made me laugh for once, and thankfully he was not here to witness it either.

Lord know's he would never let me go a minute without reminding me that he could make me laugh.

: Im always right.

: Hmm. I kinda missed you yesterday smartass.

The small smile wipes away from my lips and I blink at that, not exactly knowing how to respond to a text, or even just the few words.

I haven't ever heard the words, I miss you, addressed to me from anyone other than my nonna.

: Thats odd.

: I know right.

Summer walks out the bathroom door just when his texts comes through, her bag strap over her shoulder and she sighs. "Periods, suck."

"They really do." I say in agreement as I stuff my phone back into my purse, folding my arms over my chest as we walk towards the exit. I put my champagne glass on a tray along with other empty glasses and then proceed to exit.

"I really had a lot of fun tonight Adrienne, we should go out more." Summer says but the way she says it sounds like she's scared of me saying i'd rather not.

It makes me wonder how many real friends Summer actually has. Yeah she knew a lot of people, and everyone loved her, but who were her friends? She hung out with her boyfriend and his friends most of the time, and yeah they were her friends too but where were her own people?


"We should." I say, which surprises not only her, but it surprises me too.

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