《Project You》Chapter 13


"You know, I never hated drills as much as I do today." Matt panted out, hands on his knee beside us, Chance laying on the grass and me on the bleachers, heavy breathing and I think I needed fucking Tylenol after all of this because I was damn well in pain.

"I think im going into cardiac artest."

"Me too." I mumble, hand over my eyes to keep the sun from potentially blinding me.

"Don't be fucking melodramatic Krist." Coach says, not before slapping my stomach really fucking hard so that I splutter, I bend over, coughing till I thought i'd throw up but I try not to because it was a big possibility right now, specifically because of all the running we've done in the past two hours.

The others snicker around me, wiping their sweat off their faces with their shirts.

"Why didn't you slap anyone else?" I ask, more so grumble as I stand up, pulling my shirt off from the bottom and wiping my hair and face too.

I needed a shower, desperately.

"If the captain is dramatic everyone thinks they have the right to be dramatic too."

I roll my eyes at that even if its kind of true, pushing Matt's shoulder as I walk past, "Don't be fucking dramatic Matt."

He almost falls, stumbling but nods and sends me a quick thumbs up and I snort at it, putting my shirt around my shoulders before I make way to the locker room, needing to shower not only because I wanted to take one, but because I didn't want to smell like grass and sweat when I met up with Addy at the cafe today.

I couldn't help the sudden mood lift just to freaking see her, even if she didn't seem to like me much, or at all. Maybe she liked me somewhere deep down but at the moment I couldn't be all too sure.

But I liked her, I liked her no bullshit personality, and I like how pretty she was to look at, as shallow as it sounded.

She was really fucking pretty with her jaw length curly brown hair, and those dark brown eyes that looked like burnt honey whenever she was in the sun, and she was so damn good at art that it just made her seem like art herself, pretty and artistic.


I liked that she liked books, novels that were in the classic fiction genre but i've seen her with newer books too, and after she got me coffee and a freaking cookie that reminded her of me, I think she grew on me a little more than i'd expected.

At first I was kinda confused and was starting to get a little annoyed that she was so dismissive towards me and the project. That she wouldn't even talk to me, but that was till I realized thats how she was with everyone, and thats when part of me started feeling bad for her, because why was she that way?

And she spoke to me more than anyone in here so I guess I kinda learnt to like that about her too.

After showering and getting into a fresh set of clothes that were not drenched in sweat nor stained green from grass i'd walked out the locker rooms, checking my phone just to see a text from her.

: Sorry, can't make it today, busy.

I blinked at the text, a frown gracing my lips because the only thing that made me less tired was knowing i'd get to see her.

Why couldn't she make it? I thought.

I run a hand through my hair, just about to put my phone in my pocket till someone pops up in front of me and speaks, "Hey you."

I look up and when I see the girl with the bright blood red hair and hazel eyes Im not the least bit surprised, I knew said girl all too well.


Of course that wasn't here actual name, she was nicknamed that, her actual name Charlie, but after she dyed her hair red everyone started calling her Cherry and honestly it stuck, not even she referred to herself as Charlie anymore.

She was a cute, on the taller side, and she also happened to be a cheerleader.

"Hi Cherry."

She grins widely, flashing her pearly whites, "We're all going for drinks, wanna come?"

Its literally Tuesday, the oddest day of the week to go out and get drunk.

Who was we though?

"Summer and Chance are coming too, Matt and Jake aren't."

I nod in understanding.

Jake was Matt's boyfriend for about two years now, and he was not in the little unofficial social circle that were made up of almost all the college sports players, Jake didn't do any sports and he was the completely opposite of Matt, I think he played guitar or something, a music major and Matt was a business major, yet they still clicked.


They just understood one another I guess.

Summer and Chance on the other hand were that little stereotypical couple, Summer a professional ballerina, literally, she did ballet and was a ballerina, and Chance a football player, both of who were a lot alike, extroverted, kinda disliked college and just went because of their sports and had been dating since we got to college almost four years ago.

All my friends were in steady, very serious relationships, and then there was me.

I shrug, having no plans with Addy so I guess I could go along with them, "Sure."

She grins up at me and takes my arm, looping it with hers. She's tall even when she stands next to me, almost reaching my height of six foot four, maybe she was at around five eleven.

And she's pretty, red hair, green eyes, and we were once pretty close, the only thing people found odd about our friendship now, was that we'd dated last year.

That was until she cheated on me with some guy out of college.

But I never really cared because we weren't serious and we kinda kept the on and off thing going but its been long since i've done, just sex. Thankfully she never wanted more because I didn't, or maybe she did, I could never tell, she's always been overtly flirty.

But I wouldn't go out with her again, not after she cheated on me.

I grew preference to the casual sex after last year, and being a football player, it was easy to get a hell of a lot of it. Most of the girls in college didn't want relationships either, some did, but we established that it wouldn't happen before the sex. I may be as horny as any other person but I wasn't a douchebag.

It was just at the rare times when all of us would hang out at Matt's house and Summer and Chance would be together and Matt and Jake, then it sunk in that I was alone, but other than that, I didn't really care about being the single friend in the group.

We walked to our cars, Summer bumping shoulders with me when Cherry went to her friends and I looked to the girl beside me.

"Why don't you ask Adrienne if she wants to come with us?"

I blink, actually thinking about it for a moment before I realize how stupid it was of me to actually think she'd go out for drinks.

I shake my head. "She doesn't like this kind of stuff."

She doesn't judge, she just hums, "I like her, her hair is so pretty."

I nod in agreement.

Summer was always the nicest person I knew and i'd known her the longest, since we were in kindergarten, so when she said that I wasn't really surprised, yet a swell of something hit my chest.

"She is." I said, scratching the back of my head before I took my phone out, ignoring my doubts for a moment I look to see her message that was still there.

I click on her name, opening my car door when we go to it, "We're coming with you, Matt and Jake already left."

I nodded, "You're driving." I said, as I threw Chance the keys, already walking around and he snorts, passing the keys to Summer with a pleading look on his face.

We were all fucking sore today and I don't think Summer had practice on Tuesdays. So she smiled and rolled her eyes, taking the keys and driving for us.

I push him to the back and he mumbles something about his girlfriend driving but I ignore him with a smirk, shaking my head as I get in and close the door, putting the seatbelt on and leaning back before I text Adrienne.

: "Wanna come somewhere with me?"

: "No."

My lips quirk up.

: "What're you doing?"

: "Babysitting."

I raise a brow.

: "You babysit?"

: "That is what I said, yes."

I love when she snarks, which she rarely does, but she's either curt or snarky, never in between. Meaning she was curt almost ninety percent of the time but I liked all the parts of her, especially the sarcastic side.

: "Are they shitty?"

: "They're children."

Theres a small space of time before she replies with another text.

: "So yes."

I can't help but chuckle at that.

: "I'll see you tomorrow, if its fine, sorry again."

: "Its okay Addy."

: "Adrienne."

: "Yep, I know, Addy."

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