《Married to the Heartless Billionaire》11: If You Were Mine


The pounding of my head continued over and over again. I opened my eyes to the scolding sun, feeling it against my cold skin as I looked around a room I had never been to before, but as a familiar face turned over, I guessed this was Avery's house.

"Someone got wasted last night", she echoed as I groaned from the head ache that crept up on me as I faced her. She cuddled into the bed next to me as I rested on her shoulder.

"Please I don't want to remember it", I looked away from the light as she ran her fingers through my hair.

"You really hate him that much huh", she looked at me with sad eyes, it was her brother I hated so much but she wanted us to work out.

"The sober me says that I only liked him a little bit, all other celebrity crushes higher than him, my heart still belongs to Harry Styles", she agreed to the last part.

"He's just so mean, and he doesn't understand what he's saying half the time and I can't see myself with him, I'm a penguin and he's a giraffe", he was all of those things and for some odd reason I compared him to an animal that I actually liked. I would have to stand on my tippy toes just to kiss him, which is why I wouldn't kiss him.

"A penguin and a giraffe, I like giraffes so why don't we do gorillas, I don't like those", she said and I appreciated her girl talk.

"How did it go last night, I remember a man coming home with us", I asked her as she smiled and scooped her hair out of the way to show off her hickey-filled neck.

"You guys really went at it last night", I commented as she nodded her head.

"Where is Prince Charming now?", I asked as she tucked her hair behind her ears.

"He had a shift and left early in the morning, but it was just a one night stand, I didn't like him he was just so hot", She whispered.

"You know last night took a turn, when we got home you were saying you hate Nolan and then you were crying cause you wanted him to love you", she said as I cursed myself and she let out a laughter. My mind was going insane.


"I just don't want to see him again", I rolled over in the bed and dove my face into the pillow.

"He's a dick, he won't love me, I'm stupid for thinking that", I said as she soothed my head.

"Well speaking of my lonely but horrendous brother he has insisted on picking you up, he's coming back from his run", she said as she left the door for myself as I groaned and slammed my head on the pillow.

"Did someone have a rough night?", he teased me as Avery let him in 15 minutes later. He was sweating and dripping and he looked good, better than I did.

"Just shut the fuck up and leave me alone", I shouted as he slid his shoes off.

"We're married remember and besides I'm the reason you got wasted, I should be able to see what my wonderful words influenced you to do", he mocked me as I groaned into the pillow.

"Go to hell Nolan", I said loud enough for him to hear me as he smiled happily.

"Only if you go with me", he said as he slipped his shirt off and left to the bathroom.

I started to get up hopefully, I would be able to run out of here and get home, even though I had no car, a killer headache and he lives with me, god.

He came out of the shower dripping wet and I scoffed as he flipped his hair, he definitely needed to get rid of that hideous ego.

"Everything okay in here you two, I'm surprised you haven't ripped each other to pieces", Avery barged in as Nolan smiled and I covered the comforters with my face.

"There's still time Natalie, what do you say let's get messy in the bed, your bed by the way", he told Avery as she closed her ears.

"Go to hell Nolan", we both said at the same time as she jumped in bed with me.

"I swear it's more like you two are married than Natalie and I", he said as he slid his shirt on and went to the closet to put his pants on.

"That could work", I said to Avery as she smiled and hugged me, we got a long way better than he and I could ever.


"Just tell me where to sign our divorce papers", he now was making jokes, as he came out in a pressed suit.

"I swear does he just make clothes appear from nowhere?", I whispered to Avery.

"Oh well that's probably one of my dads suits, I let him and mom in sometimes and they end up doing it on the bed, it's weird I know", she whispered back to me as she put a very strange image in my mind, that I wanted out.

"Why are you here anyways?", I asked him as he smiled. He had joy from just being included in our conversation.

"I'm glad you asked my sweet Ice Princess. We have a business meeting and since you seem to be ready to party you should be able to work, right?", he asked me as he went back to being my nightmare. Then again when was he not a complete and utter nightmare.

"No need to be an asshole and I'm not your Ice Princess, save your mind games for someone else", I got out of bed blinded by the extreme light that came from the large window.

"That's no way to talk to your boss", he made me feel undermined, but he was right. I would never talk to my boss the way I talk to him, but he was forgetting I was his wife.

"That's no way to talk to your wife", I slammed the door of the bathroom shut, just wanting to rinse all my regrets away, this was one of them. Marrying him was one of them, I was better off dead.

I shut him out as I let my hair soak in the shower as a bang came from the door, of course, he was knocking. Avery went to go get ready.

"Hurry up", he yelled as I changed into my outfit, it wasn't bad, it was formal just not me.

I touched up my makeup as I put my hair in a high ponytail and exited the bathroom. I shut the door as Nolan's eyes looked up from his laptop and scanned my body, the same way he did in my mom's dress. I caught his eye as he looked sharply away as he grabbed his laptop and bag and grabbed my hand and pulled me along.

We stepped into the elevator keeping our distance from each other as he stood at the exact opposite side checking the time consistently. The elevator stopped at a floor, as a dressed-up gentleman came on the elevator, he stood in the center of both of us at the back as I could feel the man's wandering eyes. He pressed the bar floor, he must've been meeting someone for him to be dressed in a suit.

"Ma'am your very beautiful, could I interest you in a drink", he said as we got closer to the ground level. My heart raced as I felt my cheeks blush, I had never been so admired and praised, as my eyes neared him, my eyes wandered over to Nolan who was about to burst. He looked furious, jealous, mad, he was angered.

"No thank you, I'm sorry I'm married", I said as I showed him the ring around my finger that meant absolutely nothing, but it was my loyalty that meant the most.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't know I wish you and your husband the best", he said as I thanked him and he got off on his floor.

Nolan scooted closer to me as he suddenly moved closer so that he was right in front of me. He pushed his lips on mine as I felt the lust in his eyes. His mouth explored mine as he pushed my hands up as I embraced our kiss. Just as the elevator stopped and he separated himself from me.

"I-", I began to ask as the door opened and he scurried to the car, almost embarrassed from his "vulgar" attraction to me.

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