《Little Lockwood》1.15: Threats
"I am so over this crap." Linkin groaned letting his head flop onto his table.
"We'll thats what happens when you go up against a Bennett." Shiela told him as she poured water from the kettle into two mugs.
"You don't have to smile when you say that." The teenager groaned through the table.
Shiela walked over to the table an placing a cup infront of him an took a seat.
Link rose his head from the cocoon he made with his arms and reached for his tea before slowly sipping the concoction. His headache fading with each sip. "How long was I out?"
"A week." Shiela said nonchalant.
"What?! Awe.." He groaned grabbing his head. "How the hell am I even alive?"
"Whatever magic you had in your body kept you sustained while I kept you fed and clean." She told him.
"Please tell me you didn't give me a birdbath."
The woman gave him a look.
"God that's embarrassing." He winned.
"I bairly remeber what happened. There was Bonnie who was possesed by Emily an almost got her killed. Dick move on her part."
"Watch your language." Shiela scolded.
"She was willing to let Bonn get killed just so she could destroy her stupid necklace. Shards of her crystal had shot into my already scared face."
"You know I am the one who pulled them out."
"An then she puts me in a magical comma overloading my body with Bennett magic, burning my hands. The last thing I really remeber is behing in a field of fire."
"Stefan was the one who brought you here. He said he found you in a clearing, surrounded by burnt tress and ashen ground."
"Oh my god. I had to help Jeremy with his history project!" Linkin realised.
"Really. That's what your worried about." Sheila deadpaned.
"I promised I'ed help him." He sighed. "It would've been due today."
Shiela couldn't help the scoff of amusement as she smiled.
There was a knock on the front door and Shiela went an opened the door seeing something that made her mood immediately sour.
"Hello Shiela."
"You can call me Professor Bennett." The woman remarked dryly.
"Ah, but is occult really a proper profession to teach." The man said smugly.
"What are you doing on my porch." Shiela stated distastefully.
"I heard from the Gilbert girl that you have my son. He's been missing the past few days. As a fellow parent, surely you could understand my concern." Mayor Lockwood said attempting and failing to put on a charming smile.
"You and I have very different ideas on parenting." Shiela scoffed in the mans face.
"Look." Mayor Lockwood said stiffly, dropping his smile. "You seem to not be hearing me. I want my son and if he isn't here in the next few seconds, I'll make a call to Bill-".
"I'm sorry to interupt whatever bland and dimwitted threat your going to spit out." She said as a smirk grew on her face. "But Linkin is home with people who actually care for him."
Richard Lockwood looked over Sheila's shoulder as the woman turned to see Linkin standing there.
"It's okay." Linkin told her.
Shiela could pick up om the sad tone the boy was trying to hide.
The smile came back to the Mayors face. "There you are. Go and get in the car." He said in a commanding and cold tone.
Linkin was about to step past the door when Shiela placed herself infront of him. She turned with a look of pure fire onto the boys father. "He won't be going anywhere."
Mayor Lockwood's face soured. "You think you can stop me." He growled taking a threatening step forward.
Linkin went to move infront of Shiela but she didn't let him past the door as she also took a step forward hardening her glare. "You have put that boy through so much more than anyone deserves. I won't stand for it, not anymore. From now own his home is and will always be here." She growled in his face.
"How about I make a call to the sheriff." Mr Lockwood said smugly.
"You do that." Shiela grinned. "Let's see what Liz would say about your so called parenting."
Richard's smug look disapeared.
"Now get off my porch." She spat.
"This isn't over." He growld before storming off.
"Like a dog with it's tail caught between his legs." Shiela snarked as she entered her house and closed the door.
Linkin felt like his whole stomach had fallen to the floor. "Gram-"
"I meant every word." She told the boy with a kind smile. "As long as I'm still breathing, I won't let that man hurt you again."
Linkin began to tear up. "But.. but. He'll try and hurt you." He said crying.
"Hush now child." She cooed pulling the boy into a hug. "Don't worry now." She said comforting him.
"So your telling me Damon kidnapped you and took you to a bar in Georgia where Lexis boyfriend tried to kill him. Ontop of that there is some random Vampire guy who is trying to eat you?" Linkin asked Elena after she told him about what happend in his slumber.
"Yep. It's been fun." She said sarcastically.
"And you have a crush on the new bartender slash former school football state champ?"
"He is really hot." Bonnie said dreamily.
"An to top it all of Scum Fell became a vampire and tried to kill Caroline but Damon saved her?"
"That sounds about right." Elena noted.
"Please tell me that's it. I've had enough drama to make up for the week I was asleep." Linkin groaned.
"Oh, I also found the tomb full force vampires." Bonnie told him.
"More like fell in it." She told him.
"There's also the fact that I apparently look like a mirror image of Katherine."
Linkin did his best to looked shocked.
Elena squinted her eyes at Linkin seeing his somewhat forced reaction. "Did you know?" She asked him.
Bonnie looked between them and immediately read the answer off his face. "Link, you did didn't you."
"I mean, yeah there was a resemblance. But I bearly saw the photo before Lexi had it." He said.
"What?! Why didn't you tell me?" Elena demanded.
"Because even as admittedly wierd it was, it wasn't my secret to tell Elena." Linkin said defensively.
"You still should have told me. Do you know how that made me fell seeing that photo." She said aghast.
"No, I don't. But I'm sure your going to tell me." He drawled.
Some other kids in the school yard where looking over at the argument.
"What's that supposed to mean?" She said with glair.
"Link stop." Bonnie tried.
"No, Bonnie. You know what Elena, not everything is about you. I'm sorry to break you out of your little delusion but this isn't Elena's world. We all have our own lives and problems meaning you are not my number one priority."
"Why are you acting like this Linkin? What did I ever do to yo-"
"And there you go again!" He exclaimed throwing his arms wide. "Is it really so hard for you to not be the centre of attention?!"
"You think I wanted all this to happen? My whole world has been flipped upsidown and you want to tell me that I'm just trying to be the centre of attention?!"
"Guy's that's enough." Bonnie said sternly but it just fell on deaf ears.
"We get it Elena. Your life is hard. But your not the only person who got crap in there life!"
"Woah, what's going on?" Matt said walking over with Caroline.
"Oh nothing, just Elena making everything about her as usual." Linkin grumbled.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Matt said confused.
"You guys sure know how to draw a crowd." Tyler joked as he walked over to them pointing out everyone was watching.
"Great. What now Tyler. Dad send you to talk to me." Linkin scoffed.
"Actually yeah, he wants you home tonight." His brother told him.
"We'll you can tell that ass hole I said no." He said grabbing his bag.
"Hey, don't talk about dad like that." He said grabbing his brothers arm.
"Don't touch me!" Linkin yelled sending a fist straight to his brothers face.
Tyler stood as still as a state while a collective of ghasps and a few whistles where let of from the growing crowd of on lookers.
"Ty." Matt said warningly.
Tyler only saw red. "Your dead." Was all he said before jumping at his brother and they both started laying into eachother.
"Let him go Tyler!" Bonnie yelled in panic.
"Tyler stop!" Matt yelled about to run forward only for hands to stop him.
"Sorry captain. But I think those two should let it out of there systems." Drake said into his ear.
Now Matt was seeing red as he slammed his head back into his face, turning with a Fury as he was let go.
"What the hell man!" Drake howled holding his bleeding nose.
"I know what you did." Matt hissed.
Drakes eyes went wide.
"Your dead." Matt said coldly stepping forward starting a fight with him.
A crowd had formed around the two fights of screaming and cheering teenagers. Yelling incouragment to those they wanted to win and booing those they didn't.
"You think you can hit me!" Tyler roared sending a right hook into his brothers jaw.
Linking felt his teeth stab into his gums as blood started to drip from his lips and he chuckled. "Dad hits harder." He scoffed spitting some blood onto the grass.
Tyler's eyes seem to widen at that. In this moment he didn't see his little brother, but something else. Something darker and stronger the he was. That was until he got an uppercut that sent him sprawling on his back and Linkin was ontop of him in moments. He had to raise his arms to cover his head as Linkin started aiming for his face.
Teachers and other students came running out of there classes and the school halls. The first of the faculty to break through was Professor Saltzman and Jeremy who pushed there way to the front. They both gave a glance to eachother silently telling the other who they where stopping.
Alaric grabbed Matt who had just knocked Drake to the ground.
"That's enough." Rick yelled pulling him away.
"No, I'm not finished." Matt growled. Breaking out and Kicking Drake in the side while he was down. "Hoe do you like it huh!" He yelled at the downed boy before Alaric grabbed him again and held him tighter as he dragged him away while another teacher tended to Drake.
Jeremy was on Linkin in seconds pulling him off his brother.
"Let me go! I said let go!" Linkin screamed as someone grabbed him around the waist and lifted him off the groun, pulling him away.
"Link calm down!" Jeremy yelled at him.
"I said let me go!" He howled swinging his foot back.
Jeremy groaned in pure pain letting Linkin go as the boys foot slammed straight into his niether region.
"Jeremy!" Elena yelled running to her brothers side.
"Matt stop!" Caroline yelled to her boyfriend who was still struggeling to break out of Alaric's grip while another teacher took Drake away.
Linkin however had his sight on one thing only. His brother who was still on the floor now on his hands and knees.
Bonnie saw him stepping forward again to keep fighting and immediately moved infront of him. "No, he's had enough Linkin." She said sternly infront of him. Her hands where shaking from how scared she was. Never had she seen this side of him before.
Deep and heavy where Linkins breaths. His chest rising and dropping fast from the intake of air.
Jeremy who was slowly recovering got up out of his sister's smothering and going up to Linkin. "It's okay man. Your safe. No one's going to hurt you." Jeremy told him.
That was it. His anger cracked like glass, shattering away and cleaning his mind. He took in the sight of his brother behind Bonnie. "Oh my god." He drawled, bloodied lip trembeling. "Did I-"
"It's okay Link. Your okay." Bonnie told him looking into his eyes.
"Calm down!" They all heard Alaric yell making them all look to see him struggeling to hold there friend.
"Matt stop." Linkin spoke up.
Hearing the broken tone in his voice the Donovan boy froze. He looked over seeing the state he was in.
Alaric let him go. "You two, principles office now. I'll take Matt. Jeremy, Miss Bennett help get Linkin cleaned up and meet us there."
"Yes sir." Jeremy told him.
Them man just nodded before he started to lead Matt away.
"Come on." Jer said putting a hand on Linkins shoulder but he immediately jerked away. "I don't need help." Was all he said before walking off.
"He'll be okay Jer. Thank you for stopping him." Bonnie said gently to him before going off after Linkin.
"Are you okay?" Elena asked coming up to her brother.
"I'm fine. I just can't.. can't believe he did that." Jeremy said slightly shocked.
"I can't believe he just hit his brother." Elena said in almost scoff.
"I can't believe I got banned from going to the school dance." Link huffed leaning further into the couch. Ice pack on his cheek with a cup of tea on the table that had a straw he was sipping it through.
"Then you shouldn't have picked a fight with your brother." Bonnie said all dressed up her blue dress, her hair tied back with a blue ribbon.
"What happend to make you so angry?" Shiela asked.
"Honestly, I don't know. Ever since I started doing magic it's like something inside me just our of wack. Especially what happened with Emily, it's like my emotions and magic has all been jumbled." He admitted. "I jut feel, off."
"Curious." Shiela said.
"Why? What dose it mean?" Linkin asked.
Bonnie turned to look to her grandmother as well.
"What?" The elder woman said before realising she spoke aloud. "Oh. It's nothing you need to worry about child." She said.
"Dad is gonna kill me." Linkin said grimly.
"Over my dead body." Sheila mumbeled.
"What?" Bonnie asked.
"Nothing dear." She dismissed.
"Okay, how do I look?" Bonnie asked in her complete outfit.
Linkin opened the eye that wasn't black and partially swollen. "You look great." He said with a dreary smile.
"Um Grams. I think Linkin had a concussion Bonnie said worriedly as Link quickly fell to sleep.
"That took way to long." Shiela said getting up of her chair.
"Grams, what's happening? Is he okay?" Bonnie asked frantically.
"Hush child. You'll wake the poor boy." Shiela told her before throwing a blanket over Linkin who was now sleeping on the couch. "I put a little something in the tea. It'll help heal him and give him some well needed rest. Now go out to your party and have fun." She told her.
She looked reluctantly.
"Bonnie Bennett." Shiela said firmly.
"Yes Grams." Bonnie said immediatly before grabbing her stuff and saying her goodbye.
Shiela looked down to the sleeping teen on her couch. His light snores putting a smile on her face. "You've gone through so much, anyone else might have broke under the pressure you've been constantly put under. You need to stay strong, not for me or Bonnie. But for you. My little sponge."
Author Note
Hey everyone sorry for the slow updates.
I'm working two jobs and barley have any free time but I want to make it clear that I am still continuing this book as it is basically my favourite child at the moment.
I know this one is kind of a filler but it's packed full of Drama.
Anyway, stay tuned for more. Thank you all for continuing to read 🥰
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