《Vampire King》Chapter 7- McDonalds


"So I found out that his names Dylan, he plays basketball, he loves horror movies and food!"

"Who doesn't like food?" I say furrowing my eyebrows.

"Your great aunt!" Sam slams her hands on the table then thrusts them in the air "boom!"

"She's scared of eating food, there's a difference,"after saying this, she mimics me mumbling to herself.

"Anyways... I'm seeing him again tomorrow!" Sam sighs dreamily "he's just so hot, and nice and sexy and Uhhh, yummy, yum, yum" I look at her weirdly and she shrugs looking at me briefly.

"You are so weird."

"So I've been told" I roll my eyes, that's a lie.

"Well I'm going out" I say standing up.

"Seeing mr possessive guy?" I look back at her and wiggle my eyebrows.

"Uh... No" I flatly say and walk out the door.

"Then where are you going?" She questions.

"Out" I simply say and open the front door, step out then shut the door behind me.

I sigh and walk on the pathway to anywhere random, I look at the ground as the sky starts to become dark from the clouds blocking the Suns Ray's.

Why did mum even leave in the first place?

I always think that, but it's better just thinking that she's dead instead of not knowing why she left or why she hasn't bothered to come back.

Maybe I just wasn't good enough..

"Oomph... I'm sorry" I start, looking up at the person I ran into.

Not again!

"We really have to stop meeting up like this" he smirks.

"Tyler" I smile, a tight one.

"Are you okay?" He asks studying my face.

No. "Of course I am, why do you ask?" I wonder.

"You look like you are about to cry, and you don't look as... Smiley" I raise an eyebrow.


"Smiley?" I ask in disbelief.

He shrugs "yup... Smiley" I sigh and give him a smile.

"I didn't get to thank you for rescuing me at the party" he waves it off like it's not a big deal.

"You are most welcome."

I feel so bad... All I have been doing us treating him like crap when he is being such a sweetheart to me! I'm such a female dog!

I don't really like swearing I guess...

"Do you want to get MacDonald's with me or something?" I mentally face palm for my terrible idea.

"Sure, I love maccas," he answers. I smile, that's another good trait I guess.

"Great, me too!" I grin and he chuckles.

We walk about 30 minutes to he nearest MacDonald's, most of the time it's silent. But not an awkward silence if you know what I mean, just a peaceful one where we can only hear each other breathing...

That was a weird way to explain it.

He opens the door for me "ladies first" I grin and salute him stepping in, he steps in after me the door shutting behind him.

"Wanna get create your own taste?" He asks and I nod.

We walk up to the closet kiosk and press the ingredients that I want, I go to pay but he stops me with his hand "I'll pay" I shake my head.

"No it's okay, I have money" I say waving my credit card for only him to see.

"I know but I insist on paying."

"But then I'll feel bad" I say tilting my head to the side.

"Don't feel bad, I will feel offended if you don't accept my offer" I raise my eyebrows in confusion.

"How so?"

He shrugs "it's hard to explain, one day I will though" he smirks and I shake my head.


"Well then..." I trail off not knowing what to say.

"So I will be paying" he smiles and clicks add order.

I sigh and look around for any spare tables in this crowded place, I finally find one and grin "I'm gonna go and get us a seat" I say eyeing the spot.

I run towards it so no one else takes and I quickly sit down, I grab my phone out and click on Samantha's contact.

"Hellloooo" Sam sings and I huff.

"I don't have much time but I bumped into mr possessive and he was being really nice to me so I offered to go to Maccas with him and he agreed, I was about to pay but he went on with some crap about how he wants to pay and it's rude if I reject his offer and now I'm sitting here watching him as he pays for our food and turns around to look for me so he can walk to our table!" I screech in one breath.

"Tell me everything when you get home, enjoy!" She hangs up and I put my phone away just in time I hear the chair scraping against the floor.

He sits down and I look at him "is everything alright?" He questions and I smile.

"Of course everything's alright, just checking in on my friend" he nods.

"Is she alright?" Oh lord save me now!

"No actually... She's come down with a terrible flu" I swear I see him smirk but I must of mistook it.

"Oh well I hope you gets better" I send him a tight smile just in time for a maccas worker to place our food down in front of us.

I bite into mine straight away and look around awkwardly, he clears his throat "so what college do you go to?" He asks.

"Sunshine Coast" he nods.

"And what are you studying?" I bite my lip.

"Law" he nods again.

"Smart one eh?" He smirks and I laugh, I am not smart.

"Id like to believe that."

"I bet you are" he whispers, I smile at him.

"So why are you in Brisbane?" I question.

He leans back into his chair and shoves a fry into his mouth chewing and thinking, he swallows and looks me in the eyes "I was trying to find something" he says.

"Like what?" I ask.

He shrugs looking down at his food as I bite into my burger looking at him "a new home... Somewhere to feel welcome, maybe to find love; you'll never know" I sigh.

"At least tell me where you are from?" He nods.

"England" I raise an eyebrow.

"You don't sound British" I say.

"I was born in England but I travel a lot, I haven't been there in years so the accents kind of gone" I nod.

"Thats cool" he smiles.

All of a sudden my grey shirt turns damp from the moisture of lemonade hitting me, I gasp and stand up in shock looking at my drenched clothing.

I hear Tyler's chair scrape against the floor and he steps in front of me "what the hell man?" He growls out.

"I'm sorry I didn't meant to do it, I tripped" wait... That voice sounds familiar.

"Well don't say sorry to me" Tyler steps aside and I gasp at another embarrassing moment.

"Austin" I breath out.

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