《Vampire King》Chapter 6- Waiter guy


"So the hottie was being possessive over you" I roll my eyes and tug on the hairbrush harder.

"Unfortunately, he doesn't even know me!"

"I think you should stay away from him" she says and I nod.

"I actually agree with you for once" she rolls her eyes.

"You always agree with me" I scoff.

"Yeah right."

I turn on the television "Police have found Tami Lay dead with a bite mark, there are still further investigations but we believe it was an animal attack."

"Bloody animal attacks" Samantha says.

"Why are they further investigating if it's obviously an animal?" Sam stops what she's doing.

"How am I supposed to know, I don't work for the police!" I shrug.

"Are you ready?" I ask.

"Yup let's go" she grabs her keys and we walk outside.

"I'm driving" I say, she chucks me the keys and I get in the drivers seat.

"Hurt my baby and I will kill you" I smirk and start the car, she places her handbag on her lap and I back out.

I drive to the Italian cafe and get out of the car, I lock it once Samantha gets out. We walk to the entrance and I open the door not bothering to leave it open so it slams in her face, I smirk and she flips me off opening it.

"You're so rude."

"I try" I say shrugging, we stop at the counter and she gives us a smile.

"Hello table for two?" Sam nods.

"Table number 15" she says.

"Thank you" she nods and we walk to table number 15, I sit down.

"I don't know if I can eat" she says looking disgusted at the menu.

"I think it looks good" I say furrowing my eyebrows.


"Oh it does it's just we had to do a surgery today and I almost passed out" I laugh, this is why I don't want to be a doctor. Sam looks behind me and he eyes widen "hottie at 2 o'clock" I turn around and narrow my eyes at him.

"Why the hell is he here?" I growl.

"I don't know... Maybe for FOOD! It is a restaurant Shae, be more observant" she says and I flip her off "inappropriate place to be giving me the bird" I flip her off again.

"Don't care Samantha."

"You really don't like him" she says looking at me with her head tilted to the side in wonder.

"It's not that I hate him... It's just that I'm scared of him" I honestly say.

She's about to open her mouth but a waiter comes along and smiles at us with a pen and notepad in his hand.

Sam looks at her menu then looks back up, I survey him and see that he's looking at Sam as if she's the most beautiful person he's ever seen.

I mentally awe

She gives him a grin "can I please get the chicken, bacon, lettuce, tomato and cheese burger with a coke" he writes it down quickly.

"And you miss?" He says hesitantly turning away from Sam to look at me, I smile.

He totally likes her!

"Can I please get the fish and chips with the tar tar sauce?" He nods and writes it down.

"Is that all?" He asks his stare averting to Samantha.

He is quite attractive with his brown messy hair, olive skin, brown eyes; I'm sure he gets all the girls.

"Yes thanks" she says looking up at him.

He nods and starts backing away slowly, looking at Sam. He takes a deep breath and turns around walking to the counter, I look at Sam with a sly grin.


She looks at me carefully "what?" She mutters, I smirk.

"You know what!"

"Please elaborate for me Shae" I shrug.

"The lingering stares, it was like love at first sight!" I say over dramatically.

She rolls her eyes looking down at the wooden smooth and polished coffee table, suddenly finding an interest.

I roll my eyes myself at her ways and tap her cheek.

"Answer meeee" I sing.

She groans "don't sing, you're gonna embarrass me" I pinch her cheeks.

"You're just jealous."

"I'm really not" I give her a look and she sighs "I don't know... He just was looking at me and I looked at him and he was so attractive and he seemed so nice and I want his number" she says picking at her already short uneven nails.

"That can be arranged" her eyes widen when she realises what I'm about to do, I smirk when I see him and raise my hand.

"WAITER!" Sam covers my mouth to late and I look at her with accomplishment, Sam deserves the best.

He walks over gulping slightly "y-yes?" He questions.

"So my friend here would really like your number" I say, Sam covers her face with her hands in embarrassment; her cheeks flush red.

I keep my laughter in and innocently look at the young man before me, his eyes are widened and his lips parted in shock that Sam would actually want his number.

"R-really?" I nod with a sly smile.

"Really, really" I wink.

He turns towards her and I quickly jerk at her hands to pry them away from her face, but also trying to keep my hands hidden under the table.

She looks up at him the pink coating her cheeks and the tips of her ears, he smiles slightly.

She gives him a piece of paper obviously with her number and name "t-this is it... Um... Please call me" she awkwardly says and I snort then quickly cover my mouth with my hand trying to look casual.


He walks away and she glares at me fuming,"I did you a favour!" I exclaim.

"That was so embarrassing Shae," I shrug.

"You'll get over it."

She huffs "so back to mystery possessive guy" I groan putting my head in between my hands.

"There's nothing to say" she waves me off.

"Nonsense!" I huff and she taps my nose "after all.... You did me a favour so it's only fair if I give you one right back!" This is no favour.

"I know what your question is and I'm scared because.... I don't want to love" I whisper.

"Why don't you want to love?" She asks curiosity blazing in her blue orbs.

"When you love someone so much and they 'love' you, you're giving them the power to destroy you; and I don't want that" I whisper.

"But how do you know that he won't love you as much as you will love him? How do you even know you're going to be together!?" She says ideas coming into her head.

"It's not that I think we are going to be together but I know that I will talk to him again, he's possessive over me Samantha. As well as protective, he doesn't even know me!" I say.

"Maybe he does but you just never noticed, like Austin" I shrug.

"Maybe" I whisper.

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