《Vampire King》Chapter 4- Euphoria


"I like you a lot Shae," Samantha says in a deep voice.

"Who are you meant to be?" I ask scoffing at her ridiculousness.

"I'm Austin Mayon," I roll my eyes and fan myself dramatically.

"It's really you?" I say in a girly high pitch voice.

"Well yeah..." She coughs and rubs her neck, "gosh he has a deep voice," she mutters.

I roll my eyes, you'd think she'd know that by now. "Nah," I say sarcastically.

"Where are you going?" She says looking at my ripped denim white jeans and a black singlet with my black converses.

"What makes you think that I'm going somewhere?" I ask chucking my hair in a bun.

She scoffs. "Firstly this is the fanciest I've seen you since one year ago, secondly you're wearing shoes and thirdly you put your hair up," she says looking at my brown plop.

"I always put my hair up," I grumble.

She shrugs. "It seems neater today," I scoff.

"Well I'm meeting up with dad" I say.

"Why are you dressing up if your meeting your father?" She asks in actual confusion.

Why must she disagree with every choice of mine? I try so hard to not glare at her and snap at her for questioning every motive of mine but I keep my mouth shut knowing that it will just cause problems which I dont need. Sam has always had strong opinions, it's not always a bad thing but sometimes it can be really irritating.

"We are going to a restaurant and I haven't seen him in ages," I say eyeing her.

"You're going to a restaurant wearing those!" She points to my black converses, I scowl.

"These happen to be good shoes thank you very much" she snorts and walks to her cupboard and comes out with black heels.

"Now these are good shoes, you should wear them" my mouth opens wide.

As she said before, I'm just seeing my father so why should I put heels on too? I'm not going to go out of my comfort zone for her again. I am my own person, everyone is their own person and should make their own choices. Most people find it difficult to be Sam's friend because of the pressure she places on us. Don't get me wrong, I love her but sometimes she goes too far but I would never leave her because she was there for me in a time I didn't even recognise myself.

"Those death machines?! Uh, no thanks; you really hate me that much?" I place a hand over my heart pouting.

"Basically," she shrugs.

I grab my purse, it's probably one of the only fanciest things I've got. It's from Prada, it's gold and black.

It's alright, Sam bought it for me on our best friend anniversary.


"Yay something nice!" She cheers and I glare at her.

"I'm looking very good thank you" I huff and grab my keys from the bench. I look myself over and hope Sam doesn't make any more comments about needing big hoop earrings or something. She once tried forcing me to get my helix done with her, but my pain tolerance isn't very high and I have a feeling I would pass out.

"Have fun, drive safe and don't be out too long!" I give her a look.

"You're not my father," she grins.

"Sure I am," I roll my eyes with a small smile and open the front door.

She walks me to my car and I get in, I turn it on and back out of the driveway. I see her waving and I give a slight wave, now to see my father. The drive is long and slow, I just listen to music loudly and sing the entire way, 30 minutes later I arrive at the small fancy restaurant.

I live in Brisbane, it's great.

I get out of the car and lock it, I look through the glass windows and bite my lip when I see my father sitting down in a booth fiddling with his old crinkled fingers.

I let out a breath of air and pull the door open, "do you have a reservation?" A lady smiles.

I nod at her. "Valentine," she grins.

"Table 5 ma'am," I thank her and walk to table five, I slide in the booth that has black chairs. My dad is sitting there looking over at the menu silently, I wonder how long he has been waiting for me.

"Hey dad," he smiles at me.

"Shae!" He exclaims excitedly, awe he's just adorable.

"Dad!" I exclaim back and giggle.

"How's the college life?" He asks and I sigh.

"It's a struggle, there's lots of work to get done and our teacher is honestly so stupid. I don't think he actually knows anything on law!" I say throwing my hands up in the air. To be honest, I never really wanted to be a lawyer. An immense amount of pressure was placed on me to become one so I could take care of myself and earn lots of money; so I did it for dad.

There's a silence, "how so?" I shrug.

"He's always talking about himself," I mumble angrily.

"Ah so he's one of those people," I nod with an annoyed look on my face.

"Enough about college so how's work?" I ask, he shrugs.

"Lots of people come in," dad owns a chemist so I guess you could say after all those poor years that he did well. He eventually got back on his feet for us and I was so proud, he spent many nights staying up late and it even turned into mornings. He did everything just to keep a roof over our house. The least I could do for him is get a stead job.


Suffice to say, he's pretty rich now. "Obviously" I state.

"Well it's not stressful, a new medicine came in what we had to test out and it was blue!" I raise an eyebrow.

"Blue medicine?" He nods.

"That was my response to it, it doesn't even do what it's meant to do," he says.

"What's it like?" He shudders.

"It stains, it's like they used hair dye! I sent it back immediately and said that they need to do a lot of changes for it to be an actual medicine," I laugh. "oh! Joey said hi" I grin.

"I haven't seen him in ages, how is he?"

"The poor old thing has to get back surgery" awe that's so sad, he's such a sweetheart.

"Tell him I said good luck" I smile.

He nods "will do, now let's order!" We order our food and talk about anything and everything.

It was good catching up with dad. "Well I have to leave now," I say checking the time. "It was great seeing you dad," he stands up and hugs me.

"Great seeing you kiddo, tell Sammy I said hi," I nod and pull back waving.

I push the door open and my phone buzzes, I open Sam's text

Sam>> when you coming home?


I look up at the same time I collide with someone, I'm about to fall backwards but I feel an arm wrap around me to secure me.

I gasp and look up about to apologise but I'm a loss for words, the most gorgeous man I've ever seen- better than Austin! Is staring at me.

I stand up and he places his arm down, he's got olive skin, beautiful and shiny. His eyes are a light sky blue, he has pitch black hair with a neat stubble that sits on his sharp jawline. He's really tall, like 6'3 tall and his eyebrows are thick and black. "I-I'm sorry, I wasn't looking,"he stays silent for a while making me tremor in fear but eventually a smile breaks out onto his gorgeous face.

"My apologies because I wasn't looking either," I smile.

I slide my phone in my back pocket and rock on my heels awkwardly. "what's your name?" He asks.

"Shae Valentine," he licks his lips, smirks, then nods. "What's yours?" I ask.

"Tyler King," his name is even hot what the hell!

How can a person be so perfect?

You know those girls that are try hards? They think that they aren't good enough even though they are and they act completely stupid in front of the guys on purpose, those girls do it for guys like him.

He towers over my 5'5 frame, he's at least 6'3. I love tall boys, they guarantee protection and cute cuddles. It's not like I'm going to cuddle with this fine specimen though; this leaves me slightly disappointed. I think back to Sam, I'm tomboy to her so why would stunning guys go for me?

Sam likes to call me a guy because I do guy things and I don't like to dress girly, but I do know that girls like tall guys because I'm a girl still. Sam really annoys me. She acts like I dont know what my own gender likes in guys. It is honestly stupid.

He clears his throat snapping me out of my inner questions. "well I will see you around" he says, his blue eyes looking straight into my eyes as if he's looking into my soul.

Gosh he's so hot

He blinks "um, yeah see you around" he grins flashing his white straight teeth.

Is there one flaw?

He waves and steps aside looking at me for a long second then he looks at the restaurant, he starts walking towards it and I clear my throat.


I walk to my car and unlock it, I get in and shut the door behind me. I start the car and take a deep breath, his eyes....

It felt like he knew everything about me, like he was reading me, why am I even thinking of a complete stranger?!

I take a deep breath and start driving home, I stop in front of my home and get out of the car.

I open the door and chuck my purse and keys on the counter, I hear footsteps and let it all out.

"Sam when I was texting you back I crashed into this really hot dude because I wasn't looking, he had black hair, Sky light blue eyes, olive skin, he was tall, he has a stubble with a sharp jawline and he was just perfect! I can't stop thinking about him and I don't know why, maybe because I'm strange and demented?" Her mouth parts open.

"Woah slow down there mate" I sigh. "What was it like!?" She squeals and sits on the couch eager for answers.

I sit on a stool and sigh dreamily "it was weird because I felt like my whole body was on fire when he touched me, it was euphoria" I smile.

"What about Austin?" Oh.

"I don't like the stranger it's just that he was really hot, I will always like Austin" I whisper.

"Why?" She asks.

"I don't know, I just really like him" she grimaces.

"Okay let's have our own party time so you can tell me what's been happening with your dad."


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