《Boyfriend's sister》34


"Wake up,beautiful. Its literally 10 o'clock." I heard that beautiful laugh and I smiled. "I'm up." She laughs again "No,you're awake. There's a difference." I groan but I get up. I throw on the First outfit I can get my hands on and sit back on the bed. "So,why'd you wake me up? What's the plan for the day?" I ask. "Well,I am so glad you asked. Jessica is having a party and you were invited with a plus 1. I found the invitation. Its tomorrow. Today,we are going to go shopping and then on a date." I groaned. "Aliiiiice. Can we just skip the shopping and go on the date? Then tomorrow,skip the party and cuddle?" .She laughed "Good try but,no." Then she kissed my nose and skipped to the door "Put on shoes and we'll go." She went down stairs and I laced up my boots and laughed. "Sorry,my old friends. After today Alice will probably make me get rid of you." I said...to my boots. I shook my head and headed downstairs.

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