《The Charming Billionaire.》CHAPTER 16


Chapter 16- 'I love you Destiny'


"Say what?" I asked my mother and she nodded smiling brightly.

"Isn't it great!?! He is finally getting married! Unlike some people I know" she retorted and I sighed, running my hands through my hair.

"Mah, are you sure its him?" asked Yazdan and my mother threw him a 'do-I-look-dumb' look.

"Yes! His mother, Ayesha just called me two days ago! Plus we are best friends, of course I will be the first to know!" she said and everyone nodded.

The twins were excited about going to Fiji for 2 months for a wedding.

Wedding of who migh you ask?

My idiot cousin, aka brother aka best friend akaa stupid human, Ehaan Riyasat is getting married!


Except we have to attend his wedding for two months, since mom and abba are doing all the helping and things. Plus we have been close since ages! And this two months will delay my flight back to Canada to the Queen of Dark!

Yes I call her that.

"Can we like go late? I asked her desperately and she sighed.

"Kayan, I know you are worried about your business but you can also do that from there" she said in finality and I almost, almost told her the whole ordeal.

Oh great.

I got up from the sofa in the living room and walked upstairs to my room.

My room was huge, no doubt with its own living room, study section and a bedroom with attached bathroom and a walk in closet.

basically a dream room.

I closed the door behind me and took off my house flip flops before walking barefoot on the rugged floors to my bedroom.

I took out my phone and hit her contact.



I checked her online status on Viber every hour, hoping she would be online.

She was, no doubt but I did not have the courage to message her or even say hi.

I stalked her instagram though and I got nothing from it.

I lay on my bed staring aimlessly at the ceiling until my mother's voice in the speakers made me sit up.

"Boys, start packing, flight's at 3pm today" she said and then it died.

Ah great!

Even Ehaan did not even bother telling me!

I messaged him but he did not reply.

guess he's busy.

I got up and let out a huge sigh.

packing it is.

Funny how I am almost 29 and yet I can't say no to my mother.

After several hours, we were finally at the airport.

The private jet landed at the airport at around 6pm, Fiji time.

As we emerged out of the Jet, the customs officers of The International Airport of Fiji, stood there smiling at us.

"Welcome to Fiji, Sir and Ma'dam" said one of the old looking man at my parents who smiled brightly at them.


Even though it was 6pm, the sun was setting in the west and It brightened up the skies with hues of purple and violet.

It also meant that Magrib prayer was here.

As my parents walked with two officers guiding them, I smiled at the others, standing there.

"Bula sir, welcome to Fiji" said one of them and I nodded before walking towards the exit.

We skipped customs and exited the airport with our luggages at the car.

"Good Evening, Mr. and Mrs. and Miss. Zaeef" said the driver, dressed in black.

Abba nodded at him, replying to his evening before turning to us.

"Your cars await" he smirked and my eyes widened a fraction.

He actually did that!

"Oh my Allah, You actually did that!?!" asked Sahl incredulously and abba nodded.

"I knew we were coming here from like two weeks and all so I had sent the cars before hand" He winked at us.

I hugged him tight and soon all my siblings were on him.

If people saw us, they would think we are retarded people.

We are!

"Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU!!!" We yelled the last part and ammi pulled us off abba.

"Alright boys, follow the GPS- we are going to Denarau" said ammi and we nodded eagerly.

"And do not race!"

no one listened to that part.

I dragged my luggage towards my Toyota Rav4. This place needed just that. My RAV4 was metallic black and grey, with grey and slight black interiors, rear view camera, safety features and of course perfect speakers and radio.

Overall, it was a man's dream.

"Bhai, I am coming with you" said Karman and I nodded.

"I am with Yaz bhaiyu" said Kulthum and Yaz nodded.

Yazdan was a fan of Audi, I was a fan of Toyota and the twins had a thing for BMW's. We are fans of Ferrari and Lamborghini and Land Rover and Jaguar's but these were our favorite.

Because we usually go highlands and Toyota is best for that.

"Lets do this!" the twins were hyped up.

"Lets do this" I nodded at them.

I put my luggage at the back along with karman's before getting into the driver's seat.

I did not even notice my car missing!

"Lets go" I said to Karman and he nodded.

"Lets do this"

with that, we drove out of the airport, while Karman set the GPS.

"Turn right" said Karman and I hit the right trafficator.

We turned right and joined the Fiji traffic that was not exactly traffic because it was flowing.

"Search the nearest mosque so we can pray before we head to this place" I said and he searched it.

"Its 10 minutes from here, the Nadi Jame mosque " he said and I nodded.

We followed the GPS and entered what looked like a market, with buildings of malls and what not lining on one side and houses and other things on the other.


I checked the rear view mirror and saw Yaz and Sahl closely following behind.

I was so glad it was Sahl behind the wheels and not Safwah.

I drove to the mosque carpark that looked insanely like a school carpark and parked the car, as I waited for the idiots.

"Bhai, lets take a look around" suggested Karman and I nodded, unlocking the doors.

We got off and I locked the car before walking towards the step of the mosque.

Masha Allah it was huge and beautiful, glittering in the noon's final rays.

"As salamu alaikum, you must be new here" a man, perhaps in his 30's, smiled brightly at us.

"Wa alaikum mus salaam. Yes, we are new here" I replied and Karman muttered the 'Was salaam'.

"Come inside, we are just about to give adhan" he said and I nodded.

Just then, my brothers' cars reeved into the carpark and with perfection, they parked it beside mine.

The man beside me stared at them as if they were crazy.

I can't blame him though, anyone would have thought that.

They got off and smiled brightly at us.

"They are your brothers?" the man asked me and I smiled sheepishly.

"Yes, How did you know?" I asked him.

"They all look the same. The hair especially. You can tell" He said and smiled at them.

"Let us head inside or we will be late for Magrib"

With that, he led us inside the mosque.

Masha Allah, the inside was just at magnificent.

After the adhan, we said our magrib prayer.

Half an hour later, we were all whining about attending dinner with the in-laws of Ehaan.

"Get ready" with that my mother was gone with Ayesha masi and abba was out with uncle, leaving Ehaan with us.

We were at the Denarau Bungalow of these people and since there was no AC in my room, only ceiling fans and wooden floors and large windows and glass doors leading outside to a balcony.

"How did you meet her?" asked Yazdan, sitting down on the couch in my room.

"High school, remember I transferred here? Yeah. We were all best friends and I made it clear then and there that I will marry her. We kept in touch and we met a year ago and since then, I was courting her. And baammm, I proposed, she said yes and we married" He smiled fondly and I chuckled, taking out my clothes and hanging them in the closet.

If I was going to stay here, I would not want to go through the hassle of rumerging through my bag for clothes!

"Go, get ready before Ammi fires us" I said and they nodded, getting up.

Once they were out, I took my towel and walked to the bathroom to shower and change.

After a long shower, I realized I was tired as hell.

I needed sleep.

Honestly, I did not even bother to look good.

I wore my blue washed jeans with white tees that said 'Daaayyyaamm' in blue and a black hoodie because the nights here can get cold.

I lay on my bed and closed my eyes, before I heard my mother's call.

We were leaving.

Just when I was catching some shut eye.

I sighed and got up.

Taking my phone and converse, I walked out of the room shutting the door in the process, before walking downstairs to join my siblings.

We walked to their place since it was just next door.

I could yell from my house and they would hear us!

That close.

Masi knocked on the door and a lady, about mom's age, opened the door and said her salaams.

When we entered the house, the living room was filled with around.........10 people?

All adults. I looked at my siblings and they were looking at each other in dismay.

"This is Qaidah and Aahil Zaeef, my bestfriend and her husband who is my husbands best friend" said Masi, smiling at the lady who smiled at my mother.

Masi introduced us as the kids before we were asked to sit down.

I took my seat beside Yazdan on one sofa and an old lady who looked like she could fight 10 goons with one hand, smiled brightly at us.

"Jazbah! Call the boys, where are they!?" she called to the other lady who nodded and walked away.

Soon enough, two boys entered smiling at us.

"These are my grandsons, Farhaan, my older son's only son and thats Umair, my daughters only son" said the old lady and the boys shook their hands with us.

"Salaam man, how are you?" they asked us and my siblings replied in monosyllables.

Guess they hated the fact that they did not know anyone except Ehaan here.

We heard female voiced before a yelp and a loud thud followed by whines.

"That hurt!" whined a girl, in white and black hijab.

But she was not my concern.

My concern was the beauty sitting on the floor with blue hijab as if she were the queen of the floor!

"You alright?" she asked the other girl while Farhaan went to their aid.

She stood up, dusted her dress and scanned her eyes in the room, smiling at them until they landed on me.

Her eyes widened a fraction before she rubbed her eyes.

"Alhamdulillah!" whispered Yazdan beside me when he saw her.

"Uhhhh" that was Amyrah.

"Salaam ammi, abba" said the girl in black and white hijab, walking over to Masi and Uncle.

Masi hugged her and kissed her forehead.

"Did the floor hurt you?" she asked her and the girl shook her head.

"Kinda" she laughed.

"Oh Amyrah, come here" she called Amyrah who finally took her eyes off me and walked towards her.

"Ammi, abba, this is my best friend and cousin, Amyrah. She is always in-"

"Canada" finished ammi and everyone turned to her.

Ammi hugged Amyrah who happily hugged her back.

"Hows my daughter?" she asked and Amyrah chuckled.

"Alhamdulillah. Small world" she chuckled, nervously glancing at me.

Oh yeah, very small world.

Wallahi, I love you Destiny.

Miss. Amyrah, I think we have alot to talk about..........

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