《The Charming Billionaire.》CHAPTER 14


Chapter 14- Fiji.


I woke up from the voice telling up to buckle up because we were landing.

I did so and gripped myself.

Landing was always rocky.

The plane went downwards and finally hit the air strip.

A few minutes later, It slowed and then came to a stop.

The passengers stood up and began getting off. I put my things in my bag overhead and then slung it on my shoulders before walking towards the exit.

The air hostess smiled at me and I smiled back before they bid me goodbye and I walked into the Fiji Heat.

Wow! Masha Allah!

I inhaled a deep breath, the Fiji air! and let the sun hit my face.

I walked towards the main international arrivals.

A quick fact: Don't wear heels if you have to travel for long hours!

My legs were killing me!

The glass doors opened as passengers begin going through.

I followed the signs to baggage claims.

This place has changed so much!

Like honestly!

I checked my luggage and after several minutes (I was lucky), I got my luggages and walked towards the exit.

As I expected, my parents and Aaiyla were standing there, waving happily at me.

I laughed and walked faster towards them.

As soon as I reached them, I let my luggage go and hugged them tight.

"I missed you all so much!!" I said and they laughed.

"Alright, lets go" Said abba and they helped with the luggage.

I got into the AC of the van and smiled in victory.


They laughed at this.

I sighed and looked outside.

The grass was green, the flowers blossomed and of course, the suns rays brought out the beauty in all.


same old, same old.

"Where are we staying?" I asked abba, as we drove out of the airport driveways.

"You are staying with me!" stated Aaiyla and mama and abba laughed.

"Of course she is! We are staying at Matintar, remember?" He asked me and I nodded.

The drive back was not so long because despite the traffic, it was easy to get there. The traffic here was unlike the Canadian one I am used to. This traffic is less hectic.


I checked my phone and saw the notification that the time has been changed according to my GPS.

"I can't wait until we are alone" whispered Aaiyla and I smirked at her.

As per her word, as soon as we got off at the house, she began pulling me in.

"Wait Aaiyla! Take her to amma and Azeedah" said ammi and Aaiyla nodded.

Se began pulling me but I stopped her.

"At least let me take the things!" I said and she shook her head.

"Leave it, the boys will do it" with that she pulled me with her inside the house.

I took off my heels and placed them at the doorway and walked inside barefoot.

The inside of the house was fully furnished and wooden. It gave a homey feeling.

"This is Amma's ancestoral home" whispered Aaiyla and I nodded.

We walked towards the living room where many voices were talking at once.

Wallahi, Am I like the last one here?

I smiled as we entered the room and I realized my entire family was here!

"AHEMM!" Aaiyla made our presence known.

They all looked up and after a moment of silence, they all screamed.

"AMYRAH!!!!" Jazbah mah was the first one to get up and hug me tight.

"As salamu alaikum" I said when she let me go.

"Wa alaikum mus salaam!" they all replied in Unison.

"Amyrah!" Ruwaydah Fua smiled as she hugged me too and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"How are you Amyrah?" asked Ashda chachi, smiling at me.

"Alhamdulillah" I replied and she nodded, hugging me awkwardly.

I was more close to Aaiyla's mom and Fua more than her.

"Meet amma!" said Fua and gave way to me.

'AMMA!!!' I grinned at the old grandmother of mine who gave me a scrowl.

"Awwhh, sorry!!" I cooed and she sighed.

"What is this Amyrah? You come late and then you meet me last?" she scolded and I made a cute pout face and set infront of her.

"Sorry?" I asked her and she sighed, a small smile appeared on her beautiful face.


"Meri Bachi!" she said, cradling my face.

I was my grandparent's most favored grandchild. Maybe they saw what I was capable of.

"How are you Amma?" I asked her, putting my hand over hers.

"Alhamdulillah. It seems as if you gave up on me while being there. No call, nothing!" she said and I smiled.

"Sorry. I was just alot busy" I said and she nodded.

"I saw the news about you!" she giggled and I laughed.

"Thats nothing!"

She touched my forehead and then my cheeks.

"It seems like there is an evil eye on you!" she said and I laughed.

"Who would cast an evil eye on me?" I retorted and she smiled.

"You are pretty, prettier than I last saw you!" she said.

"Amma, stop buttering her up!!" Whined Aaiyla.

"But it is true!" Winked Jazbah Mah and I chuckled.

"Come on, Myra, we have to go set something's up" said Aaiyla and I nodded, standing up.

We walked upstairs to her room, where I jumped on the bed as soon as I saw it.

Aaiyla laughed and closed the door before joining me on the bed.

"So tell me all about it!" I winked at her and she blushed.

"Wait wait- isn't Ehaan........... half-caste? How on earth did these people agree?" I asked her, sitting up.

She grinned at me.

"Well.... I told Ruwa Fua and she took over!" She winked and I laughed.

"Really?" I asked her.

"Yip!" she said, happily.

"So..........." I asked her and she chuckled.

"I am not telling you about all the romanc- on second thought, let me tell you" she said, sitting up straight, but I lied down on the bed.

This was gonna be long.

"he sends me flowers!" she said.

I was hit with a memory of Kayan bringing me flowers.

"And sweet messages"

A memory of him sending me crazy messages, to make me laugh or smile.

"And he brought me a bag of donuts one day, homemade- he made it"

The memory of dinner at his place.

"And he gives me cute compliments, like cute, beautiful and what not! Aaaiiiisshhhhh!" She said, fanning herself.

A memory of him, calling me cute.

Oh great!

Now I am remembering him during me vacation!


I flinched and glared at my best friend.

"You really need to focus, girl! Where you lost?" her english made me smile.

The same one we used during high school!

"No where!" I muttered, sitting up.

"Can I shower and change? I really need to" I said and she nodded.

She showed me the bathroom, which was in the same room Alhamdulillah!

I opened my suitcase with casual clothes and took out a pair of leggings and knee length tee's with some other things before heading to the bathroom.

I showered and changed, even though I missed my own bathroom back home.

Yes, I missed my bathroom!

"Arrggh this guy is driving me insane!" I muttered to myself as I walked out with my dirty clothes and towel with wet hair.

I placed the clothes in the laundry basket near my bags and began towel drying my hair.

Aaiyla barged in and grinned at me.

"Are you high or something?" I asked her.

"Jeez, what's gotten your mood so bad?" she asked me and I sighed.

Guess it showed.

"Nothing" I muttered.

"Myrah" she warned and I sighed.

"Fine, the guy who was courting me left for his own country after I told him that if we are destined, we will meet. He told me he will be back in Canada but I left......and now...." I said and she smiled at me.

"Now you miss him...... badly" she completed and I nodded.

"Kinda" I replied and she laughed, hugging my shoulders.

"Well lady, I guess we both know the answer" she said and I nodded.

"Trust Allah and I know everything will be fine"

"My hair was wet, your clothes will get wet" I said and she laughed.

"Its okay"

I smiled.

"No its not- you dry this shiiieett" she said, taking off her dress and handing it to me.

I stared at her incredulously.

"Are you serious?!" I questioned and she nodded.

"Come on! Thats my favorite dress!" she began whining.

"Fine, just take one of mine- we both are the same size anyway" I said and she grinned before rummaging my stuff.

Yup best friend goals.

"Oh and one more thing- don't unpack because we will be moving to the villa's at Denarau" she told me and I nodded.

"Free Wifi?"


"Free food?" I asked her.


"I am in"

With that we laughed and went back to work, chatting aimlessly as we did so.

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