《The Charming Billionaire.》CHAPTER 8


Chapter 8- The Grand Opening and The CEO


Today is the opening

and it was hectic

all i heard was screams and shouts from all over the place

the event planners were barking orders and everyone was walking or running around doing something

"You ready?" asked Yaz, snapping me out of my trance

"Yeah" i said, standing up

I was wearing my black and white armani suit. My whole family were flying over to Canada for the opening

Yup, it was one of the biggest openings because this hotel was one of the largest

"When are ammi and abba arriving?" i asked him taking my phone from the bed

"They are all coming straight to the party" he said and i nodded

"Did you tell them, no alcoholic drinks?" I asked him again and he nodded

"Fully professional, don't worry! We have muslim ambassadors from all over the world!" he said and i nodded

I put on my cologne and walked out of the room

"Yaz, I am leaving in 5- be ready!" i stated and he laughed


I walked out of the house to the balcony in the hopes of seeing lady Amyrah, but she was no where in sight

guess she will be late or she won't come at all

somehow i was looking forward to meeting her tonight

maybe its because my family will be there to meet her

I smiled

Oh Amyrah, if only you knew what was coming your way

By the time we arrived at the hotel, everything was set and guests were all arriving

Soon the hall was full of people, different races yet in harmony

Masha Allah

"Evening Mr. Kayan" said one of them and soon we were in a deep conversation about business and politics

that was until one of the waiters told me that my family was here

I excused myself and walked through the crowd to my family

My brothers were dressed exactly like me and we all looked the same, dark hair and grey eyes. My sister was wearing a blue dress with same hijab and a huge smile

typical Kulthum

Abba and the brothers all matched with me and i was glad for that

"As salaam ammi, abba" i smiled at them and bent down so that she could kiss my forehead

"Was salaam dear. I see you did well with your grand opening" she smiled at me and i nodded

Abba patted my back

"Well done. I guess i can give you all my business now" he said and i laughed

"Of course not! I have my other 5 siblings to work on it" i said and the supposed 'other five' shook their heads no

"Its alright brother. We pass" said Kulthum causing ammi and abba to laugh

"I think we should head up? I mean we have to get this party started" said Yaz

"No alcohols or anything?" asked ammi and i nodded

"Its simply an opening of my hotel plus an auction to save the children, Vancouver" I replied and she nodded

We walked inside and all the while, my eyes were searching for one girl only

Canada's elites were here and anyone who wanted to attend were here too since it was more or less a hotel that was meant for everyone

"Um guys, its time to make the official announcement" said Yaz and i nodded


"Lets do this" i said to him and he smiled

He designed this whole hotel

I walked up the stage and took the mic

As soon as the instrumental music stopped, everyone stopped talking at once

"As salaam, Namaste, Anyeong and a very good evening to you all. I am Kayan Zaeef and today, i am glad to be standing here to welcome you all, ladies and gentlemen, to the grand opening of Palm hotels. Now, Palm hotels, Vancouver is the first to hotel to come under Zaeef Hotels and we are hoping it would make us proud. The establishment of this hotel was only possible due to my family's hardwork. My brother, Yazdan Zaeef designed the whole hotel and my sister, Kulthum designed the interiors and landscaping of this place.

Palm hotels is not just any ordinary hotel next door, its a hotel that has been designed to its best technologies for emergencies and is made budget consistent to those who cannot afford luxury. Palm hotel shall also serve as the base foundation of Palm Foundation, which is to help the underprivileged children of all over the world.

I am hoping you all would enjoy today afternoon and in the end, spare some change. There is an auction at the end of the night, for someone who doesn't even know this auction is for 'it'. Its for a good cause, the rest assured. Have a blessed evening everybody. Thank you!" with that i was given a round of applause

I got off the stage and soon my whole family was surrounded by people asking questions or merely talking

Kulthum pulled me away from them to the dark hallways

"What is it?" i asked her

"Who is 'it'? she asked me quoting 'it'

"The children at the orphanage nearby. Why?" i asked her and she sighed

"And here i thought you just might have someone in your life!" she muttered

"Of course not! Well, not yet anyway" i muttered and her eyes widened

I heard any the orphanage from Yaz who was thinking of ways to help them. They were going down in money and bills so I decided to help them.

Part of it was because Amyrah also wanted to help but a bigger part was to sincerely help those poor kids

"Who is she?" she questioned me

"Well, i am not even sure- i have to go" i said, checking the time

It was almost 9 and she was not here

"Where?" she asked me

"There. People are wondering where i am" I said and she sighed

"Alright but we will talk about this soon" she said "-We will leave in two days"

I internally groaned and walked into the dull party

I know, i know

its my party, why make it dull but meh

I was at the top of the stairs when something caught my eye at the doorway

something that left me speechless

How could someone be so beautiful?

Masha Allah

She was wearing a black dress with colorful flowers at the bottom, her hijab as peach, like her dress's bodywork and of course her wallet in one hand. The sleeves of her dress were up to her wrist from where, her gloves began

this girl was fully covered except her face

Which held recognition to many people


A smile crept on my face when i saw her eyes flicker all around the room until they met mine

Her beautiful eyes widened and she smiled before waving slightly

Before i could wave back, her smile fell and so did her hand

"Is she the one?" whispered Kulthum in my ears causing me to jump away

"Jeez woman!" I muttered, rubbing my ear

"What? I merely asked if she is the one!" she retaliated

"Which one?" i asked her

"The one in black who was waving at you" she said and i sighed

"She doesn't know yet- i am planning on telling her" I said and she nodded

She linked her arm to mine and we walked down the stairs in perfect harmony

I swear sometimes my sister is helpful is scaring away the crazy mothers with daughters

We walked around the room, she hooked arms with Yaz next freeing me to go to Amyrah

I walked to her and grinned

"Hello Miss. Amyrah" i said and she turned to me

"As salaamu alaikum, Mr. Kayan" she said, not smiling at all

"Wa alaikum mus salaam. Thank you for your hardwork" i said, gesturing to the billboards all around the room

"You are most graciously welcome" she replied

"Shall we take a walk?" i asked her, gesturing to the outside garden

"I am sorry, Mr. Kayan. I am hoping to stay away from the light tonight" she said and i gave her a small smile

"Alright then, at least accompany me to meet some of the most influential people?" i asked her and she nodded anyway

We walked through the mass of people, to my family

The most influential people

"As salaam! Miss. Amyrah" said Yazdan smiling at Amyrah who replied and turned to me with a murderous glare

"Amyrah, I like that name!" grinned Kulthum from beside me and i held her hand back throwing her a glare

"Ah you must be Amyrah, the one Yaz told us about. I assume you are the hijabi CEO?" said ammi, smiling at Amyrah

Amyrah nodded and said her salaam to her

Abba grinned at her

"Whats your age dearest?" asked ammi and i immediately groaned internally

"Umm 26" she said and Ammi's eye lit up

"Yaz is also the same age, isn't he honey?" asked Ammi and abba nodded

I frowned

What were they planning?

"Where are you from Amyrah?" asked ammi and Amyrah tensed

Not visibly but out of the time i spent observing her, i knew she was

"Umm Fiji" she replied and my mother's eyes brightened

"And here i thought i would die before i meet any fellow people from the pacific! My mother-in-law is from Fiji! What are your parents names?" she asked her and soon the two were in casual conversation

I observed her as she answered to my mothers questions with perfect annonimity

"You have something you want me to know?" whispered my father from beside me

Oh hell

can this go any worse?

"Ummm no?" i made it sound like a question

He pushed my hand and i looked at him

he nodded towards the gardens and i sighed

i was not getting anywhere with this

We walked to the gardens and he stood before me like a proud father he is

"Whats the deal with you and that Amyrah girl?" He asked me

"Nothing" i replied honestly

"Listen son, if you don't say anything now, i am afraid it will be too late. Your mother will have her married to one of her sons and thats not going to be you" he said truthfully and i smiled at him

He knew me very well

he knew that i liked facts rather than useless opinions

"Okay" i replied

'Okay? Thats all you have to say?" he asked me and i nodded

"Alright then, lets go in. Tell her by today" he whispered before disappearing into the mass of people

my family

always meddling

but always having my back

no matter what

I walked towards Amyrah who was now talking to Kulthum

as if sensing my mood, Kulthum smiled at her, said something to her and walked away somewhere


she whirled to face me, her cheeks flushed

"Outside, important" i said and she sighed, rubbing her face before following me out

We walked to the car park with dim lights and she stood under on, glaring at me

"Why did you make me meet your family?" she was straight up on point

"Because its essential" i stated in same tone

"However so? I am just your client as you are mine!" she said in incredulously

"Well because firstly, i like you and secondly i wish to court you" i said in the most calmest voice i could muster

"WHAT?!" she shrieked and i smiled slightly

"Yes" i said

"No, i do not allow you to do so" she said

"Wait, hold up- I am not asking you. I am stating it" i said and she shook her head frantically

"No, No, no. I think you got the wrong girl, Mr. Kayan" she said smiling slightly and I smirked in return

Shoving my hands in my slacks pockets, I bent to her level so we were eye to eye

"I don't think so, Miss. CEO" I said and her eyes widened to size of saucers

"Wh-whatever do you mean?" She questioned me and I shrugged, moving to my full height

"Dont shrug me off, Mister!" She said haughtily and a smile made its way on my face

This is interesting...

"I am not. I said it. I wish to court you whether or not you say yes. Remember at the end, it's your choice" I said and she stood there staring at me incredulously

Did I sound so stupid?

I hope not

Slowly and hesitantly she spoke, her voice quivering

"No no, this is some joke. I know what will happen after this. Please leave" she said, almost to tears

this is the first time i have seen a lady cry after being told someone is courting her

and this is also the first time i am seeing this lady cry

"Miss. Amyrah-" i say but she held her hand up

"-No, go" she muttered

"I will drive you home" i said and she shook her head

"It was a statement!" i said and she sighed, getting up

We walked to my car in silence

I messaged Yaz on the way saying i have a sudden headache so i will be home and wrap up the party on my behalf to which he replied affirmative

"You alright?" i asked her as i drove out of the parking lot of the hotel

"Yes" she muttered, looking outside the window of the backseat of my car

she refused to sit infront

"You know when i said i would court you, i meant it" i said and she sighed

"Its no use. Don't" she said

"Why?" i questioned her, looking at her from the rearview mirror

"Because i don't have a heart to give anymore" she said, almost dejectedly

"Whoever has it, i am taking it back" i said with determination

I was determined

what i want, is what i want

no matter what

"No one has it. I don't have a heart!" she snapped at me and my eyes went up to her, only to realize the beauty was indeed crying

why she was crying was beyond what i knew

but she was no strong woman

she was a broken CEO

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