《FYATT & B. FR (Z.M.)》2.16
"Babydoll. Fuck Reality"
*Po trejų metų*
- Ačiū, Los Andžele! Jūs nuostabūs!
- Liam šūktelėjo į mikrofoną.
- Grįšime čia kitais metais! - pridūrė Louis.
Po to mes visi nusilenkėme klykiančių gerbėjų miniai ir patraukėme į užkulsius.
- Dar vienas koncertas, huh? - Harry alkūne bakstelėjo man į šoną.
- Yeah. - nusijuokiau.
- Einame užkąsti? - pasiūlė Niall.
- Ni, tu visad galvoji tik apie maistą. - sukrizeno Liam.
- Netiesa! - paprieštaravo.
- Žinoma, tu dar rūpiniesi Luna. - mirktelėjo Louis.
Nusišypsojau dėl mažyčio mūsų ginčo, kuris kaip visad baigiasi gerai.
Trys metai, atrodo tiek nedaug laiko, bet per jį tiek daug įvyko. Vaikinai ir aš tapome pasaulyje garsia grupe "One Direction". Na, taip lengviau neįkliūti farams. Taip, vis dar nepamiršau senų įpročių. Taigi, dabar visi kaip ir laimingi... Niall ir Luna, Harry ir Mia pagaliau susitaikė, Liam ir Dani, o Louis ir El net galvoja apie vestuves. Tiesa, iš grupės vienišiumi likau tik aš. Kodėl? Tai juokinga, bet Pezz išvyko, mat susirado naujų draugių ir manau, paliko mane ramybėje. Keista, kad ji išvyko kaip tik po to, kai išvyko ir Lexi. Kalbant apie ją... Negaliu nieko papasakoti. Trys metai be Lexi Brooks, kuri net nėra Brooks. Tie trys metai leido daug ką suprasti. Tai kvaila, bet dabar manau, kad Lexi buvo tik užgaida, nes nebejaučiu to geismo, kai apie ją galvoju. Tai tikrai kvaila.
- Ei, Z, kur skrajoji? - Harry nutraukė mano mintis.
- Um... Prisimenu senus laikus. - atsakiau atvirai.
H šyptelėjo.
- Eime, antraip Ni bus piktas visą dieną jei negaus maisto, juk pažįsti jį. - nusijuokė.
Linktelėjau ir mes patraukėme į lauką. Neapsiėjome be apsaugos. Geriau pagalvojus, net nuo kulkos nereikėjo tiek apsaugos, kiek nuo gerbėjų. Tai juokinga.
Sėdint jaukiame restorane, mūsų apsauga per daug jau ir nebesaugo. Mat čia aplinka kiek kitokia, labiau stebima kamerų.
- Ir kaip tau šovė į galvą nusipirkti viešbutį?! - Louis iš kažkur grįžęs, tėškė priešais mane laikraščius.
Oh... Kaip greitai sklinda gandai.
- Ar tai šitaip blogai? - klausiau paniuręs.
- Nagi, Tommo, nurimk. Juk kiekvienas galime padaryti kažką spontaniško ir neapgalvoto, tiesa?
- Liam klausiamai žvilgtelėjo į mane.
- Kas?! Aš to norėjau! - pratrūkau ir pakilau iš vietos.
H sugriebė mane už alkūnės ir pasodino atgal į kėdę. Piktai dėbtelėjau į jį.
- Rimtai, Louis, nematau tame nieko blogo. Aš Z pusėje. - Harry užstojo mane.
- Gerai, kas tai per viešbutis? - Louis piktai žiūrėjo į mane.
- "Atlantica" - sumurmėjau.
- Šitas?! - Tomlinson pašoko nuo kėdės. - Tu tikrai nesveikas!
- Dėl Dievo meilės! Mieliau jau būtum suvalgytas savo gerbėjų, nei ramiai sėdėtum čia, ar ne?! - vėl pakilau iš vietos.
- Koks skirtumas! Turėtum taupyti pinigus, o nešvaistyti į visas keturias puses! - Louis atrodė tuoj sprogs iš pykčio.
- Žinai ką? Eik švilpt! - atkirtau ir nužingsniavau į koridorių už restorano ribų.
Visada taip buvo ir bus. Louis niekada nepamirš, kad yra vyresnis. Visad galvoja, kad gali mums vadovauti. Dievaži, juk man jau 25! Aš nebe paauglys ar sumautas vaikas!
Tiesa, viešbučio pirkimas gal ir buvo kiek spontaniška mintis, bet taip tik padidinsiu galimybę prekybai. Taip taip, nepamirštu senų laikų.
Šiaip ar taip, nesigailėjau, kad nusipirkau "Atlantica". Jūs tik pažiūrėkit, kokie čia apartamentai ir privalumai! Viskas aukščiausios klasės!
Tačiau nepaisant viešbučio malonumų, vis dar buvau susierzinęs, todėl net nenutuokiau kur einu, pasiklioviau savo kojomis. Pakėlęs akis supratau, kad esu koridoriuje, kuris šakojosi į šešis takus link kambarių. Be to, koridoriaus gale buvo liftas.
Nuvijau visas piktas mintis šalin ir patraukiau link savo numerio. Tačiau iš už kampo išlindęs asmuo sutrukdė man eiti ir mes susidūrėme. Prieš akis šmėstelėjo šviesūs plaukai ir daugybė popierių. Mergina klyktelėjo ir ėmė rinkti popierius.
- Oi, ne ne ne... - tyliai murmėjo ji.
Papurčiau galvą ir pritūpiau jai padėti.
- Atsiprašau, aš kaltas, nepastebėjau tavęs. - švelniai tariau.
Ji staiga pakėlė akis į mane, o aš akimirkai, tarsi sustingau.
Negali būti...
- Lexi?
- Zayn?
Dungeon Core Chat Room.
This is a slower-paced "experiment and dungeon building" web novel that tries to use the idea of peer-to-peer communication with Dungeon Cores instead of Dungeon to slave monster communication to break up the detailed dungeon building. Rank 1 description: (minimum met for system initialization...detailed description as follows) Each race was given a system by the gods to make up for their shortcomings and balance their place in this world. Humans: Abysmally bad at understanding and using magic unable to use more than the lowest of magic were given the "Skill System" magic in the form of premade skills with use, study, and mastery tied to experience. Elves: Intuitively understand magic and have long lives leading to vast knowledge and skill in their chosen fields. However, as a species, they have nearly zero sex drive and less than low fertility, so they were gifted the "World Tree System" with experience gained through the care of natural areas – gifting the chance of children to increase their numbers without dirty copulation. All “natural” or “wild” monsters are given an "Evolution system" designed around killing and consuming as many creatures as possible, slowly increasing strength and, at thresholds, allowing mutations to alter them multiple times. Dungeon cores are different. Unlike humans, they can see, manipulate and live off mana. Unlike Elves, they naturally crystallize after extended periods of time in high mana level areas. However, they cannot easily move or communicate and typically go insane without companionship. As a species other than the odd eccentric they are unimaginative. Brute forcing solutions without the drive to truly innovate. Thus they have been gifted with the "Dungeon Connection System" a magical version of the internet accessible by their peers that allows them to barter and sell: bait, traps, monsters, and knowledge, as well as entertain each other with “adventure streams” using exciting recorded battles and humorous reels of arrogant chumps biting off more than they can chew to often fatal effects. This is the casual story of a dungeon unluckily spawned far from potential adventurers forced to innovate beyond its peers to find its place in this world. Rank 2 Description: Justification. I've been on a dungeon core kick for months and while I love the genre – it's sparse with entries. Often the forced conflict gets repetitive and frantic solving of threats "power levels" the protagonist to god levels to progress the plot – taking away the nice steady progression fantasy I'm looking for. (Progression in this story is linked to how strong of monsters/traps/whatever he can create not his "level"...this is demonstrated by some of his newer monsters beating his older monsters not with discrete "this monster has 10 attack this one has 40") Additionally, the focus on 3rd parties with their drama takes away from the reason I’m reading dungeon core novels in the first place – I'm looking for magical crafting, experimentation and kingdom building – not defence from higher and higher levelled enemies looking to steal/destroy/control the MC. This novel is kind of just me writing the story I wish I could read. I like thinking about the experimentation that can be done in fantasy settings using 'mana' as an excuse to make up rules and try to keep them internally consistent. IE once I define how a rule works, I'm going to commit to keeping it – no breaking hard truths I've given when it's convenient, even if it backs me into a corner. Hopefully, that should make the story interesting to read even if it's SOL and less action-oriented. There will be problems to solve and a clear progression in strength (of created monsters and knowledge) however due to not wanting to force conflict for the sake of conflict the general theme will be closer to slice of life with few action sequences and no overarching goal so please keep that in mind when picking this up as the genre is not for everyone. Finally, I have a clear goal of what I want from this story (not an endless romp but a series of arcs and then a conclusion that's a couple of dozen medium-sized chapters long) I want to commit to finishing it or at least bringing it to a point of rest. I hate all the engaging stories that stop with a “hiatus” indefinitely so in the event I lose motivation I'll work to end this even if the ending becomes rushed/unsatisfying just to give a sense of closure. I’m planning on including several polls in terms of direction and taking feedback heavily into account if I get enough readers (but may choose to ignore it if it deviates too far from the direction I want to take this as in feedback like: “The MC needs a cartoonishly evil arch-enemy that wants to enslave him and force the mc to pump out magic items” or “the MC needs to make a body and learn teleportation then live with humans” will get shot down without consideration.)
Summary: My name is Jin Ray or at least I thought that was my name for 17 years until I found out the truth about my past from a stranger. It turns out I am the prince of a kingdom and I am adopted, but that's not all. A power-hungry psychopath named Sano Ryougi wants to kill me to take over the kingdom. Now I must learn how to fight from that stranger in order to protect all my loved ones from this threat. PrologueEveryone has something they want to protect be a friend, a loved one, things that they obtained through sacrifice, like their fortune. So, what happens when someone tries to take the things they hold precious? The answer is simple, they fight to protect them. At this point, there are some questions that must be answered. How far are we willing to go to protect those things that we hold precious? Are there some lines that we should not cross, or the cause justifies the means? But it all comes down to this. Can we live without those things?
8 217Cutthroat
Four siblings, united through tragedy, wake in the Old World, a place filled magic and fantasy. In their quest to find each other and to locate a way back home, they will uncover a deep conspiracy. Here, in the Old World, their destiny lies. A world wrought with danger and destruction. They will fight for the New World and the Old, but they won’t stand alone. In the ancient war that history has forgotten, they will leave their eternal mark. They will stand, not as delusional youths, but as heroes. Through the annals of history, their legend will echo. A tale of unity through adversity. A tale of their struggle against the dark forces that aim to destroy. A struggle that will shape the future of Eorth and the people that inhabit it.
8 186Spore, Stories of Lords
She was once human, that is what she remember.Instinct tell her to kill and eat, savage and destroy.Reborn as the lowest of the tower of power she forsake her own species to climb up to the epitome of it.To become a Lord.Inspired by SporeHave really little elements of Re:Monster, like reincarnation, because you can't have a toadpole speak of chemicals and physics.
8 179Another World and I'm still rich?
This is the story about Colin Tyccus, a Pro-Gamer who also has an interest in the Otaku part of Japan... Colin Tyccus is a very rich person due to winning a lot of tournaments with high rewards. Now... He is transported to another world. How will he react to this world?
8 1492.4 | Knight In Distress ✓
When Darcy Evers rescues Miles Callaghan, she doesn't expect anything in return. But then Miles falls head over heels in love with her; debunking every theory she's ever had about boys and how quickly they fall in love.All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2014 by Noelle N.
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