《Stuck with the Male Lead》4 He had waited.


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I have decided to write the book henceforth in third person pov, that way it would be much more easier for me to express the thoughts of other characters.

Happy reading.

Daisy has been angry with Ethan after their last meeting. She did not understand why he was behaving this way. He should be ignoring the cannon fodder, but he is getting in fights with her.

May be the plot is trying to get back to original route, that is why they both are entangled so that when the female lead arrives, Daisy will be head over heels for Ethan and create trouble for Emmaa leading to Ethan's interference. Daisy thought.

Daisy was working on the file of project betweem Willams and Kings. The meeting to discuss the project was arranged that afternoon. Just the final touch ups , daisy thought.

" Ma'am , Mr.Williams and Mr.King are on their way to conference room" Keth, assistant who was personally selected by daisy informed her.

" Right away, Keth. Thank you" Daisy grabbed put on her coat which was hanging on chair. She was dressed in women business professional attire, black pants, black coat, white shirt, high heels and brown hair neatly arranged in neat low bun with baby hair outlining her perfect face.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen." Daisy greeted as took seat to left side of her dad, who was at the head of the table.

Daisy was aware of the stares she was getting from all the members present for meeting, she had became used to it by working in business world for years.

Many admired her in the meeting room, all the share holders were amazed by this young woman who in just few months had proved her potential. Not even many experienced CEO's could be able to beat her, she had taken all the good qualities of her father. The confidence and grace with which she carries herself had gained a lot of respect, they were sure that Williams & Co. has a great future with this young woman.

At the beginning they were skeptical about a girl being an heir to the company, but when they saw her, experienced her working capacity they were assured.

Elijah Williams was proud have such a daughter. She had proved to the people in the company that she can single handedly bring profit to the company, that she is no less than any males sitting in the meeting. He just wanted his daughter to continue to grow and live her life with all the good things she deserves.

Ethan was sitting to the right side of Elijah William, facing Daisy. He had noticed all the stares she was getting, he had noticed how much she has grown up to be a promising woman, its difficult to gain the respect and loyalty of all the people of comapany and it was much more difficult to be approved by all the share holders. She had gained all this in just a few months of working with these people.


He was sure that if Williams and Kings were not on good terms then Daisy Williams will be the biggest competition he will face. She for sure won't go down without a tough fight, even if she loose she will loose with making the opponent heavily damaged. And the damage won't be any worse than loosing. He had started to admore her.

There was something different or rather there was some change in her, he thought. The Daisy he knew was very willful, the Daisy he knew would never look at him like looking at a stranger, the Daisy he once knew will definitely not need to a subject to talk, she was too much talkative just like a shell an empty shell with lots of noice.

But the Daisy in front of him was complete opposite, she was quite dreadfully quite and unpredictable, like she was a box full of secrets, always surprising him. He had waited, waited for her for past half a year after the banquet to come to him like old times and pester him, to talk to him non -stop, to irritate him, to trouble him to lunch with her, to play with her. But that never happened, it was like she doesn't have him in her eyes at all, like he was complete stranger to her. He intrigued by her.

He wanted to know what caused her to change upto this extent? what has he done to recieve such treatment form her? Before going to UK she asked him to wait for her, even though he did not take her seriously at that time, this thing was in his heart all the time that she said him to wait for her. But she is one who forgot about him. He was not really expedent about her, but at one corner of his heart he felt that he was important to her, and that feeling felt good to him, even if he never accepted it.

He did not think much when he came to know that she has returned to America for almost a month but did not contact anyone, neither him nor her friends. But when he met her at banquet at his place, he felt like he missed her for almost 4 years. He would have forgot about her if he hadn't seen at the banquet.

When she entered in that black gown in banquet he had his eyes on her, from when she was talking to his mother ever so sweetly, when she was tip toeing to food section he had felt amused at it, when she was stopped from eating by Jenna she had made a cute face like she was being deprived from her living rights. It was very fresh feeling to him.

He felt angry when she was talking to all his friends but she did not ask about him, like she was not at all bothered by him not being there. When Ian called him, he was looking at her when she turned towards him, when she checked him out, when her brown eyes sparkeled and when they met his own blue ones they had dimmed its light. Like she was disappointed in herself or more like in him.


He was angry. He had walked towards her, stood in fornt of her, there was a fresh scent of perfume which was from her, he had liked it. He waited for her tell him that she had missed him for all these years when she was away, to hug him like how she did to others.

But she walked passed him to someone else and hugged him tightly, he felt suffocated. They way she laughed with Mason, he was jealous of him. He imagined himself being Mason. How he wished that she could hug and smile at him the way she did with that Mason.

He did not understand what he was feeling.

He thought she will come talk to him after some time, but she never did. For next six months he was waiting but she did not show up in front of him to talk to him. Whenever they met was when she was with his mom, talking and laughing with his mom, whenever she had looked at him she just gave him a polite nod, nothing less, nothing more. Like he was just a bystander in her life.

" Let's start a meeting shall we." Mr. Williams, ushered Daisy to start presenting.

" Brilliant, as expected from you Daisy" one of the share holder commented after Daisy ended her presenting.

" Thank you. Any questions or requests gentlemen" Daisy questioned looking at all the share holders and people from Kings & Co. who were present.

" I have a condition to be fulfilled Miss. Williams" Ethan injected looking straight at Daisy.

" Condition? What condition? Plese go ahead" Mr. Williams ushered Ethan to continue.

" All the meetings, ventures, meetings held at Kings & Co., pre project and post project works which need the CEO's to be present I want Miss Williams to be present at all of those. I want Miss. Williams to be at arms length whenever we need her to be. Any requests those are reasonable, it should be fulfilled by Miss. Williams" Ethan said observing the changes in Daisy, her face was calm but eh fire in her eyes was visible to naked eyes. He smirked at her.

" Mr. King, did you by any means, forget that I am not a project manager from you side? Why would I be there for meetings in Kings & Co., my responsibility only extends upto Williams & Co. I am not bound to take responsibilities at Kings & Co., are employees at Kings incompetent?" Daisy spitfired, to which the people from Williams agreed and from the side of Kings got bewildered by the unreasonable condition of their CEO.

They had always known their CEO to be an thoughtful person but this was the first time for them to see this side of their CEO.

" Gentlemen this is the only request Kings will put forth, the shares which were going to be divided into 50:50 ratio, will be divided into 40:60 for each Kings and Williams respectively. I am willing to give 10% extra shares to Williams for this request." Ethan negotiated with the shareholders of Williams.

The members of Williams & Co. were bewildered, such a big decision just for one person, this is unbelievable, they thought.

" Mr. King this..." the member of Kings & Co., exlaimed.

" Are you interested, Mr. Williams? " Ethan looked at Mr. Williams.

" Daisy, its your call. Whatever you decide will be accepted. We don't need extra shares if you are not interested." Mr. Williams asked his daughter with slight smile. Even though the offer was tempting, he was not willing to which his daughter may not approve.

Is this man out of his mind? What type of unreasonable request is this? And why is he so hell bent on having me at all the meetings?

Does he wants to take revenge for lashing out on him last time?

Daisy thought to herself.

Mean while all the eyes were on her, patiently waiting for her decision. All the members from Williams were ecstatic for her to agree.

The members from Kings were begging in their heart for her to not accept such an unreasonable request. They did not want to have less profit in their share.

" I agree. I will be there at every meeting regarding this project in Kings & Co." Daisy said, she was always ready for more profit. So what if she has to be for meetings, either way she had to check on the project if she were to be present at Kings for meetings then each and every detail about the project will be easy for her to gather.

" Okay then, I will send a drafted contract , with conditions mentioned tommorrow. Happy co-operation Daisy Williams." Ethan said keeping his eyes on daisy with a subtle smile on his face. It was more like a devil's smile.

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