《Something There》Chapter Thirty-Six


Jordan and I are linking arms as we walk up the steps of Bryce huge home, the blaring music audible even from outside.

Jasmine and Charlie are trailing behind us, awkwardly avoiding having a conversation alone with one another.

Since Charlie sort of confessed that they momentarily had something going on, I'm beginning to understand why they've both been acting so strange lately.

The moment we step inside, the already loud music just grows louder, and I cringe right away.

Most people have red solo cups in their hands and although it's only just after nine o'clock, tons of people are already evidently drunk. Teens are packed together and grinding on each other in the main living room, which is also where it seems the speakers are, currently blaring some annoying rap song.

"I'm going to go get a drink, come with," Jasmine says as she appears behind me, having to lean right into my ear so that I can hear her.

I'm about to nod, seeing as there's no way I want to be alone in this crowd of drunken kids, but I don't answer before I see Bryce come walking down the stairs.

Our eyes lock, and though it looked as if he was heading for the kitchen, he changes his route, heading straight for me, Jordan, Jasmine, and Charlie.

"Hey," he says when he reaches us, and I can't miss the way that his eyes linger on my body.

He looks me up and down once, and I find myself biting my lip under his stare, enjoying how entranced by me that he seems to be.

I know that he notices the necklace by the way he suddenly takes a step towards me, wrapping one of his arms protectively around my waist. He pulls my body a little closer to him, and when I look up at his face he gives me a small smile.

"You look absolutely stunning, Blossom," he tells me, and a shy smile grows on my face.

Charlie clears his throat and all four of us turn to him.

He looks thoroughly entertained by Bryce and I, but his attention shifts when Jasmine grabs Jordan's hand, dragging him away through the sea of bodies, headed in the direction of the kitchen.

My brother huffs at this, but he follows them, leaving Bryce and I alone.

"You do know that all these people are definitely going to ruin all your nice furniture, right?" I ask as we move out of the way to allow the door to open.

He gives me a funny smile, laughing a little at my question just as Camila walks into the house.

There's a girl who I've seen around school but can't match a name to walking with her, and Camila gives both of us a small wave, even leaning up to kiss Bryce on the cheek.

He does his best to give her a small smile in reply, but his fingertips are gripping my waist a little harshly now.

And I'm jealous. I'm really jealous that she has the confidence to just kiss him on the cheek, meanwhile I spent half an hour alone with him to build up that same confidence.

That kiss didn't even happen, thanks to Addison and Adriana who are now back in Alberta, but that doesn't mean that I'm not still a little mad about it.

"Hi, Cam," Bryce says quietly, and she frowns a little, bit, turning to look to me for a moment before responding with a simple, "Hey," then taking her friend's hand and heading for the living room.


"Where's your dad," I ask Bryce, who then turns to look up the stairs which he had just walked down.

He nods his head in the direction of the staircase, answering my question.

"He just let you throw a party then?" I continue to question, and he laughs, guiding me out of the foyer and down one of the hallways, leading towards the kitchen.

"Yes, he did," he responds as we enter the kitchen.

I see Jasmine sitting on the counter, Daniel standing in between her legs with his hands on her thighs. She saying something that seems to make him laugh, and Charlie is nowhere in sight, unsurprisingly.

"Blondie and Ryan are here too," Bryce tells me, pulling me away from the sight before me.

He then points in the direction of the back living room, where I see our friends, along with a few other kids from our school, including Camila, sitting on the couches, chairs, and some even sitting on the floor with their backs against the wall. Ryan is sitting with Jordan and my brother, and Mateo is off to the side, standing and talking to a girl from our English.

Bryce gives one of my hands a squeeze, making me look up towards him.

"Go sit with them. I'll be over in a second," he tells me, and I give him a nod, separating us for the first time since I had arrived here.

I take a seat on a somehow empty couch, drawing Mateo's attention away from the conversation he's currently immersed in.

He says a few more words to the girl before heading my way, a smile on his face.

"Hey Lexi. You look nice," he says, taking a seat next to me.

This part of the house is far quieter than the kitchen and main living room, and we're able to speak at a relatively normal volume and still able to here each other.

"Hi. How was your Christmas?" I ask him, and he laughs a little, taking a sip of the beer in his hand.

Interesting. He's drinking tonight. I know that he drinks sometimes, but not usually at parties.

Sighing, he answers, "Fine. My dad didn't bother coming home to visit. He usually does, so it was a bit weird, but I guess things are tense right now seeing as him and my mom's divorce just got finalized. It's just sad how he didn't bother to come visit his kids. He could have stayed in a hotel or something."

His words remind me that his family isn't doing great right now, and I rest my hand on his arm for comfort.

"Hey lovebirds!" Bryce says, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he sits down next to me.

He holds out a solo cup filled with some beverage as if he expects me to take it, but a realization strikes him when all I do is eye the drink suspiciously.

"It's just water, Blossom. What did you think I was trying to give you? Vodka?" he asks, and I give him a shake of my head, taking the cup from him.

"Thank you," I reply quietly, and he nods at me.

Suddenly aware that my hand is still on Mateo's arm, I quickly pull away, folding my hands in my lap instead.

Bryce notices and a smirk grows on his face, causing Mateo to glare at him.

"What's up with you guys? I don't get it," I ask, starting to let some of my frustration surrounding their weird relationship out.


"Yeah, Bryce. What's up with us?" Mateo asks in a mocking, condescending tone, and I watch as Bryce jaw clenches.

"Don't push it, DiLaurentis," Bryce snaps, and Mateo takes another sip of his beer.

I don't like being in the middle of this, seeing as something is clearly wrong.

Jasmine and Daniel come walking into the room, and they take a seat down on the couch next to Jordan. Jasmine drapes her legs across Daniel's lap, and I see my brother shift in his seat.

He looks as though he'd certainly like to beat Daniel up right about now, and it leaves me praying that no fights break out tonight.

"We should play a game," Jasmine suggests, and by the way her words are a little slurred, I can tell that she's already a little tipsy.

"That's an awful idea," Jordan snorts, and she kicks him, pulling her legs off of Daniel to do so.

My brother's shoulder relax a tad bit, and he takes another sip of his drink.

I can't wait to be the only sober one here in a few hours, and that'll probably leave me with no way to get home unless I want someone to drive drunk.

I should have thought this through before hand, but I'm not used to being in this situation so I didn't bother.

Darn it, past Lexi.

"What would you suggest we play, then?" Mateo asks, and I'm surprised to hear that he's excited about a party game. I never took him for the type.

"Seven minutes in heaven?" she suggests, and Ryan laughs.

"Seven minutes in heaven is fun for two people at a time, and boring for everybody else. We could probably do something else," Camila adds to the conversation, and she seems to be watching Bryce, as if she's waiting for a response from him.

He's staring blankly out the back window though, and when he takes another drink from his cup, I'm compelled to ask him something.

"What are you drinking?" I question, and he tips his cup towards me so that I can see what's inside.

The liquid is completely clear, and when I look up to his eyes he has a twinkle there.

"Straight vodka, obviously," he answers, setting the cup down on the table in front of us.

He then continues saying, "Kidding. It's water too. I don't know how many times I have to tell you that I don't usually social drink until you get it. My dad was practically an alcoholic for a few years, so I prefer to stray away from alcohol."

A little embarrassed, I nod at him.

"Yep. Right," I say, and Bryce chuckles, resting his hand on my knee.

"Fine, then what about truth or dare?" Jasmine asks, and there's a collective groan from quite a few people in the room.

"We always play truth or dare," Jordan points out, and Jasmine raises her middle finger up to him.

"Well, J, unless you have a better idea, I recommend you shut the hell up," she retorts, and he throws his hands up in the air in surrender.

I'm waiting for him to fight her on the nickname once again, but it doesn't happen, neither of them saying anything more to each other.

Jasmine, now satisfied with everyone's response to her idea, sets her cup down on the table and clasps her hands together.

"Great! So, Bryce, truth or dare?" she then asks, and Bryce tilts his head to the side, just enough to look at her.

"Did I ever agree to play?" he asks her, and she narrows her eyes at him.

"Did I ever give you the option? Now pick," she counters, and Daniel let's out a low whistle, giving her a high five.

Bryce isn't at all hindered by this, and he sits up in his seat.

"Is there something you'd like to know, Jazz? Because you could have just asked. I'm generally pretty honest. You didn't really have to make everyone play a game to get an answer out of me," Bryce laughs, and Jasmine does the same.

Smiling at him, she answers, "No. Go ahead and pick dare. That may be more fun."

And then it all goes downhill.

"Could you repeat what you just said Bryce? Because if I recall correctly, you just described yourself as 'honest', did you not? I don't buy it, considering how much you love to hide things from people," Mateo decides to jump in, and I spin around to look at him.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, concern growing within me.

Mateo's eyes are dark as he stares at me, but I quickly find him looking past me towards Bryce.

He laughs. A mean sounding laugh.

Then, in a brooding tone, he says, "Huh. I don't know. What could I possibly be talking about? Do you know, Bryce? Because I do gotta say; I think I'm just as confused as Lexi is!"

Bryce is avoiding eye contact, staring down at where his feet hit the floor.

He looks like he's resisting the urge to get up from his seat and walk away, and his hand on my knee if holding on a little firmer now, as if he's scared of what will happen if he lets go.

"Bryce? What's he talking about?" I question, worry now evident in my tone.

His eyes meet mine and he's regarding me with a look of regret, as if he's done something wrong and now wants to cover it up.

"Am I missing something here? Why does Punkass look like he's ready to murder Matt?" Jordan chimes in, probably at the worst possible time.

Charlie nudges him in the arm as if to tell him to shut up, and Jordan listens to him, but in glancing in his direction I've noticed that everyone in the room is watching the three of us now.

"Blossom, I'm sorry, and if you promise to let me speak without yelling at me, I'll tell you what happened. Can you maybe just come with me outside or something and we can chat?" Bryce asks, and he's speaking quickly now as if he's worried about something going wrong.

"What are you talking about?" I ask once again, and Bryce closes his eyes for a few seconds as if to gather his thoughts.

I place my hand over his on my knee, and just as he looks up at me, Mateo jumps in again.

He stands up from his seat, his fists balled up at his sides.

"You've got yourself a real piece of work here, Blossom," he spits, and I look up to him.

"Don't call me that," I say, as calmly as possible.

Mateo rolls his eyes. "Whatever. Now how about you tell her, Bryce. In front of everyone. You might as well just get it over with," he hisses, and just like that, Bryce stands up from his seat as well.

I feel obligated to wedge myself between them, and so I stand up too.

I reach behind me for Bryce's hand and he lets me hold it, pulling me backwards away from Mateo.

I turn around to look up at him, and he's staring down at me with a look in his eyes that I can't seem to place.

"I didn't have bad intentions, Blossom. I was jealous, all right? I can admit that now, but I couldn't then. That's the only reason that I did any of this," Bryce starts, and I have to blink twice to even begin to understand any of what he's saying.

Jealous? Of what? Or, better question, of who? What could he possibly be jealous of?

"What did you do?" I ask for the final time, really trying my best to remain calm.

I take a step closer towards Bryce so that our bodies are almost touching, but I'm distracted by Mateo's sudden outburst of laughter from behind me.

I spin around and Bryce looks up, both of us now watching Mateo carefully as he takes another sip of his beer.

Everyone in the room seems to be waiting for him to actually say something, but he doesn't, waving to us to continue.

"Oh, please don't mind me. I'm actually quite enjoying the show," he smiles, and I look back to Bryce.

This is a sick game of back and forth, and they're both hiding something from me, I just know it. It's immature and ridiculous and I don't appreciate them treating me like a child and ignoring all my questions.

"Don't get mad, but I may have asked Mateo to stay away from you, just as we got to know each other. I envied how much attention you seemed to pay him, and I really wanted to get to know you better after not seeing you for so long. I missed you a lot when I was in Florida, and I didn't mean to hurt you. Please don't hate me," he pleas.

I pull my hand away from his.

"You asked me to stay away from her? You practically blackmailed me! Going off about how you could convince her that I wasn't any good for her. And it seems like you did that anyways, no? You're more manipulative than you realize, it seems. Not to mention that you and your whiny father keep interfering with my family. Is your own family so torn up that they have to go ruin someone else's?" Mateo cuts in, and every word that I hear is now echoing in my head.

"Bryce? Are you serious?" I ask, but my voice comes out more like a whimper.

I'm mad that he felt like he was in a position to dictate who I get involved with romantically.

I'm mad that he played games with one of my close friends like that.

I'm mad that he would go behind my back and do something so childish.

When I turn back to him, it feels as though we're the only two people in the room, and just seeing his face is almost enough to make me forgive everything.


"I wouldn't joke with you if I knew it would upset you like this would. I'm sorry. I really am," Bryce tells me, and I shake my head at him.

I don't want to listen to any of the crap he has to say.

"Incredible, really! Great acting, Bryce. I really am proud of you! Maybe you can come to Juilliard with me now! And it's funny that all this time, I thought you might actually feel something for me! But nope. Not at all. You're just an actual child who played with a girl's feeling because he had some petty drama with a guy that she likes. You ruined my only chance at a relationship," I exclaim as sarcastically as possible.

"You like him? Really, Blossom? You could do so much better!" Bryce tells me, his eyes blazing, shifting to the brightest amber colour I've ever seen.

I gape at him, fighting the urge to slap him in the face. "That's all you caught from any of what I just said?" I ask, surprised at how much of an idiot he's being right now.

Perhaps the child prodigy finally lost his shine.

"Know what? How about I just leave? You clearly aren't ready to have a mature conversation right no—" Bryce starts, but I quickly cut him off.

"Save it, Bradshaw. I don't give a fuck. Why didn't you consider making mature decisions?" I ask him, and it finally strikes a nerve, because just like that, he storms out of the room and down the hallway.

Camila leaps up from her seat, hurrying after Bryce.

It's sweet of her to always come to his rescue, but right now he deserves to be alone with his thoughts. Maybe he can figure himself out if people would just leave him alone rather than helping him for once.

I turn back to Mateo, fighting back the angry tears in my eyes.

It's not exactly what Bryce did that annoys, me but rather what it means. For us.

He sits down and I do the same, and when he reaches for my hand I let him take it.

"Why didn't you talk to me, Matt? It's not fair that he was trying to hold me against you, and I would've told him off," I tell Mateo, and he looks at me with sad eyes.

"I'm sorry Lexi. I really am. I just know that you really like the guy, and I didn't want to hurt your relationship with him," Mateo tells me, and I smile at him, giving his hand a squeeze.

"Thank you. Matt," I respond to him, and he nods.

Just like that, a thought strikes me, causing me to turn back to our friends who are all staring at us with wide eyes, some even with their mouthes gaping open.

"You know what? I think I need a drink," I say, desperate to clear my mind, and alcohol seems like the only way to do that right now.

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