《the wolf pack and the fangs gang》four


"Dusty are you okay?" A yell with banging against the young girls door could have woke a sleeping bear. The young girl was on the floor strained out feeling complete pain running threw her body. She had known for a while who her mate was infact she had known since she had turned for the first time. Dustin however had quite a way for giving slight hints to Jaden with no real sucesses. But in this moment Dusty knew something was wrong with her little mate. A few hours later dustin slowly became dressed and had taken in a breath staring in the mirror at her self. Her light tanned cream skin seemed to of set her freckles that she had along with her thin framed glasses she wore that made her blue eyes seem twice as big. "Are you alright dustin?" her alpha asked as Dusty walked down stairs noticing that they had been sitting by the stairs with a book in his hand as he gave a once over at his pack member noticing she was a bit over dressed for her normal. " finally talking to jaden? " he asked giving a slightly eyebrow raised as she gave a slight mod grabbing her keys darting out of the pack house with a look of determination on her mind.

Jaden pov.

I was laying down feeling very faint as I curled more into my pillow thinking. That's when I noticed a light tape on my door making my head slightly tilt up. That's when I noticed Body seemed to lightly become awake as I looked over at dustin as she seemed to give a bright smile to me as she slowly walked into my room making feel different. " hey there" I said feeling my voice become a slight rougher than I had attended for it to be. " we need to talk" dustin said I believe as she seemed to fill the space between us making it for a moment hard to breath as she slowly sat onto the bed beside were i had sat up staring into her light blue eyes That for a moment seemed to make the world go on a endless loop as I could smell the sent of earth and rose petals slowly fill up my room making my breaths become much longer as I started deeper into her eyes i could see her lips move but I didn't hear the words coming out all I heard was my wolf bowling mate on a broken record as I felt a million firefly flutter across my hand as I felt her hand brush against mine.


The world seemed to stay like this for a long time but it had to be at least twenty minutes of the two of us just sitting in my post punk bedroom with my lip unhinged at this point a light amount of drool seemed to be pulling down my lip as I slowly came out of her witch light trance " so what I'm trying to say is well we're mate's and it's been really hard to know for so long and keep my mouth shut i didn't even say anything when you dated Lilly that alone toke spot of willpower" I heard dustin say still having the bright smile across her face as she seemed to slightly squeeze hand setting of the odd firefly feeling against my hands with a flushed face splattering against my cheek.

Meanwhile Corrys pov.

After that meeting with my baby I started to get hungry as I felt my self starving my self due to worrieing about her. " you need to eat." Sam says walking beside me as I keep walking far away from the pack land and more important that my baby it hurt more as I looked back thinking to our convo. "Look I'll eat when I want" I say lightly as I keep walking " you need to eat now." He sighs saying as we start to head tord a small house looking around " what are you planning" I say growling lightly " your going to eat rather you want to or not. You don't want your 'baby' worried about you" he growl pushing me tord the house " fine " I say growling a little

Back at Jaden's room Dusty's pov

Looking over Jaden's eyes I can tell she seemed to feel the same way I did if not even more her hand softly squeezing mine as my smile grew wider. "Really" was all she said her voice seemed to brake alittle as she looked into my eyes her mouth was gaped opean before I softly moved my hand lightly tapping it shut. "I wanted you to know because I couldn't handle that dam blood sucker flirting with what's mine" my voice seemed to become Abit deeper and letting out alsight growl feeling the jellusy fueling me and my wolf as I could see Jaden slightly whimper which wasn't something I'd expect from her as she responded by pulling me into a hug making me smile quite widely a soft hum coming from my inner voice 'mate' as she seemed to cuddle closer alowing me to pet her hair till she fell asleep as I relaxed Jaden's head resting against my shoulder curled into my body as I closed my eyes alowing my to relax 'dusty your needed at the pack house. Now' I heard my alpha say as I whined hugging the sleeping Jaden before softly laying her back into the bed as I head downstairs and towards the pack house.


Jaden's pov

It was the late at night when I woke up letting out a whine missing the warmth of dusty only to hear soft breathung as I looked up only to see Cory standing over my bed. She was covered in blood and her eyes were a dark crimson red as in an instant she pinned me to the bed "I told you." She growled pressing her nails slightly into my wrist as my inner wolf made me growl not liking Cory in the lightest. "your mine puppy." She said said Leaning down whispering in my ear.as much as my wolf wanted me to fight I just couldn't something about Cory made me want to listen to her to be what she asked me to be. "Now be a good puppy and stop avoiding me" she said in a stern almost commanding voice that confused both me and my wolf. "drop dead" my wolf made me growl out as Cory seemed to growl lifting my body up only to slam me back down into the bed hard as the frame broke a piece stabbing into my side as I let out a whimper in pain. That's what seemed to knock Cory out of what ever state she was in as she looked down noticing the now peice of wood sticking threw apart of my side just enough to be pericing. She pushed her self back off the bed looking in horror "ii I didn't mean to" I whimpered more feeling pure pain as everything faded to black. I woke up early the next morning unsure what all had happened but my side had been wrapped along with what seemed to be hickys adoring my neck and shoulder. No sought it had to have been Cory I thought with a sigh as I slowly pushed my self up feeling the pain having to push past it "yo boss are you okay we heard a scream and" buffy was cut short as he saw me shirtless the now noticably improvised wrap that was soked in blood as he growled at the smell "when did you let a " he started only to be cut off by yelling down stairs. "I'll be right back" he said before leaving me to my self as I slowly started to unwrapp it checking the damage it didn't look good in the slightest as I unpacked it to see just how deep it was "hey alpha your " buffy opeaned the door as dusty busted in only to see me unngozing my wound along with the hickeys adoring about my body "buffy shut the door please" dusty said walking as he closed the door. "Who did all of that"she asked I could hear her voice slowly becoming possive but in a cute way not even noticing the gapping wound that seemed to still be bleeding as I tryed to push my self off the broken bed "I had an unexpected vister that wasn't happy" I mumbled falling back as in an instant I was in Dusty's arms bridle style with her now noticing the problem at hand. "Who did this?" She asked her voice boiling over with anger as she walked out of my room carrying me down to the bathroom as she sat me in the tub before leaving retiring with a first aid kit I could hear her talking to someone "she needs to switch rooms today I don't care how she just dose" she said before coming into sight bending over the tub as she first started to clean around the wound making me gritt my teeth holding in a howl of pain. "Why didn't you fight back" she asked before pulling out what looked to be few items as she started to patch up the whole with outwanring as I bit down on my arms holding in a scream. "My family's house was attacked last night. No surivers it was by two blood suckers. And here you are drenched in blood and smelling like you've sexed one and it went too far" she said her voice braking her hands shaking and I saw tears falling from her face."I I didn't do anything with anyone someone tryed to make me submit and they ended up braking the bed that's all I remaber before passing out" I said wincing more as she finished pulling me up slowly as she started wrapping an ace bandage around my side. I wasn't sure if she believed me or not but I did know she wasn't happy still as she lifted me up carrying towards one of the guest rooms laying down with me in her arms as I passed back out falling complete asleep

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