《Please don't leave me. ."Yandere Emperor X Fem reader"》》Chapter 7 《


-Art not owned by me-

"Mason..~" [Y/N] then mumble to herself as she was sleeping..

Mason then walked into the guest room to wake [Y/N] up til Mason hears [Y/N] saying his name as she was asleep.

Mason quickly stayed quiet to see what [Y/N] was gonna say next, Til.."Mason.. you Idiot! That the wrong teddy bear!"

Mason then had a tear behind his head when he heard those words😓, Tho he preceded to wake [Y/N] up by shake her lightly.

I felt someone shaking me lightly.. as if they wanted me to wake up, I then open one of my eye's to see who it was.

"Mason..? Why did you wake me up so early..?" I said alittle confused but wanted to sleep alittle more.

"Don't you remember? Christmas break is over so we basically have school still sooo that means no more sleeping in sleepyhead." Mason said in a bad mood.

"Oh yeah! I forgot.. Hah.. But still school starts in 3 hours tho so what was the real reason." I said as I looked up at mason.

Mason then pulled me up out of bed and close into his arms, "Simple." Mason then look into [Y/N] eyes,"I want to take you out for breakfast, Downtown At the Squidcake Factory." Mason eyes then drifted from [Y/N] eyes to the window.

"M-Mason?!?!.." I then start to blush [I/C].

Mason then looked back at [Y/N] to see that she was flustered, Then noticed why and lets go of [Y/N] and turns away, "I'm so sorry, I didn't even know you sleep in your undergrads!!" Mason said.

"Just get out Mason!!" I said pushing mason out the guest room embarrassed.

[Few minutes later brought to you by Mason flustered face 😎]


As [Y/N] And Mason finally arrived at the squidcake factory, there then was a lot of people crowding the service table.

Fangirls nosies everywhere

Just crowding that one person

Which was..

The one and only...


My crush.

[Y/N] PoV

"Wait.. Emperor here as well?!?" I said a little to loud.

Everyone then shut up and made way for Emperor as they all looked at me.

"[Y/N], What a coincident! What are you doing here this early?" Emperor said with a warm smile.

All the fangirls then start to get excited when he smiled but, went back to death staring me.

"Oh, well mason.. Wanted to take me somewhere to get breakfast before school starts." I then pointed at mason then some fangirls started simping over him.

"Oh, mason you mention him before. Dating right?" Emperor said looking at mason.

"Yeah, we are--" you then was interrupted by mason.

"[Y/N], I'm gonna go wash up but, when I get back were ordering and leaving." Mason said as he walked away.

"What was all that about.?" Emperor said confused.

"I don't know actually..?" I said worried.

"Hey, I wanted to know if you can stay a little longer and eat breakfast with me." Emperor said smirking.

"But Mason..?--" I then was interrupted.

"I'll go talk to him, and maybe he'll change his mind." Emperor then walked off leaving me with his fangirls

"Shit.." I said with a tear behind my head.

"What does [Y/N] even see in that guy?!" I then said as I punch the wall then hear the bathroom door opening.

"Mason, Lets have a chat." Emperor said smirking.

Mason then walked out of the bathroom and passed me.

"Mason? Where are you going?" [Y/N] said grabbing his hand and trying to stop him from leaving.


"Let me go damnit." I said pissed.

Emperor walked out the bathroom as [Y/N] let go of my hand, I then walked out leaving [Y/N] behind.

"What did you guy's talk about..?" [Y/N] said worried.

"Oh.. We did talk but, something came up." Emperor said looking away.

"What came up.?" [Y/N] said worried.

"More like a important phone call." Emperor said hiding his smirk.

A/N- Hey guy's asahi-bear here! And i wanted to say is sorry for not uploading in a while I been a little busy with friends and family MLK birthday was when I got my first dog But now he in a better place RIP little coco..❤ But I hope you enjoy this short little chapter next one will be long i promise! Bai and love you all!

Words: 759❤

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