《Chasing Rainbows//Myungjin》the beginning


"yah! myungjun! get your ass down here! we'll be late!!" my longtime friend, and practically brother, dongmin yelled.

he's pissed that i still don't know what to wear for my first day of freshman year because it'll make him late and he just wants to see his boyfriend, moonboo or some crap like that. i've met him before but i just can't seem to remember his name. i'm pretty bad with names actually.

"i'm coming, hold your horses!" tsk pesky kid.


we finally arrived at school, and with 10 minutes to spare. and this kid was in such a rush!

he started running to a brown-haired who i recognized as binmoon.

"binnie! i've missed you!" aish, this kid. they saw each other just yesterday.

"hey, myungjun! nice to see you again!" moonbo said to me.

"nice to see you, too, binmon," i replied.

"myungie, his name is moonbin." dongmin told me, informatively.

"whatever. i'll just forget it again later." i said back.

{after school got out}

"hey, i'd like you to meet my friends minhyuk and sanha," bin exclaimed.

"hi, nice to meet you! i'm sanha! you seem cool! what's your name?" the santa kid asked.

"i'm myungjun. nice to meet you, too, i guess," i hesitantly smiled at him.

suddenly, someone behind us yelled at minslut. "yah, minhyuk! i thought you were gonna practice, not hang with your bestie and your boyfriend!"

his voice seemed...soothing.

i looked back and saw a guy about my age. he had a beautiful smile and caramel hair. i think i've seen him in some of my classes today. something about him gives me butterflies.

"who's this? since when did you hang out with more than two people?" the boy wondered.


"ah! this is bin's boyfriend, dongmin, and his friend myungjun," minfuck explained. "guys, this is my friend, jinwoo."

jinwoo. that's a nice name.

"hi! nice to meet ya," the boy, jinwoo, said while smiling a gorgeous smile. "myungjun, eh? you're in a few of my classes, i think. i like your name."

"a-ah, yes, i remember seeing you, too, jinwoo," i stuttered. i felt my cheeks get warm. am i blushing??

"woah. holy shit. you just remembered his name!" dongmin yelled.

"why wouldn't he? i just told him my name, didn't i?"

jinwoo questioned.

"watch this. myungjun, what's his name?" dongmin asked while pointing to minhunk.

"uuuhhhhh. mintuck?" i asked.

"he's absolutely terrible with names. the only reason he remembers mine is because i live with him," dongmin told jinwoo.

jinwoo laughed the most beautiful laugh and smiled at me. i felt a blush creep up on my cheeks. crap, i should not be feeling this way about someone i just met...let alone another guy!!

"that's cute. i've never met someone who was that bad at names, but hey, at least you remembered mine!" jinwoo chuckled and looked at me with such caring eyes.

no! i'm not doing this.

"you know what? i think i'm gonna go now...uhhh, nice to meet you, samhe, minsuck, and jinwoo," i scrambled to say. i just dashed off in some direction, figuring out it was the park. good. i could get away from everyone.

at the park i saw lots of children playing. they looked about 4-7 years old. they were all so adorable! i love children. they are the few humans i can always remember names of. the only reason i always remember their names is because they introduce themselves in the cutest way possible. i saw one child sitting alone, coloring. i decided to walk up to him.


"hi there! my name is myungjun. what's your name, little one?" i asked.

"my name is lee chan and my momma says i shouldn't talk to strangers," he replied boldly.

{yes this is seventeen's dino. i thought he'd be a cute cameo}

"well your momma is a very smart woman-"

"my momma is a guy. he just looks like a girl, but daddy still loves him," he replied matter-of-factly.

ah, so he has two dads. that's cool, i guess.

"lee chan, get over here! what did i tell you about bothering strangers?" a voice yelled.

"sorry, momma. this guy seems pretty nice though!" he responded.

suddenly i see who his parents must be. a man with black hair was walking towards us holding hands with another man with long, feminine hair.

"i'm so sorry about our son. he gets carried away sometimes," the long-haired one said.

'no, no. it's quite alright! he's a cute kid. i love talking to children," i smiled while saying.

"that's good, then. nice to meet you. my name's jeonghan and this is my husband, seungcheol," jeonghan introduced, and then stuck his hand out for me to shake.

i shook and hand and introduced myself. "my name is myungjun. nice to meet you, too. cute kid."

"thanks. chan, come on, we have to leave now." jeonglong told his son.

"ok! bye, myungjun! it was nice to meet you!" and with that, chan got up and gave me a big smile before giving me a hug, and just like that, he had to leave.

"you're pretty cute with kids, you know that?" a voice said behind me. i recognized as one that belonged to jinwoo. i turned to see him smirking at me.

"yeah, kids are my favorite kind of people. i find them adorable to be around, and make instant friends with them easily," i replied while giggling.

"that's cute. so i'll see you at school tomorrow then?" jinwoo asked.

i hesitated and answered, "yes. definitely."

i could already tell this was going to be an interesting school year.

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