《In Debt (MyungJin) [EDITING]》(KMJ△)


Third Person's POV

JinJin woke up, he glance at his surroundings, memories of yesterday came flashing on him and he felt his cheeks burning

They did it...and he likes it, he let MJ do what he wants

'What does that mean? do..I fully love him now?' JinJin questioned himself, he twisted his body towards MJ and he had a full view of MJ's calm face while sleeping, he's having a hard time to move though, MJ's arm was wrapped around him as he was pulled closer when MJ suddenly pulled him close

"Staring is rude you know..." MJ murmured and JinJin's eyes went big as he instantly averted his gaze and MJ just chuckled at his cuteness

"A..ahmm could..can you let go of m-me?" JinJin struggled to let out some words as MJ laughed and unwrapped his arm around the latter's waist and JinJin immediately sat up

"Ah!" JinJin moaned from the pain coming from his back

"You sure you can walk? I will carry you to the bathroom if you want~~" MJ teased him and JinJin just glared at him

"I can do it by myself!" JinJin said as he picked up his clothes-oh his shirt was ripped though but it's okay, as long as he can go to his destination then he will be fine

MJ observe his lover and just chuckled, just now, he felt very happy, he didn't in know what magical happened yesterday but he is happy, he can say JinJin is his now, staring at the ceiling, he smiled widely

"Hmm...what to do?" MJ want to spend the entire day with JinJin, he is not sure but he can feel like JinJin is falling for him and that was what he wants


Dongmin was currently strolling around inside his office with Bin,

"Hyung, do you think Myungie hyung and Woonie hyung reconcile now? others wants to know also" Bin ask as he stood beside his boyfriend

Dongmin gazed at him and smiled "I hope so Binnie..."

Just then, they were startled as they caught a glimpse of some people on the lobby, their office was in the lpbby so they can see whoever will enter the building

"Hyung, isn't it Woonie hyung bestfriends?"

"Hmm..but what are they doing here?"

They decided to went outside and see for it themselves, as they went nearer, Jimin notice them

"Hey there you are! this guard here pisses me off! he doesn't let us in!" Jimin shouted as he glared at the guard

Dongmin and Bin exchanges glances as a soft chuckle escaped from Bin

"Yah! you two! let us in!!" Jimin shouted again and Dongmin signalled the guard to let them in


"Ah.. what brings you here? didn't you have school and work?" Dongmin said as he eyed his three guests, one by one

"....and ahmmm Jimin-ssi-" Jimin glared at Bin as he cut him off

"I prefer you calling me Jimin hyung, we're supposed to be friends now right? you are JinJin's childhood friends and we are also his friends so..that was it"

"Jimin hyung is right! and we don't have classes now, a month to go and we're ready to leave school, and we don't have work today since our lovely Seokjinnie hyung is preparing for his wedding" Yugyeom said


"Myungie hyung's brother?"


"So mind telling me now what brings you here?" Dongmin interrupted their little talk as Jimin landed his gaze at him

"We want to hear the story of JinJin and MJ"

"Doesn't it be better if you would ask either of them?"

"No, they will definitely refuse, JinJin just regained his memory while MJ is the person I really hate the most"

"Jimin hyung-"

"I hate you too, Park Jimin" startled by the voice, they all turned their heads at the door and waa greeted by MJ, smiling like an idiot

Jimin stood up "You!-"

"Myungjun hyung, is everything alright now?"

MJ just nodded as he smiles "JinJin returned home yesterday, and I think I kinda settle things with him, though he might still be confused about his feelings but I decided to give him space to think about stuffs"

"So how did you two talk yesterday?"

"That...well, let's just say..things get heated after.. confronting" Yugyeom had his eyes bigger as he fully understand what MJ just said, actually he is not the only one, all of them except Youngjae

"How dare you took JinJin's innocence, you bastard!!" Jimin said, actually just wants to fight with MJ but MJ just shrugged and innocently looking at the others


JinJin went to the Cafe even though he is limping, he doesn't really understand what is so pleasurable on destroying your insides..?

As he was about to grip the door to push it open, he noticed no one is inside the Cafe

"Where are they?" he asked to himself as he picked his phone up to call one of his friends when a sudden hug stopped him from doing so

"JinJin ah! why are you here?" JinJin heard a cheerful voice from behind and he turned around just to see Jeongguk and Hoseok, Hoseok still clinging into him

"You don't have work today according to Jin hyung, you know how is he preparing for his wedding right?" Jeongguk said

'Oh yes, he's right, Jin hyung's wedding slipped off my mind because of what happened yesterday'

"Oh what is this? a hick-" knowing what was Hoseok has to say, JinJin immediately get away from Hoseok, who earlier was examining his neck

He immediately covered it and he has no idea how flustered he is

"Oh..someone get laid yesterday, so envious" Jeongguk said as he smirk

JinJin lowered his head as he felt his cheeks burning from the teasing

"Yah! Jeongguk! don't tease him okay! hey JinJin ah, why don't you just come with us? we heard, a new pub is now open somewhere around here" Hoseok said as he smiled at JinJin

JinJin eyed the two carefully,

"But ahmmm....you guys are Jin hyung friends right? so..it will be the best if you will help him to prepare for his biggest day?"

"Ouch, it's sounded like you don't want to be with us, do we look like some bad people to you?"

"N-no! of course not! but it's just that-"

"Yah! enough of that chitchats, let's just go" Jeongguk said as he tugged Hoseok with him while Hoseok dragging JinJin along too


And JinJin could just heaved a long sigh


Minhyuk was currently in his unit, as he tosses around his bed, he suddenly remember that he wants his brothers to meet Sanha, and this was the day

He doesn't heard about his brothers recently but one call away and he will be updated

Still, he worried about his JinJin hyung though, he is sure that his brother was going on something through and he doesn't know what it is, but he is sure it involves MJ

As he jumped off his bed, Minhyuk went to the kitchen to make himself a food, and then his phone rang

And who else would call him now but his boyfriend

"Sanha-yah~~" He sweetly called as the other chuckled

"[Oh my gosh! it doesn't suit you, Rocky hyung!]" Sanha said through the other line, still laughing

Minhyuk pouted from embarassment "Yah! wouldn't you just be thankful that I am like this to you? tss.."

"[Haha, still grumpy as ever, oh well thank God, I have such an overly sweet boyfriend!]"

Minhyuk just glared at the stove "I swear you, little-" Sanha just laughed as a response

"But in all seriousness, I want you to meet my brothers, Sanha, I want them to know about you and introduce you as my boyfriend as well, are you okay with that? jagi?" Minhyuk said as he waited for Sanha to agree but he was welcomed with a long silence

On the other hand, Sanha was debating with himself, he also want to introduce Minhyuk to his mother

Minhyuk just sighed "Sanha, it's okay, I know it's not a better idea but I will wait when will you like to-"

"[No! I mean, I want to meet your brothers, Minhyukkie hyung, but I also want you to meet my mother-]"

"I am glad to, Sanha, then it settled, come here tonight and I will introduce you to my brothers"

"[Okay, I will, ahmm, so it's a bye? bye, jagi! see you later, I love you!"]

"I love you too, I'll fetch you, bye" Minhyuk said as he hung up and he smiled widely as he sent a video message to Sanha, saying, I know you want to see me now

And that makes him chuckle to himself


Jinyoung was currently learning to mix drinks and hopefully he could do one his own version of drink

"You just need patience, Jinyoung ah, don't worry" He heard his manager, Lee Jaehwan said to him and Jinyoung just nodded

Just then they heard a loud bickering coming in on their pub and Jinyoung could feel that this kids will be troublesome

The door went open and they are welcomed by a sight of two bickering friends...well more like couple coming inside but as Jinyoung's gaze falls to the person behind them, his eyes got widen

"Jinwoo? Jinwoo!!"

JinJin turned his head at the mention of his name and he was surprised to see hi brother, emerging from the pub's counter, wearing a uniform and coming towards him


Jinyoung drag his brother along with him to.the nearest table and they sat there, while the others stare at them, Jaehwan just sighed and went to.the counter as he signalled for Hoseok and Jeongguk to get what they want

"So why are you open under the broad daylight, I know pubs usually open at night?" Jeongguk ask curiously

"Well, Wonshikkie wants to open 24 hrs., now I answered your question so please just order" Jaehwan said as he smiled

On the other hand, the brothers on the side was still talking

"Did you already talk with Myungjun? Jinwoo-ah?" JinJin nodded as an answer

"Well, how did it goes?"

"W..we..we.." JinJin thinks he couldn't continue anymore as the memories of yesterday flooded his mind, he begin to blush again

"Don't tell me that bastard did something to you! then that's it! I will definitely not tolerate this!"

"Jinyoung hyung, would you calm down? he doesn't do anything to me, I just recently have my memory back but I still doesn't understand my memory and MJ hyung is the one making it clear for me, and I also admitted that I am having a feelings towards him"

"You..you love him? didn't that just what I've said yesterday? well, I guess, I wouldn't have to worry anymore, I know he can fully take care of you, but...I wanted to help you, little brother, do you want me to share my stories with you when you are younger?"

JinJin stared at his hyung for a meantime and he stood up from his chair to gave the latter a hug, and Jinyoung knows he will cry with this moment, this rare moment with his brother, hugging him

"Ehem.. Ehem..yo! we don't want to interrupt this sweet moment but mind telling us, who is he, JinJin hyung?"

The brothers was startled, Jeongguk who just look innocently at them, blinking his eyes as well as Hoseok who is obviously waiting for the answer

Jinyoung just rolled his eyes "Ahmm, he is Jinyoung hyung, my brother, Jinyoung hyung, this is Hoseok hyung and Jeongguk, my...friends"

"You seem unsure"

"They are really my friends"

"Well, nice meeting you, I'm Park Jinyoung"

"Jeon Jeongguk and he's Jung Hoseok"

"I think I've heard your names before" Jaehwan said as he went to them "Ah! right, you are the son of the owner of that famous publishing house, what is it name again? ah nevermind, we're happy to serve you" Jaehwan said cheerfully

"Well thank you"

"Jinyoung ah, you can spend some time to your brother, it's okay, Wonshikkie will come anytime now so..just return tonight"

"Thanks, Jaehwan hyung"

"Yeah, and for our customers, come back again okay?"

"We'll definitely will" Hoseok said as they all went outside and Jaehwan went back to the counter

"So JinJin ah, we won't interrupt your moments with your brother so we'll be going now then, it's nice to meet you, Jinyoung ssi" Hoseok said amd Jinyoung bowed, mumbling a "me too" to them

Hoseok and Jeongguk left and now..

"I want to go on Minhyuk's unit, hyung"

"Okay-well, speaking of our maknae, he is calling me"

Minhyuk did called his brother, and luckily all of his brothers are together and ask them to go on his unit which the two happily obliged


"So how did you know the way here?" MJ said as he stared at the three of them

"Duh! of course, you are like so famous on TV so so we'd known!" Jimin said

MJ just smirk at him and Jimin could swear he could ripped MJ into two

"MJ hyung, we want to hear the story of you and JinJin" Youngjae said and MJ smirk again

"You really wanted to know, huh, now here it goes... "


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