《In Debt (MyungJin) [EDITING]》(KJW△)


Third Person's POV

JinJin was trying his best to prevent a moan slipping from his lips, if not moaning means he wouldn't give MJ the pleasure he wanted then he will do it

But then MJ is persistent, of course, holding JinJin's wrist and pinning him to the bed, he kept on doing his business to the latter, sucking and biting his neck with a satisfied grin on his face, as he moved to his face, JinJin tilted his face away

"Jinwoo" MJ said with a hint of danger on his voice "don't make me mad or else you will having this in a way you don't like, do I have to remind you that you belong to me since then? now be a good boy and stay still"

But JinJin was having none of it, it's not like MJ will do something to hurt him right?

MJ began to loose his grip on JinJin's wrist after assuring himself that he will not struggle anymore, as soon as JinJin felt MJ's grip loosing, he sat up fast but then yanked back forcefully to the bed

"Jinwoo! you have to listen to me!!" MJ said, clouded with nothing but the thought of the latter leaving him make him ripped JinJin's clothing, ignoring the yelps, cries, whimpers and hisses that JinJin was letting out

JinJin's body shuddered at he took a sight of his shirt ripped into two and into the floor, lying down

"S..stop d..doing this.." JinJin said as he force himself to let out his words but MJ just kissed him forcefully and JinJin began to struggle again

"Hmm..Hmm.." JinJin felt like his energy being sucked off, and even if he is struggling with all of his might, he just can't escape, all he can do was to wriggle underneath MJ


MJ began to lick a long strip on JinJin's neck up to his earlobe, he then moved to his exposed collarbone and suck on it, then he went back on kissing his neck while holding JinJin to keep him from moving

MJ didn't want what he was doing neither but he doesn't care, he doesn't want JinJin to leave him anymore, he had enough, he suffered from depression, he almost killed himself and if JinJin will leave again, he's sure his sanity will left him too

But then...

"JinJin, look at me, baby" MJ said, letting go of the latter's wrist and caressed his soft cheeks "...I'm sorry but I couldn't really control myself, I know you wouldn't forgive me for doing this...but I will do this anyway"

JinJin sharply tilt his head towards MJ and let out a gasp, he wasn't ready for this, he knows he has a feelings for MJ but that doesn't lessen his fear a bit, he even want to get rid of this feelings

"You..are...so cheerful back then, you are so caring, sweet, playful, innocent and an angel in my eyes, where did my protector go? the one who treat me like I am the most valuable and expensive thing in the whole world?" JinJin couldn't stop himself from asking these to MJ, it's true though, he certainly remember how MJ is to him, how MJ cared for him, he wants to forget those memories but he can't stop himself from missing those actions, the actions from his past that is really sweet

JinJin bravely looked at MJ's eyes, and he swear he sees guilt, longing, sadness, fear, anger and especially love, different from the lust he saw earlier

And before they know it, tears are flowing freely at MJ's face, he wanted to speak but no words are coming from him, MJ let go from the top of him and stood beside the bed as he gripped his hair frustratedly


"JinJin..I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" MJ said sounded broken, JinJin didn't saw this side of him, broken and helpless

Ignoring the icy feeling pricking into his half naked body, JinJin sat up from laying down and approached MJ, he hesitantly wrapped his arms around the latter, he didn't know why or how but all the feelings he have for MJ become stronger than before

He felt MJ's arms wrapped around his waist and he was pulled closer as MJ lean his head on his shoulder, crying silently

"JinJin.. I love you please don't leave me, I'll go crazy if you left me, please I'm begging you" MJ said, he really sounds so broken and JinJin found himself nodding

At this MJ lifted his head and caressed JinJin's cheek, as he pushed his forehead against his after placing a sweet kiss on it

"D..do you mind if I take you right now? would you allow me, JinJin?" MJ look straight into JinJin's eyes, and JinJin is lost at the gaze of his lover in which he found agreeing to him

As soon as he was given a permission, MJ kissed JinJin with so much longing, no roughness but with a feeling of desperation as if he was pouring all of his feelings on it, then MJ picked up JinJin and place him at the bed gently without breaking the kiss

JinJin felt the soft mattress on his back, MJ pulled away only to take his soft lips one more time, and this time, JinJin kissed him back


JinJin smiled as he heard that name, that name is equivalent of his past, he smiled, MJ used to call him this name with so much affection

"M..Myungie" he call him back at he can see a wide smile spread on MJ's face

"You're mine now..."


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