《In Debt (MyungJin) [EDITING]》(KMJ♬)


Third Person's POV

Jinyoung was inside the bus, ready to go home, he was very tired from working as a bartender, and he had to study mixology for him to improve his skill on mixing drinks, he has no background on a job like this but he is a fast learner so he will get it right and besides, one of his employer, Kim Wonshik asks him to do it, and if he will master the art of mixing, he can have his own bar too..

As the bus stopped on where he is going, he got out, he walk a few minutes more before reaching their house, just then he noticed someone standing before their house, he didn't recognized the person so he hurriedly took a steps to be near

"Jinwoo? Jinwoo?" Jinyoung called and the person turn into him, he was right, it is his brother


"W-what are you doing here? how did you find where I live?" Jinyoung ask but he was only answered by a hug

Jinyoung hugged his brother hesitantly, because he was afraid that the younger is with Myungjun and if he touch JinJin, Myungjun will do something to him, but he glance around and he could tell the younger is alone

He detached JinJin away from him but he stopped when he heard a whimper from his younger brother, JinJin is crying

"Jinwoo? Jinwoo? hey, what's wrong?" Jinyoung doesn't understand all of this, he could tell that his brother was having a problem and stressed, but he didn't expect that the latter were going to him instead of his friends...or Myungjun

Except..if he is having a problem with Myungjun..

"Let's go inside first, okay?" Jinyoung said as he guided JinJin inside the house

As he opened the door, he was greeted by Mark who is holding a pan

"Oh, Jinyoungie, you're here-wait? JinJin?" Mark said as he put down the pan and approach his boyfriend

"What happen?"

"I don't know, I was shocked when I saw him standing outside, didn't you know he was here?"

"No..I don't know that he was here, wait why is he crying? and did he came with Myungjun?"

"No" Jinyoung sat beside his brother who was busy wiping his face

"Jinwoo, tell me what happened, did Myungjun hurt you?"

"Hyung..." JinJin said, his voice was broken "I-I want to see appa and eomma"

Jinyoung looked at his brother, confused "But they are dead already, didn't I tell you that before?"

"But you didn't told me where they buried in! I want to see them! please let me! Jinyoung hyung!"

Jinyoung looked at Mark and Mark nodded, he went towards the kitchen to let Jinyoung talk with his brother

"Jinwoo, you are having a problem with Myungjun right?"

"No..I don't wanna hear that name again! I hate-no..." JinJin said as he lowered his head

Jinyoung brought his brother into a hug "Are you...by any chance, felt that you're inlove with him? is that why you are acting like this? you know, it's not good to avoid him, and also you have to say it to him-"

"He lied to me! all of you lied to me!! how dare all of you!!" JinJin said as he stood up

"W-what do you mean?"

"So you didn't know? well, I have to ask you, did you know how eomma and appa died?"


"Answer me!"


"How exactly it happened?"

"Jinwoo, you don't have to know"


"Why? because it will just trigger my memory?!"


"Yes, I already remembered all hyung, you know that I am having an amnesia...and I'm sure, you have known the persons in my past"

"No...I don't know any person from your past, I was just told about you having an amnesia and how eomma and appa died"

JinJin stared at his brother, finding any lie on his words but he is sure that his brother was telling the truth

"Well, I guess, I went to the wrong person....I'm sorry, I will leave now"

"Jinwoo, stay here!" JinJin glanced back at his brother and sighed

"Okay" he doesn't want to stay but he just have to think everything for now, he must think of what to say to him


Scattered papers was all you could see inside Myungjun's office, he is in rage, you could see the evidence of it as he fired his secretary, he didn't care, he just didn't care what is totally happening

"Calm down, Myungjun"

"You are telling me to calm down? what the hell, Jaebum! I am not calming down until I know where JinJin is!!"

"You already called your men to search for him, but you didn't ask his friends, maybe they know where he is"

"Yes..yes... that's right, now call your boyfriend and ask him, I will call Taehyung to ask his boyfriend"

Jaebum let out a tsk and a sigh, then he called Youngjae, the latter was not really his boyfriend but he confessed and he is lucky that the younger is letting him to court him and Jaebum was satisfied on that

On the other hand, MJ couldn't think straight, he finished calling his brother and now he is just...getting impatient, but he thought, why JinJin had to leave him a note, saying...goodbye

"He can't do that! JinJin will never leave me again!" MJ said clenching his fist hard, and then something crosses his mind, how the latter was screaming and crying, shouting nonstop..

"It couldn't be he..don't tell me..."

Jaebum was startled when MJ suddenly stood up and fast to reach the door, before Jaebum could ask anything, MJ was already out of the office

"Tss.. that guy! I'm here! he could just share his problem with me"

Just then, one of MJ's men, entered the office,

"Yeah, your young master was not here, didn't you see him outside, probably catching up for something?" Jaebum said and the other just shook his head

"Sir, we found Jinwoo ssi at this address" The other gave Jaebum the address and left

"Okay, I have to call that MJ for this, he's always giving me a headache"


"What exactly do you remember? do you have to go to the hospital, to check it up?" Jinyoung asks his brother who is just staring up into nothing

"Are you sure he can hear us?" Jackson said as Jinyoung glared at him

"You know, he is going through that shock state where he couldn't think of anything but his gained back memories, I think the memories just appeared suddenly and make him like that" Namjoon explained and Mark nodded

"Namjoon is right, but I know, from how JinJin talk to you earlier, he is eager and determined to know something and he said, he got the wrong person to talk to"

"I know, I have no idea what is going on in his mind, maybe we should call Myungjun?"

"No!" They all looked at JinJin who suddenly yelled making them startled


"Oh, he is talking now" Jackson said

"I-I will go back now..." JinJin said as he looked at his brother

"Okay..but if you need someone to help you, I am willing to help you..and sorry for everything, I am your brother but I didn't act like one, I'm so sorry, Jinwoo-ah" JinJin just smiled at his brother and hugged him

"It's okay...I'd forgiven you a long time ago" JinJin said and he felt Jinyoung tighten the hug

"Ahh~ this is so sweet!" Jackson commented

That and JinJin left...


"So why are we here at the mansion?" Jimin ask as he sat on the sofa beside Taehyung, he glance at the others and he saw his other friends, even Jin and Yoongi is at the mansion, and also..Jaebum

"Why are we here?" Jimin ask Jaebum directly

Jaebum sighed "I called all of you here because I want to talk about MJ"

"What about Myungjun? is this is an emergency?" Jin asked

"Hmm..and I don't see Jinwoo hyung here" Yugyeom said

"Yes, because he is missing and now MJ is going to be crazy"

Just that, Jimin stood up "What!! how did it happened?!" and Taehyung is calming him down

"Are you saying the truth? how did JinJin went missing?" Jin said, worried about JinJin and also his brother, Yoongi held his hand to assure him that everything will be okay

"I-It's not like he is totally missing, actually, one of MJ's men hand me this address, he said they saw JinJin here, I called MJ but he was out of reach"

"Hmm..I'll try calling him" Taehyung said as he stood up and went outside

"Tss..It's all that MJ's fault! I wonder what did he do this time!" Jimin said

"Hyung..don't be like that" Youngjae said

"Then how can you explain on how we see JinJin being so down lately!" Jimin shouted

Just then, someone or rather somebody went inside the mansion with Taehyung on their back, the others stared at the newcomers, having no clue, who are them

"Guys, they are MJ hyung's partners in the company, Lee Dongmin and Moon Bin, also, they are MJ's childhood friends" Taehyung said and the others continuously stared

"Do you mind if I say something to all of you?" Dongmin started and everyone nodded

"Yes, we are MJ hyung's childhood friend, as well as Jinwoo hyung's"

"H-how come? he didn't tell us about you guys, and we are his bestfriends" Youngjae said

"Because...Jinwoo hyung is suffering from amnesia, and he doesn't remember us" Bin said with a sad tone of voice

Everyone was shocked at the information, they can't say anything...

"Am..nesia? does Myungjun knew this?"

"Yes, that's why, he choose to keep Jinwoo hyung by his side"

"Wait, if you are MJ and JinJin's childhood friends, doesn't mean that those two also childhood friends?"

"Yes...childhood lovers also.."

"Oh my gosh! so much revealations! I can't take this anymore!" Yugyeom shouted

"And we know, why JinJin hyung left-"

"Because he remembered everything now, am I right?" They turned their heads at the person standing by the door

"Myungjun!" Jin called his brother

"Why are you all here?" MJ said, he seems to be tired as he slumped on the sofa

"Hyung, we already know" Taehyung said

MJ massaged his temples "Jaebum, where is the address?" he asked and Jaebum hand him the little piece of paper

Once MJ had the paper, he read it 'Jinyoung's place' he thought

"Myungie hyung! we want to help!" Bin called causing the others to looked at him

"No.. I'm gonna fix this by myself, I need to talk to him, just leave me here alone"

"But...you need our help"

"Please Seokjin hyung, I want to tell JinJin everything, just by myself, please"

The others stood up as they went out one by one until Jin and Taehyung was the ones who are still there

"MJ, we are your brothers, if everything will be happened, don't forget that we are always here"

"Yeah, Jin hyung is right"

MJ smiled at his brothers and nodded "Thank you"


Minhyuk just stared at the phone, he couldn't really believe that he and Sanha are now together, he smiled unconciously but then he was startled when someone knock on his door

He got up and opened the door "Oh, JinJin hyung? what are you doing here?"

"Can I come in?"

"Oh ne" Minhyuk answered as he open his door widely to let his brother come inside

"This place is pretty good huh" JinJin said as he eyed the unit where his brother is staying in

"Hmm..MJ hyung really did a good choice, ah, do you want something to eat? I can cook for you" Minhyuk said as he went into the kitchen

JinJin went to the kitchen and leaned into the wall, staring at his brother

'I'm sure, Minhyuk doesn't have any connection from my past like Jinyoung hyung...' he thought, just then Minhyuk noticed him

"Hyung, are you okay? you are sighing heavily there, and why are you here? did you tell MJ hyung that you are going here?"

"Why do I have to tell him everything about me?"

"Hyung, if you can't notice, he is overprotective towards you"

"Tss...you, you seem to be glowing and you smiling really nonstop" JinJin said diverting the conversation

"Yeah, but don't get mad at me first"

"And why is that?"

"I already have a boyfriend..."

"What? how come?!"

"H..how, yah! are you saying that I do not deserve to be in a relationship?"

"Pabo! it's not that! but how did you have one, I don't know someone-wait, is it one of your classmates?"

"Ne, but I already known him since I was confined at the hospital, our story is really complicated...and supernatural but I'll tell you all of it when you meet him, his name is Yoon Sanha by the way"

JinJin just nodded but still can't believe that his brother was really into a relationship, well he said that he'll tell him everything so he'll just wait

"So...you..are you having a problem?" Minhyuk said as he could sense that something is a bit off to his brother but JinJin only shook his head

"Hyung..I know you.. please?"

"I'm sorry, Minhyuk ah, b-but I have to go, I'll just go back here anytime, bye"

"Wait! JinJin hyung!" Minhyuk called but JinJin was already out of his unit


JinJin arrived at the mansion, he hesitantly took a step towards the house, and he silently wished that no one is inside right now and now he is standing before the door as he gripped the doorknob, slowly he twisted it to opened the door and right when he opened it, he was greeted by a sight of MJ standing while his arms crossed, staring intently at him

Is it too late to took a step back and run away now?

MJ was in front of JinJin fastly, and JinJin could only look up at him while distancing himself, but MJ just taking steps forward, and JinJin steps back, until his back was met by the door

MJ trapped JinJin with his arms on both sides of his head, and JinJin could only looked at the other way, not wanting to meet the other's eyes

But MJ held his chin to make him look up at him

"You...remembered all?"

JinJin suddenly felt the scariness away from him and changes into anger, as he slapped MJ on his cheeks and pushed him away

"So you really knew...are you planning on telling me about this? or did you choose to hide it from me forever? tell me!!"


"Why did you have to lie to me?! how could you!? all this time I am thinking of where did we meet because you seem so familiar to me! why didn't you tell me anything?!"

"Because I'm afraid! I'm afraid that you wouldn't accept me! I'm the one who killed your parents! and if you will remember and know that, you will run away from me! I don't want you to leave me again"

"I...I'm not a fool, I remembered all! I vividly remembered all, why do you think like that?" JinJin said as slided into the door and hugged his knees

"I am scared...right now... why did this have to happened? why? now that I'm sure I am falling in love with you.." JinJin said unconciously as he buried his face on his knees

And MJ stared at him in shock "What? what did you said? JinJin? baby?"

"I love you"

"Shit, JinJin, I am dying to hear that all of these years! finally!"

"But I will not continue loving you, I'm sorry, you lied to me, why do I have to love a liar like you? I wished my amnesia was permanent so I don't have to remember that we are together before"

"JinJin, no, don't say that"

"Just let me go"

"No, I can't and I don't want to, please JinJin I love you so much! I will do anything just to have you"

"Of course, you will do anything, including the hiding of my condition and my past" JinJin stood up and hold the doorknob, ready to leave

"Let's separate, let me go, I don't think I could trust you anymore"

"You wouldn't dare JinJin, I spent so many years just to have you!" MJ couldn't think of anything anymore except the thought of JinJin leaving him and so he picked up JinJin over his shoulders and went upstairs to the room

"What are you doing!? let me go!!" MJ threw him into the bed and pinned him down, while JinJin is struggling into the best that he can, but he couldn't MJ's gripped on his wrist was so tight that he thought his bone will break

"You will not leave me! you wouldn't dare!" MJ said as he kissed JinJin's neck and occassionally biting into it

"Stop! don't do this!" JinJin said whimpering, he's still struggling but it has no effect

MJ turn his gaze at him and JinJin could see lust in his eyes, and he knew what would be next, and that made him scared

"Stop struggling baby, I'm sure you will enjoy this" MJ said, smirking

Scared. That's what JinJin could only feel right now


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