《In Debt (MyungJin) [EDITING]》(KJW♬)


Third Person's POV

Seokjin was smiling like crazy...staring and playing at the engagement ring on his finger, last night, was the great time of his life and now he wonder, where the hell is his fiancé tss...

"Hyung... Hyung!" Seokjin was immediately out of his trance when he saw Jeongguk and Hoseok in front of him

"You brats, why are you here? don't you have a work to do? you're frequently here"

"Why? you don't want us here? why did you open your cafe this early? those kids were in afternoon shift right?"

"No, they decided to have a morning shift, today and they will come here anytime" Jin said to the two and he just received a shrugged

"Well, we are going now, Seokjin hyung, wait, where is Yoongi hyung by the way?"

"He went on the company, he will be back soon" After a couple of minutes, the two left

Just then the door chimes sounds as it signals that there's a person inside, Seokjin thinking that Hoseok and Jeongguk came back, he turn his gaze at the Cafe's door as he was about to open his office door, and who he saw had him look surprised

"Hakyeon hyung? is that you?" Seokjin couldn't believe he'd saw his friend here, Hakyeon and him used to be classmates in culinary school

"Seokjin? Kim Seokjin? wahh!! daebak! I'd never thought I would see you here!" Hakyeon said as he ran up to Seokjin and hugged him, Seokjin hugged him back too but then it's stopped when Hakyeon was pulled back by a guy with him

And so Seokjin stared at them in confusion "Oh sorry, this is Jung Taekwoon, don't worry, he's just like that but he won't harm you hehe"

Seokjin nodded, feeling intimidated at the other guy's presence "And he's your....?"

"My husband, so I am not Cha Hakyeon anymore, I am Jung Hakyeon now" Seokjin could only hang his mouth open

"R..really? you got married already?"

"Hmm..I'm sorry if I didn't invite you, we used to be friends right but I thought you just forgot me so..yeah"

Jin rolled his eyes at Hakyeon "No, I won't forget you! anyway, T-Taekwoon ssi, I'm Kim Seokjin, nice meeting you" Jin said as he hesitantly ask for a handshake, he thought the latter would just ignore him but a hand suddenly gripped his


"Jung Taekwoon" Taekwoon said with his usual soft voice that had Jin taken a back, Taekwoon's voice doesn't suit his features

"Why don't we sat there..." Jin said pointing at the table and the two gladly obliged, hearing the chimes again, Jin snapped his head towards the door and he saw his four employees and he felt happy seeing them

"Oh? there's already a customer? wait, we have to change into our job's uniform" Jimin said as he went into the restroom and he was followed by the three at his back

"Your employees?" Hakyeon asks Jin and Jin nodded, 'so this is Seokjin"s Cafe' Hakyeon thought

"So what do you guys want so I can tell them and serve it to you?"

"I just have a strawberry shortcake and a cup of cappuccino-"

As Hakyeon is talking, Yugyeom went to them to write down their order "...and Taekwoon, what is yours"

"Same as yours" Taekwoon answered directly

"I wrote down all of it, names are?" Yugyeom said still focusing on writing down

"Yeonie and Woonie!" Hakyeon said as he giggled cutely and Jin found it well, really cute (but he thought he's more cuter though)

"We'll just prepare it, thank you for dining in at SJ Cafe!" Yugyeom said enthusiastically as he skipped his way down on the counter and gave JinJin the order

JinJin was about to give Jimin the order when he read the names of the customers


After JinJin shouted at what he vision was a car crashing, he felt a hand running down on his back in a soothing manner, he couldn't barely register on his brain what is happening through that night, his dream keeps on replaying on his mind, he unconsciously clutch tighter on MJ's sleeves looking like he was gaining energy from him

He felt the latter running his hand on his hair and hugged him "It's okay, baby, I'm here, you have nothing to be afraid of" and that's when JinJin knew it was MJ, he couldn't stop himself from fidgeting because his dream was so vivid and it scares him

After a minutes of coaxing, MJ felt a heavy pressure on him as JinJin finally slept, wiping the remaining tears on his face, MJ tucked him on his bed and kissed his forehead before slipping on the bed beside JinJin


But JinJin was still awake but he choose to remain silent, he just want MJ to be with him till he woke up in the morning

"Yah! are you finished of your daydreaming there?" Jimin said peeking out from the kitchen

JinJin snapped out of his trance as he quickly gave Jimin the order as he proceed on making the cappuccino

Meanwhile, there is a moment of silence between the three on the table but soon was broke when Hakyeon held Jin's hand where his engagement ring was settled

"Wahh, you're engaged? wow!"

"Ahmm..ah yeah, I am, just yesterday"

"Ohh..well if you want some advice, I am willingly give you some, if your husband to be is like Taekwoon then I will be a big help to you"

"Why do I feel offended on some point? Hakyeon" Taekwoon voice out quietly but loud enough for Hakyeon and Jin to hear, and Hakyeon just giggled

Jin could just laughed at the couple in front of him as he joined them on teasing " Well, Yoongi seems to be the same as Taekwoon ssi" Jin said and Hakyeon laughed

"Well, I think we would see each other often" Hakyeon stated as their orders came

"You're right" Seokjin answered


Minhyuk was pacing back and forth outside of Sanha's room in the hospital, the latter was still unconcious since yesterday and Minhyuk was sure worried to hell, the doctor said Sanha must be woke up anytime soon whenever he wanted to woke up

And Minhyuk blames himself for all of this, if he didn't just confront Sanha then none of this will be happened, Sanha might go back on being comatosed and if that happened, Minhyuk couldn't think that he will forgive himself

Sanha was the one with him when he was in the hospital, the one who cheers him up and listen to his struggles, he became his bestfriend and eventually falling for him in the process

So Minhyuk couldn't allow this! if Sanha will regain back his conciousness, he will not pester him anymore on making him remember their days together, he will let Sanha to live his life and he will live his too-

"Park Minhyuk, right? Yoon Sanha is awake now, but you have to call his mother for discharging okay?" The doctor said to Minhyuk and Minhyuk could just nod his head absentmindedly

'Well, this is our last time seeing each other so I have to say proper goodbye to him' Minhyuk thought as he pushed the door opened and the first thing he saw was Sanha staring at the window

Minhyuk hesitated at first to speak but he have to, and so, he heaved a deep sigh as he started to speak "Sanha, I'm sorry this had happened to you but don't worry, I won't bother you anymore I just want to say goodbye" Minhyuk said and waited longer, hoping Sanha would react but he got no response so he turned around and held the knob but as he was about to twist it to open the door, Sanha spoke up

"You just...want to left me here huh? Rocky hyung"

Minhyuk's head was snapped back at Sanha in an instant "W..what did you just said?"

Sanha stood up from his bed and walk towards Minhyuk "Well, I did say I love you right?" Sanha smiled as he kissed Minhyuk and the latter stood there statically


The night came by and JinJin was afraid to sleep, he is afraid he will dream of something tragic again

JinJin was startled when someone wrapped their arms on his waist and gave his neck a peck, he harshly turned his head back and MJ was there

"You can't sleep right? then we sleep together" MJ said and he smirk as he felt JinJin's uneasiness

"...relax, I won't do anything, well only if you want me to then I'll do it with pleasure, now sleep" MJ said tapping the space in the bed beside him

"I..I thought, you're on work today? until tomorrow?"

"Hmm..but I couldn't work, knowing how you are right now, so don't be a brat and let's sleep" JinJin couldn't do nothing but to obliged as he settled down himself beside MJ, the latter's hand wrapped instantly around him

"I told you to relax right?" he heard MJ humming a song and his voice is soothing as ever, and soon JinJin found himself drifting into the dreamland

The sun shone on the houses windows indicating it's time to wake up for the whole people of the world, however, JinJin was the first to woke up even though MJ is the one woking up earlier

JinJin glanced at MJ's handsome face as he run a hand on MJ's cheeks

"H..how dare you...lied to me?" JinJin said, sounded broken and in tears...as he began to recall his dream which he is convinced that it is his memory


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