《In Debt (MyungJin) [EDITING]》(KMJ♪)


Third Person's POV

As Bin didn't know what to do, he suddenly laughed, hardly, he knows he's like a crazy person now but who cares?

Well, he cares though, how long he'll gonna be laugh?

"What's funny?" JinJin said, irritation and confusion is the content of his mixed feelings

"Ahahahaha n-nothing ahahaha" still, his laugh doesn't subsiding, Bin wished he could just disappear

Just then, the door flew opened and MJ entered the office with Dongmin behind him, the two was shocked as soon as they saw JinJin inside

Bin thank God and now he can stop from his ridiculous idea just to get out from the situation

"JinJin? what are you doing here?" MJ asks him and JinJin averted his gaze

"Ahmm...I just decided to stop by, I'm going..now" JinJin said as he spare one last glance at Bin, who is obviously fidgeting

JinJin heaved a heavy sigh, he decided to just find the answers by himself and never let the others know about it

As he was ready to leave though, MJ caught his wrist, preventing him to walk further

"Do you want me to drive you home?" MJ ask and JinJin just shakes his head

"No need, h..hyung, ahmm, I'll just drop by in Youngjae's apartment, it's almost time for our work" JinJin said and he slip his wrist off from MJ's grip but MJ held it tightly

"Do you need something?" JinJin ask but he was just pulled for a hug and he felt MJ kissed his forehead before letting him go

"Stay safe, baby" MJ said and he ask one of the employees at the floor they currently in to guide JinJin outside

Once JinJin left, MJ shoot a death glare towards Bin and Bin noticed it, that's why he suddenly felt scared

"Myungjun hyung, Binnie doesn't speak anything to Jinwoo hyung, if he did then Jinwoo hyung will-"

"Moon Bin, if Dongmin and I didn't came, will you tell JinJin everything? answer me!"

"N-no" well, maybe because, laughing hard when there's nothing to be laugh off was painful for your body, and also it'll make you...insane but yeah, he didn't want to tell JinJin everything, if he value his life, then he will definitely not gonna do it

"This thing, I am the one who will tell him about everything, if he comes to you again, call me and I'm more than willing to go down here and took care of him, understand?" Bin nodded at MJ and then realized one thing

How can he be so dumb? just why he didn't call either of Dongmin or MJ? he is really insane


JinJin was currently outside Youngjae's unit, he is hesitating to knock but he did anyway, and luck was on his side as Youngjae was inside

"Oh? JinJin ah? we still have 2 hours left before our shift, why are you early?" Youngjae said as he motioned him to go inside

"Ahmm...no reason" JinJin just answered, Youngjae took a notice of JinJin's bag

"Why do you have bag?"

"My clothes and uniform for work are here and can I use your bathroom?"

"Oh sure, of course!"


Yugyeom arrived early at the Cafe, like JinJin, after talking with his boyfriend, BamBam, he didn't want to feel alone so he decided to just go to the Cafe and do his job early

But upon arriving at the place, he was met by an unfamiliar face and two familiar face aside from Seokjin

"Hoseok hyung! what's happening?" Yugyeom questioned the first one he saw and the latter tilt his head towards him with a shock expression


"Yugyeom ah, why are you here already?!" Hoseok.ask rather loudly, so Jeongguk, Yoongi and Seokjin immediately dispersed from the counter, thinking something bad happened

"Hyung? what happened?!" Jeongguk rushed to Hoseok's side

"Ahmm..Yugyeom is here early, see" Hoseok said pointing to Yugyeom and Yugyeom waved his hand

"Oh, Gyeom ah, you're early" Jin pointed out

"Oh so he is Kim Yugyeom, one of your employees right?" Yoongi asks Jin and the latter nodded

"Wait how did you know him?"

"Jeongguk and Hoseok told me about your employees, I just wanted to meet them" Yoongi said and turn his gaze at Yugyeom "I'm Min Yoongi, Seokjin's boyfriend" and that leaves Yugyeom in awe

"Wahh! you're so handsome, Yoongi ssi"

"Well, thanks, just call me Yoongi hyung, it's fine and do tell your co-workers to call me like that too" Yugyeom nodded

"Yugyeom, we will start the work later but for now, I have something to do in my office, bye" Jin said and he left

Jeongguk whispered something to Yoongi and the latter nodded

"Kid" Yoongi called Yugyeom's attention


"Tonight, I am planning on proposing to Jin-"

"Oh my gosh! really!"

"Don't you dare scream! Jeongguk make sure this kid will not scream" Jeongguk went to Yugyeom's side

"As I said, yes, tonight I am planning on proposing to Jin and this is a surprise, meaning he doesn't have to know, get it? you brat! and I want the four of you to cooperate with this, if your friends came by 12:00, we will start talking about it, and by 6:00, I like this Cafe to be done already, Hoseok and Jeongguk here are the one who will guide you to how I like it though and me, I will ask Jin out so you can work properly, you will closed this Cafe by 12 and start working for tonight, got it?" Hoseok and Jeongguk was in awe as they just happened to saw Yoongi talk longer than how he usually talks, and Yugyeom too, so he can't help it but to nod

He thought of calling his friends to inform them about Jin's boyfriend plan, he feels excited and he will do what he can to make their Jin hyung happy

Yoongi went to Jin's office and after a minutes, they came out, the three left outside started to put their best acting

"Oh hyung, are you going somewhere?" Jeongguk asks

"This guy is not satisfied with the food that I cook so we will eat outside and also to have some bonding moments with him and I will ask Jimin to took care of the Cafe for the meantime"

"No need hyung! Hobi hyung and I can take care of it, Jimin ssi has to work along with the three others right?" Jeongguk said and Jin was hesitant to nod his head, even though Jeongguk and Hoseok are his bestfriends, he trust Jimin more

"Okay" Jin just answered and left

Afternoon came and JinJin, Youngjae and Jimin arrived,

"The Cafe is closed? why?" Jimin said as he push the door, Youngjae and JinJin behind him

"Hyung, look! there are decorations all around the Cafe!" Youngjae stated

"Are we in another world? where is Yugyeom? that brat, is he late again?"

"The cafe decorations are still here but these decorations was added-"

"Yup! because an important event was bound to happen!" All three of them turn their head at Yugyeom who's with Jeongguk and Hoseok

"Annyeong guys! palli! we have to make this quickly" Hoseok said and they continue on decorating


"Wait? what the hell is happening?"

"Yoongi hyung, Jin hyung's boyfriend is planning on proposing to Jin hyung tonight that's why he wants this Cafe to be closed for this day" Yugyeom said

"Yeah, and we are waiting for you three actually because Jimin, we need your baking skills and JinJin, you need to make the best coffee you can and Youngjae, you have to help me cook dishes, Jeongguk and Yugyeom are the decorators, so kaja! let's do our job!"

Jimin, JinJin and Youngjae dumbfoundedly stood there

"Palli!!" Hoseok screamed and the three of them rushed to the kitchen and Hoseok followed

"I bet they are still shocked" Yugyeom said to Jeongguk

"Just like you earlier"


Minhyuk was in his unit, doing nothing, just browsing the internet and searching articles regarding their lessons, as he is searching though,he suddenly thought of opening his facebook account, it's been a while since he opened it

He found no interesting on his account once he opened it, but then something came across his mind, he needs it so he typed the name of the account he wanna visit

Yoon Sanha

Once he found the account, he immediately look for his phone number but he found nothing, he felt disappointed but then he recalled someone who might give what he wanted, so even though they are not that close, not even acquainted, he type his name

Park Jihoon

The latter was online much to his luck, but Minhyuk is not the type to approach someone so easy, unlike Sanha but he have to do this, yes, he have

He private message Jihoon, asking for Sanha's number, and then the reply was sure quick and he almost jumped in joy when Jihoon gave Sanha's number, but the next reply, left him confused

"Minhyuk ah, can you send me Kim Taehyung's number for exchange?" Minhyuk read the message, and he replied saying what he wanted

So Jihoon was into the youngest Kim, oh, but Minhyuk was sure that Jihoon will not question him about Taehyung anymore because he replied that Taehyung has already a boyfriend and Minhyuk also attached a photo of Jimin at the end with Jimin's full name

Minhyuk immediately saved Sanha's number and went to the message, he firstly said hi, and introduces himself and ask Sanha to go with him at the park tonight

And Minhyuk was shocked because Sanha immediately replied a yes


The night came by and the six persons inside the Cafe finished presenting the Cafe

"Kookie ah, are we going to call them now?" Hoseok asked Jeongguk

"Well, the Cafe is ready" Jimin said and Jeongguk nodded at Hoseok, Hoseok pulled out his phone and dialed Yoongi's number

"Ey, hyung! where are you now? it's all ready!"

"[Yah! you! be thankful that Jin can't hear you, okay, we are going there]"

"Don't forget the ring, hyung!"

"[Aishh-Yoongichi? who is that?-ah, ahmm just my co-producer-]" That and the call ended

"Be ready guys, they are coming~~!!!" Hoseok screamed and Jimin rolled his eyes

"I baked so many cakes, my shoulder hurts, I wish TaeTae is here" Jimin said to himself and pouts

After some more minutes of waiting, the couple arrived, Yoongi came outside the car first and went to the other side of the car and opened the door, revealing Jin with a blindfold on his eyes

"I swear to god, Yoongi! if this is just one of your jokes then you will be a dead meat!" Jin said but Yoongi felt nothing at the threat, Jin was cute when he is saying these anyways

He guided Jin towards the cafe's door and Yoongi untied the blindfold and let it slip from Jin's face

Jin adjusted his vision and all he could see was a series of blue and pink lights, the two colors that he loved, and then the door was opened and Jin noticed who opened it

"Yugyeom? what is this?" Jin ask but the latter just gestured him to continue walking, as Jin was walking, he saw many pictures like his and Yoongi's picture when they first got together, their first date, their first vacation together, their first hug their first kiss and all of their first (but kind of first that you are thinking of is not included)

Jin turn his head behind him and he found no one "Yoongi ah?" Jin glanced around and he looked at the pictures again, he suddenly wants to teared up, but why are they doing this to him?

Just then, JinJin, Youngjae and Hoseok stood in front of him and guide him towards the table, where Jimin and Jeongguk stood up

"Hyung, you are searching for him right? here he is" Jeongguk said and Jin turn his head all he could see was life size Mario plushie, but then someone came out behind it with a suit shining and shimmering like he is

"Y..Yoongi ah"

Yoongi signalled the others to leave them alone and the others complied, they even gave Yoongi a thumbs up and a fighting!

"W-what is this? how did-did you planned it with those brats there? aisshh! and why are you wearing a suit-"

"Kim Seokjin" Yoongi started "I don't have any speech for this but I have to anyways, If I were to describe how beautiful you are, we will be finished of we're already in our 60's, last year and even this year, we've talk about this, I know you need time to think but I can't wait anymore, Jinnie, I just wanted to marry you"

"What is he saying? is he proposing or commanding or what?" Jimin whispered at Jeongguk

"Yeah, if I were to propose, I will definitely praise my partner before kneeling down and show him the ring, right Hoseok hyung?"

"Tss..why are you asking me? I don't know"

Yoongi then pulled out a little blue box and opened it in front of Jin

"Kim Seokjin, my angel, my beautiful boyfriend and my everything" Yoongi kneeled up "Will you..marry me?"

Jin couldn't say words and he lose ability to speak and breath when he saw Yoongi kneeled before him, it's not that, he doesn't want to marry Yoongi but he's just not ready but now, he is really sure that...

"Yoongi, Min Yoongi" Jin called Yoongi and Yoongi felt his nervousness increased if Jin will reject-

"Yes, yes, I will marry you" Jin answered and that's all Yoongi's need to stop his world from revolving

"Sh..shit, Jinnie, I can't believe-"

"Congratulations!!! yuhoooohhh!!"

"Yeah congratulations hyungs, ah! a couple who was going to be tied up! so envious!"

"Congratulations, Jin hyung! Yoongi hyung!"

"Yah! you brats! it's all thanks to you! I owe you all for this!" Yoongi shouted and all of them celebrated the good result of the event


Minhyuk was in the park waiting for Sanha, Minhyuk glanced around his surroundings and he found Sanha approaching him

"Hey, did you wait longer?" Sanha asked him

"No" Minhyuk said as he stared at Sanha's face, down to his neck where a certain necklace that is familiar with him was settled on his neck

"Where did you got that necklace?"

"Ah this? my mother said it's mine, let's go, you want me to tour you around? let's go" Sanha said and he is ready to go when Minhyuk caught his wrist

"Did you know...that necklace..came from me? I gave you that when you said you are going back you made me promised that I will found you, no matter what" Minhyuk said let go of Sanha's wrist

Sanha feels suffocated at what he heard "How come?" he asks

"Sanha, I love you too, you said you love me right?"

"Haha! it's nothing, you deserve all the love Minhyuk!! and I love you!!"

"You don't say I love you to someone that easy"

"Why? what's wrong with that? I really do love you,that's the truth"

Sanha felt his head aching as he caught a glimpse of what he could say a memory, but right when he was about to talk, he fainted leaving a memory of Minhyuk shouting his name, why does it felt familiar?



Jackson was currently playing an online game on his phone with Namjoon when Jinyoung entered the house

"Hey, so, how's the job hunting?" Namjoon asked

Jinyoung slumped on the sofa and sighed "I got one"

"And why is my Jinyoungie not happy?" Mark sat beside him and wrapped his arms around his shoulders

" A bartender at a bar, I recalled Kim Wonshik and Lee Jaehwan are the owner of that bar"

"Well it's good than nothing, unlike Jackson here"

"Namjoonie~ how dare you accused of your bestfriend being unemployed?"

All of them just stared at him


JinJin was very happy for Seokjin, after all he deserved the best wedding and he could see Yoongi could give it to him

He suddenly felt exhausted as he recalled the things happened fo him for this day, he went into. the bathroom and after that, he changed into his pajamas

He slip on his blanket and closed his eyes, he felt someone entered his room and he knows who is it already

"Good night, baby, sweet dreams" He felt MJ kissed his forehead and felt him left

But right after MJ left, a sudden memory flashed on his mind and he screamed, MJ who was just going to his room, rushed back on JinJin's room

"JinJin! what happened?!"

JinJin couldn't speak some words and all he can see is a car crashing over and over again

"Stop it!!"


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