《In Debt (MyungJin) [EDITING]》(KJW♪)


Third Person's POV

As JinJin let that question slipped from him with the most innocent face he has, the atmosphere became awkward and no one dared to speak, Dongmin and Bin is still in shock while MJ is just staring at the situation

JinJin move his gaze towards MJ as if asking him what the hell is going on by his eyes, and Taehyung just stood there, awkward silence penetrating on him

MJ thought that this has to be happen so he decided to make JinJin know all of he need to know, but before he could speak, Dongmin beat him into it

"Ah..y-yeah, we're one of the shareholders here in SMT Company, I am Lee Dongmin and he is Moon Bin and as for how we know you, Myungjun ssi here is always talking about you, Park Jinwoo right? always talking about his gorgeous boyfriend" Dongmin said as he chuckled that sounds so awkward

MJ glared at Dongmin but said nothing, maybe this is not the right time, he said to himself

"And also, Binnie here is the kind of people who gives nickname to all of people and he's kinda, a person like a comedian, so he usually say f..funny things a lot..hehe" Dongmin said, trying his best not to sound awkward as he didn't notice the glare from his boyfriend

'Why does Dongmin hyung saying these things? doesn't he know Woonie hyung?' Bin said to his mind

JinJin could just stare, he feels something different going on with this but he thought it is just with him so he slided it off, as he was about to speak, Taehyung suddenly talk

"MJ hyung~ why is this people have to become a shareholder on your company, why can't I? I'm your brother!"

MJ could just rolled his eyes and signalling Dongmin and Bin to get out of his office, Dongmin complied but not Bin, so Dongmin gathered his strength and dragged his boyfriend away

"You decided to major in theater arts and acting when you will be in your college right?, so what does it have to do with a car company?" MJ answered his brother but Taehyung keeps on whining until he forgot what he and JinJin are really doing here at MJ's office

MJ walk towards JinJin as he examines the younger "Are you okay now, baby? what did the doctor told you?"

JinJin shakes his head, meaning the doctor hasn't said anything to him

"Hyung, you really did transformed appa's office, but why is there stuffed toys there? are you playing with it here?" Taehyung said as he roamed around the office and MJ just snorted

"I was about to go to the hospital but I guess not anymore, I don't have any schedules right now, do you want to stay up in our house?" MJ asks JinJin and the latter just nodded

"I was just enjoying myself, giving a tour here! you're such a kill-joy, MJ hyung!!" Of course, that's Taehyung


Dongmin and Bin are currently inside the restaurant outside the SMT Company


"Binnie...there's a lot of things you don't know and Myungjun hyung might scold us after this"

"But couldn't you remember Woonie hyung's face? I'm a hundred percent sure, it's him! why are you being like this Dongmin hyung? isn't them the reason why we came back here?"

"But there are so many things happened, Bin, while we're gone, and don't you see, Jinwoo hyung, he doesn't even recognized us!" Dongmin is frustrated, really, of course, he didn't expect things to went like this when they come back, he thought, they will just have to search for Jinwoo and they will be complete, the bestfriends they are before


But now, he felt so screwed and even though Myungjun didn't talk about Jinwoo on them even at once, he managed to blurt out that Jinwoo and Myungjun is in a relationship, but anybody could see that, and he really thought of that excuse just to get out from the awkward situation earlier

"Hyung...why did you said that Woonie hyung is Myungie hyung's boyfriend?"

"Binnie, isn't it obvious?"



Days passed by and Yoongi was inside the airport, smiling at himself, he texted someone to come pick him up at the airport

Minutes passed and the person who Yoongi contacted finally came,

"Kid, you're really slow nowadays" Yoongi said ans the said kid just scoffed

"Nowadays your ass, hyung, you rarely see me and you will give me a statement like that?"

"Jeon fucking Jeongguk, just go inside and bring me straight to Jinnie's cafe, hurry up please!"

"Nice, so demanding, tsk"

That and Jeongguk start the car as they went off


"Hey hyung, are you okay?" Minhyuk asks his brother as he saw him, swaying a bit when he stand, he's afraid he will faint

"Yes, Minhyuk ah, I'm okay, why are you here though? don't you have any homework to do?"

"Ahmm, none, hyung, I just want to spend time with you"


JinJin's POV

I ruffled my dongsaeng's hair as I chuckled, the events happened the other days is still haunting my mind, who is that guy? are they really MJ's friends? well I could just ask MJ about them, given that we're even now but I can't bring myself into because these past few days, I've barely sleep

I keep on having a dream of a boy with his friends, they are all playing, I keep on hearing Myungie hyung but I don't know who the hell he even was, those dreams that always end up on something I can't take, a car crashing

And it's scared me that I am thinking one of the boy that is always in my dream is me...

"Hyung, you're really not okay, do you want me to call Jaebum hyung?" I heard Minhyuk said, now he thinks I'm sick

"No, I'm not sick, just go back to your unit"

"But you will be alone"

"It's okay, really, now don't worry about me and just focus on how to be good in your class" I said and he pouted but got up, he walks through the door after bidding me a goodbye

I need someone to clear up my mind, ahh how I wish that I can go to work now, my shift is in afternoon.

I thought of my friends and I smiled, well how about invite them here?

I dialed Youngjae's number and he answer right away "Hello, Youngjae ah!"

"[Oh hey, JinJin ah, why? do you need anything? our shift is in afternoon later]"

"Ahmm yeah, but would you mind if you come over? don't worry, MJ is in his company, so I am alone"

"[Oh as much as I would like to be with you, I can't, I'm in a restaurant right now]"

I am confused as to what he was saying "Your leg? is it-"

"[Hmm, just this day, J..Jaebum ssi said that it is fine now-Hey, who's that?]" I was a bit shocked when I heard another voice in the other line, and I'm really really sure that it's not Youngjae's

"Jae...are you with someone?" I ask him and I heard a sigh

"[I-I'm with J-Jaebum s-hyung, ahmm...talk to you later, bye]" That and he instantly hung up, If Jimin hyung knows this, Youngjae will end up in a worse scolding, I know how Jimin hyung could get overprotective on us


Speaking of him, I dialed his number next because obviously Youngjae is not available, I wonder why is he together with Jaebum hyung

"[JinJin ah! why? you need anything?]" I snorted but not obviously because when I always call them they will ask me what do I need, does it look like I'm just calling them if I need something to them? aissh really

"Nothing, hyung, I just want to know where you are"

"[Oh? ahmm I'm.. I'm with TaeTae hehe, why? can't wait to see your bestfriend? we have work later so I guess we got to see each other there]"

"Okay, bye, enjoy your date with V hyung" I said as I ended up the call, well moving to my last resort.. Gyeomie

But sadly, his phone's can't be reached, must be busy talking with his boyfriend, what was his name again? BamBam...right it's BamBam

"You seem so drown in your thoughts, it's that really deep that you can't feel my presence here?" I was startled when someone talk beside me, seriously, I didn't really felt him being here

"Why are you here?"

"I forgot something on my office room here, but I will be back in the company immediately, are you okay being alone here? if you're not then ask for Taehyung or anybody"

I just shake my head at him, not wanting to prolong our conversation, as I was looking at him, the events on his office suddenly came up to my mind, I was seriously gonna ignore it but after that guy called me like that, I am having this dreams every night

"MJ...hyung, c-can we talk later? ahmm..I just want to ask you...something" I said slowly and I saw him walking towards me, I backed away in defense and I saw him frowned

"I though we're even now? can't I get a hug from my baby?" Though my heart is beating so fast, which I don't know what is the reason, I just complied and give him a hug

Lately, I don't feel annoyed at MJ anymore, like I am not thinking of what happened before between him and Jinyoung hyung, on how he ask my brother about me to be the pay for his debt, aissh, everytime I think of that though, it'll always making me cringe

I don't know, whenever he's near, my heart doesn't calm down a bit, and his voice suddenly become so sweet on my ears that I can't help but to replay the scene he did into my school, then this, whenever I had a contact with him, his smell lingers on me

I must be crazy...now...right?

But why is this feeling seems felt so familiar? did I felt this before? it's so confusing

My train of thoughts suddenly disappeared when I felt something soft in my forehead, gosh, MJ just kissed me on the forehead, like he is always doing it before but now it felt so different, aishh, someone help me please

"Okay, we will talk later but now I've gotta go, please be safe baby, hmm? you have a work later right? do you want me to drive you at Seokjin hyung's Cafe?"

"No need, Youngjae texted me that we will go together"

"Okay, bye" He said and he hugged me, my eyes followed his retreating figure and I just sighed

"What to do in this goddamn big house?"


Third Person's POV

Jeongguk and Yoongi was now in front of Jin's Cafe, they've got outside the car and entered the Cafe in which they saw Jin chatting with Hoseok and occasionally slapping each other's arms playfully

Seokjin doesn't notice the two entered his Cafe but Hoseok did, so he had his eyes on the two but Yoongi give him a look that says 'You better not scream'

Just then, Seokjin turn his body and there he saw his boyfriend, he launched himself at Yoongi, giving the latter a hug and squeals his name

"Min Yoongi!!" Jin shouted and Yoongi just chuckled

"Yah! don't scream, there's a time you can scream my name" All of them got what he meant, the two acted like they are going to puke and Jin could just blushed madly

"Hyung, you owe us a story so start" Hoseok said at Yoongi and the elder just glared at him

"Jung Hoseok, I know you and Jeongguk are my bestfriends but please do me a favor and don't bother me when I'm talking to my baby here" Yoongi said with a low voice in which Hoseok shut up instantly but not Jeongguk, the younger keeps on smiling at Yoongi, but he's not just smiling, it is a mocking smile

Seokjin who can sense Yoongi's want to strangle the two, or more like Jeongguk only, he hugged him and put his chin in his boyfriend's shoulder

"Yah, you didn't saw them for so long, please try to be considerate"

"Oh..you should listen to Jin hyung, Yoongi hyung" Jeongguk said as he laughs "Anyway, Seokjin hyung, where are your employees? JinJin hyung? where are they?" he added as he roamed his eyes around the Cafe even peeking inside the kitchen

"They are not here obviously, those kids were be here later in the afternoon" Jin said and Jeongguk and Hoseok nodded

"Wait, where are you going?" Jin felt Yoongi's hand around his wrist as he head out to the kitchen

"I have something to get into the kitchen, just stay there okay?" Jin said as he continued his way to the kitchen, Hoseok was about to follow him but Yoongi stopped him

"What, hyung?"

"Stay here, how many are Jin's workers here?"

"4, and they are all younger than Jin hyung, the names are Park Jimin, Park Jinwoo, Choi Youngjae and Kim Yugyeom" Jeongguk said in details in which Yoongi was amused

"You didn't change a bit, kid, okay, I need the two of you and that four brats for my plan tonight"

"Plan? what is it? I'm sure it has something to do with Jin hyung right?"

"Of course"

"Then what is it, hyung?"

Yoongi smiled, looking at the kitchen as he open his mouth saying "I am planning on proposing to Jin, tonight" He said as the smiles still lingers on his lips

Hoseok and Jeongguk just exchanges glances and smiled


Dongmin and Bin is currently inside MJ's office and they all just stared at each other awkwardly until MJ cleared his throat and decided to start speaking

"Don't interfere with me about JinJin, as his boyfriend, it's my job to tell him about everything"

"Who is JinJin?"

"It's Jinwoo, I know you two, and also you Moon Bin, don't go against me or you will regret it, I'm serious"

"So you really did remember us, right Myungie hyung?" Bin said as he smirk "How you and Woonie hyung end up though? I knew you love each other since then but you've never got together"

"That is just for you to find out, I am warning you seriously, even if JinJin would come here, asking for you two, don't talk to him, understand?" MJ said and he saw the two nodded even though they're hesitating

"But Myungjun..hyung, may I ask why Jinwoo hyung doesn't recognized any of us, I can sense he doesn't even recognized you, he acts differently around you, is he like you?" Dongmin ask MJ and MJ was not surprised at Dongmin's catching it up, after all Lee Dongmin is truly a genius

"I..it's my fault that he is now having an amnesia"

MJ and Dongmin got startled when Bin suddenly stood up, shouting "What?! H-how?!"

"C..car accident" MJ said with a heavy sigh

Dongmin and Bin had swear there breath hitched and their heart stopped beating a bit


JinJin could just sigh, as he glances at the clock, it stated 9:00 am, meaning he have 3 more hours for work, and even though he is afraid of what he would dream again, he fell asleep at the couch easily, maybe his not sleeping nights helped him to fall asleep that fast

But then he woke up, beads of sweats dripping down his face, it's still the same dream again but more detailed and something new caught his attention, the boy in his dream who shouted Woonie hyung and Myungie hyung

He suddenly thought of MJ's partners in the company, the persons named Lee Dongmin and that Moon Bin especially, Bin did called him Woonie hyung when he saw him and if someone would told him that it is just a mere coincidence then he would most likely to kill that person whoever are they (but he can't since he's a cinnamon roll)

He made up his mind and he will ask that Moon Bin about this, it seems that he has something to do with his dreams that is haunting him this past few nights, and he doesn't want to just keep it like that, he wants to know why is he having that kinds of dream, he knows it's a ridiculous idea to ask Moon Bin about this but he is the one who called him Woonie hyung, the exact words he dreamt about along with the words Myungie hyung in which he still has no idea who the hell that person was

But he's not sure, if that Woonie hyung is someone or him since Moon Bin called him like that, it's obvious that it is him, but why he doesn't recognize Moon Bin even a bit if he is one of that boys with him? he's already convinced that one of the boys is him

He need to take drastic measures, he will go to that company and he will talk to that Moon Bin, now


JinJin thanked Taehyung on his mind for teaching him how to go on MJ's company alone and now he is standing before the tall building with a bold SMT letters at the top of it

As soon as he entered the building, which he just passed at the guards outside and bowing at him, the employees bowed at him too, he just sighed, well how can they not when Taehyung practically said to MJ's secretary that MJ is his boyfriend and when the time they went outside MJ's office they noticed how MJ's arm was wrapped around JinJin's waist, so it was confirmed

He eyed the employees as he approached one of them, the said one hanged his head low, not wanting to face JinJin or to be more exact, not wanting to face MJ's wrath

"Ahmm..there's no need for you to be like that, don't be scared, I just want to know where Moon Bin is?" JinJin ask and he could see the other lifted his head looking at him

"There, Sir Bin and Sir Dongmin's office" He followed the other's finger that is pointing on a certain room, he thanked him and proceed onto the office

'Why is their office was on a ground floor though?" JinJin ask on his mind

He knocked three times when he heard a faint 'come in' and luck was on his side when he saw Moon Bin alone

He could see the latter had his eyes went wide and sensed his body trembling "W-what a-are you d-doing here, J-Jinwoo s-ssi?" and he is also stuttering too

But JinJin is so frustrated that he actually didn't care on how Moon Bin is fidgeting, he ask him right away

"Woonie hyung...is me right?" JinJin ask Bin with all the seriousness on his face

And as for Bin, he is actually glued on his seat and can't speak, he wanted to tell JinJin about what he, his boyfriend and MJ did talk about earlier

But he can't because he will face MJ's anger and he didn't want to see the elder mad, so he gulped hard and wish that Dongmin is with him to help him out of the situation


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