《In Debt (MyungJin) [EDITING]》(KMJ~~)


Third Person's POV

Youngjae was just sitting on his sofa, doing nothing, Jaebum said to him that he can go after 3 days at the least, but doing nothing is annoying the hell out of him

"Jae ah! where did you put your-hey, why?" Jimin did stick to his promise that he will look out for the younger as he is insisting that it is his fault that Youngjae end up like this even though Youngjae said the he could manage, he really insists

"Nothing, hyung, I'm just feeling useless" Youngjae said using a sad tone masking his sunshine face, Jimin scooted over to him as he caress the younger's hair gently

"Nah, it's just a couple days and you can go back to school and work again so don't feel like that, now look at you, where is the sunshine of our little group gone?" Youngjae look up at Jimin and chuckled "Alright, your back" Jimin said

"But what about V hyung? aren't you going to a date with him?"

Jimin felt his cheeks flushed at Youngjae's reminder "W...well, I already told him that we can go tomorrow since I am here for you" He already did inform Taehyung about Youngjae so he was pretty sure that the other understands him

Youngjae nodded at the other and they were startled of a bark from a cute fluffball (like her owner), Coco

"Coco-yah~~" Youngjae picked up his dog and placed it on his lap while Jimin just doing what he is doing and casually taking a glance to Youngjae and Coco

"Ah, they're so cute" Jimin said to himself


MJ was pacing back and forth at the hospital passage, he is worried to death about the younger passing out earlier, just what is JinJin doing to himself to make him faint like that? that's the question running on his mind repeatedly, but then the sudden sound coming from his phone cut off his thoughts, fishing for his phone, he let out a hiss

"Lee Dongmin" MJ said right away as he answered his phone

"[Where are you?]" MJ glared hard into nothing as he heard Dongmin's not using of honorifics, but not that he care though, the three of them, Bin, Dongmin and him was just casual for the second time they met, on his company, though MJ smirked as he can see them fidgeting as they itch to ask him about their last meeting

The one where he called the two like how he called them on their childhood days, but Dongmin can be professional as he is, he set aside his will to ask and proceeded to his job, helping him to develop his company, but not with Bin though, the latter has cornered him to have a talk but he was dragged by Lee Dongmin and MJ just smirked at them

As MJ finished his little flashback, he had now his focus on the other line "[Don't we have meeting today? you said you have to discuss the changes on our projects]?" MJ did remembered what he told on the last meeting with the shareholders and investors, he had this idea of him for his company and he had to discuss it with them but his boyfriend is at the hospital now "Yeah, be there in one hour" MJ said as he throw one glance at JinJin inside the room, the doctor is still examining him so he can't go inside

Deciding on just calling, one of JinJin's friends or whoever it is to look for JinJin while his out, he dialed a certain number on his phone


But on the second thought... he dialed another number, instead of one of JinJin's friends

"Taehyung ah, come here, you know this hospital right?" Before Taehyung could speak on the other line, MJ hang up and left the hospital


Minhyuk was surprised at the sudden movement from Taehyung, the latter suddenly stood up as he faced Minhyuk

"Minhyuk ah, stay here for longer, you have a room here right? just go back to your apartment later, I have to go, I have something to do, you wouldn't mind being alone right? you can call any of your classmate or friends, MJ hyung wouldn't mind it at all of you use his and your hyung's house" Minhyuk could only hang his mouth open at Taehyung, a lot of words coming from the latter

"N-ne, hyung, b-but where are you going?"

"Just... somewhere, ahmm.. I can't tell you, oh by the way, are you planning on staying your free days from school here? you know, MJ hyung bought you a unit near here right?"

Minhyuk nodded "I just want to be with JinJin hyung, I will go back to the school's dorm tomorrow" Minhyuk said as the someone who keeps on invading his mind suddenly flashes before him

"You are smiling, isn't that creepy, smiling alone, when it has no reason to smile?"

"You can smile with no reason, hyung, but I have for myself" Minhyuk said as Sanha's face flashes on his mind, he promise the latter to make him remember Minhyuk and he will do it

"Okay, just be safe, bye"

Minhyuk sighed as he watched Taehyung's retreating figure


Seokjin was on his room, alone in their house

'Taehyung must be in MJ's and JinJin's house, that kid, he's always there' Jin thought to himself

His mind suddenly drifted on the day where Hoseok and Jeongguk suddenly visited him, also the day they knew how did those two and JinJin met, but little did Seokjin know, it was not the true story behind their meeting, of course it's not, when JinJin suddenly remembered the exchanges of number happened between him and Hoseok, so JinJin, not wanting his friends to ask him what really happened, he asked (begged) Hoseok and Jeongguk not to tell them and just make a story

And that's what happened but they didn't know that Jin can see through lies

"Tss.. that brats, they think they can fool me? saying they met on a park and JinJin helped them? tss... I think it's the other way around, must be something from JinJin's side, sheessh, I already know JinJin's story of him and MJ but why he is-" Seokjin's monologue was interrupted by his phone ringing, noticing the name registered, he jumped off of his bed and grinned happily as he answered the phone

"Yoongichi~~~" Seokjin called affectionately and he heard a chuckle from the other line

"[Miss me that much, baby?]" Seokjin took his turn to chuckle and let out an overly excited "Ne!"

On the other hand, Yoongi was actually staring at a small box, occupying his hands, just three more days and he will come back soon to Korea, the group he is handling is finishing their tour for three days so he's no need to be one of the producer, Min Yoongi and can go back to be the boyfriend of Kim Seokjin

Yoongi smiled at nothing, he decided to just do his job inside Korea so he can't be that far from the love of his life, and to ask Seokjin too, once again, to accept his marriage proposal, seriously, Yoongi is waiting for a year now and Jin is just....so not ready


"Hey, Yoongi ah? are you still there? helloo~~" Yoongi was snapped back from his thoughts as the subject of it, groaned on the other line

"[Three more days, baby, I miss you so much!]" Seokjin chuckled at his boyfriend once again

"Hey, you know, those two idiot who goes by the name Jung Hoseok and Jeon Jeongguk decided to pay me a visit the other day, they didn't change that much, Yoongichi~ but Kookie did tell me that his father passed him their publishing house and Hobi is helping him, we, four, should bond more!"

"[Hmm..yes, Jinnie~ we're definitely will, anyway, stay safe, love and wait for me, and you better serve me your cafe's specialty cause I will go straight to that]"

"You don't want me to fetch you at the airport like how I used to?"

"[Yeah, I don't want you to get tired just wait for me okay? bye, I love you]"

"I love you too, love" Seokjin said as they both ended the call, and smiled to themselves


Taehyung went straight to the hospital's information desk to ask what JinJin's room number is, after telling his name, the nurse finally said the room, but then stopped by the same nurse

"Kim Taehyung right? so handsome!!" The nurse said as her eyes went to a heart shaped one, the nurse then to proceeded to touch Taehyung on his arms like she is seducing him in which Taehyung grimaced

"Look, I have a boyfriend, his name is Park Jimin, an actual angel but can rip your throat once you messed up with him, and I know, I'm so handsome, thank you very much" Taehyung said as he went to the elevator, leaving the nurse still on where she stand

Taehyung could just sigh, well it's so difficult to be very handsome, he thought to himself, as the elevator opened, he managed to pick up his phone that let out a sound earlier, indicating that he receive a message

"Oh, it's MJ hyung" He said as he read to contents of the message, that is asking him if he already arrived at the hospital, Taehyung replied a yes

As he is in the front of the door already, the doctor was coming out too, exactly where Taehyung was just to twist the door knob, Taehyung bowed at the doctor and the doctor did the same

"Where is the young man here earlier?" The doctor asked Taehyung

"Ah, hyung has an important meeting to attend and he send me here instead, I'm his brother"

The doctor nodded and glanced at the sleeping figure inside the room "Is he coming back though?"

"Yes, why is there any problem, doc? is there anything you want to say regarding to what happened to JinJin?" Taehyung honestly didn't know what happened since MJ just orderes him to stay with JinJin until he comes back

"I want to talk about it to your brother, I'm sorry"

"Oh no need to be, after all, it's my hyung that his boyfriend, I'm just staying here for a while to look out for him"

"Okay, well, I gotta go, excuse me" The doctor said politely at he bowed at Taehyung once again and left, Taehyung who watch the doctor disappeared from his sight, he slowly entered the room and saw JinJin sitting at the bed, still sinking to his brain, what happened to him

"Hey, you okay now?" JinJin was startled at Taehyung suddenly speaking, Taehyung just chuckled as JinJin blinks at him innocently, he reached out to the younger's hair and ruffled it

"Where is MJ?" JinJin ask him and Taehyung let out a smirk

"He will be back here, he's just having an important meeting and he ask me to look at you"

"What about Rocky?"

"Oh, Minhyuk is just staying at your house, anyway, do you want something to eat? the doctor said you can be discharged now but we have to wait for MJ hyung"

"I don't want to be here anymore, V hyung, I want to leave"


"Please, I will just die of boredom here"

"Okay, we'll just go at hyung's company and I know he wouldn't mind if you are there" Taehyung said with a wink causing JinJin to blushed heavily

And it's the first time he will go to MJ's company and he is nervous


Sanha was currently scrolling down to his social media accounts (or just stalking Park Minhyuk's facebook account, but of course, he didn't want to tell anybody of that) ever since, he lied his eyes at the latter, the latter keeps on flashing into his mind over and over again

In that moment, his mother went barging in to his room as he struggle to close his laptop

"Eomma! can't you just knock first?"

"My Sanha has a secret he don't want to share with others" Sanha's mother teased Sanha and the latter just pouts, the mother chuckled as she reached his son's hand and place something to it

"Eomma? what is this? you bought me a new necklace? wow, so beautiful" Sanha said as he was amazed at the said necklace but when he turn his head at his mother, he was confused, copying his mother's expression

"Why?" he asked

"That's yours, Sanha, the hospital called for me and hand that necklace to me, saying it was yours, they found it at your bed when we left the hospital" Sanha looked at his mother with so much confusion, he doesn't remember having this kind of necklace with a letter P as a pendant

"Oh..ahmm, must forgot it" Sanha just said as he wore the necklace into his neck, the mother just tapped Sanha's shoulder and left her son at the room and Sanha took it the chance to examine the necklace

"I didn't really own you, super duper really, aishh, it's all Park Minhyuk's fault, see, weird things are happening to me since I met him"

Sanha said as he flunk onto his bed


Taehyung and JinJin arrived at the company, the guards at the lobby greeted Taehyung as he walks with JinJin

JinJin could feel the stares at him as he unconciously hid behind Taehyung's back, Taehyung glance at him and into his hyung's employee sending a glare to them and they went back on what they are doing

Just then, MJ's secretary stumbled upon them, Taehyung knows her as he and Seokjin already visited MJ on the company, Taehyung called her and her face lighten up but frowns when she noticed someone with Taehyung

"Where's MJ hyung?"

"Oh sir, he just finished his meeting so probably he will went straight on his office and...no one is allowed to let someone, who doesn't have a business here, in" The secretary said rolling her eyes at JinJin and JinJin could just swore he could rip her eyes out, it's obvious that she is looking at him as if he is a nuisance, well it's just fair on JinJin's side because he could see her as a slut, in the way her face was in heavy make up and dress so short...

"Oh, he's Park Jinwoo, and he is not a someone, you wouldn't want to talk like that if MJ hyung found out that you are mistreating his boyfriend" As Taehyung said that, the secretary gasps loudly and can't take what did she just heard

"Boyfriend?" Taehyung just rolled his eyes, dragging JinJin with him as they head out to MJ's floor and office


MJ is currently inside his office as the meeting was just finsihed, he was about to leave fast though when his two childhood friends came inside his office

"What? didn't we just finished our meeting? just meet me regarding the ads we will doing out for the commercial of our new model" MJ said without sparing a glance to the two

"You seem to be in hurry" He heard Dongmin said in which MJ sent a glare to him

"Obviously" MJ said and then his phone ringed so he had to pick it up

It was the doctor from the hospital earlier thinking about this, he was fast on answering the phone and what the doctor said to him is just not what he expect

"You.. sure?" MJ said against the phone

Dongmin and Bin exchanges glances as they looked at MJ's troubled face, must be a big problem, They eyed MJ as the latter put back his phone on his pocket and turn to look at them

"I'm leaving" he stated but right when he was about to open the door, it is suddenly opened and it revealed MJ's youngest brother, and his cute boyfriend too

But thinking that Dongmin and Bin is still there with him, he looked at JinJin, and they were startled at Bin's outburst as he gave JinJin a hug "Woonie hyung?! Woonie hyung!! ey, look at you, you grew up gorgeously" Bin said excitedly, all smiles but then it disappeared when JinJin decided to speak

"Who are you?" JinJin asks and Bin could just frown, same goes to Eunwoo

And there, MJ is witnessing what the doctor said, of course, he already knew this from the beginning but his depression is getting up on him so he tends to forget someone important to him

But not with JinJin though, because he already knew from the start that JinJin has an amnesia


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