《In Debt (MyungJin) [EDITING]》(KJW~~)


Third Person's POV

After wasting minutes of staring each other, MJ snapped out of it finally "So shall we start now?" MJ asked as formally and professionally as he can

Dongmin cleared his throat and he pulled Bin to sit beside him as the latter is still staring at MJ, Dongmin give him a glare, saying, 'don't' as he shakes his head

MJ smirked at what to seem, a couple, but then he is here for a business so he should act like a CEO he was

"I want to invest in your company..." Dongmin started "...also if you accept my offer, I can help you make cars that has unique designs, having the best qualities we can came off"

MJ smirked again, thinking of Dongmin's offer "It's tempting cause SMT was sure to have known as the best seller of cars in the whole world, we're like supplying other countries and that's why our engineers and designers are very skilled, we don't hired just someone"

Dongmin felt his eyes twitched but he just gave a smile towards MJ "Kim Myungjun, are you belittling me? and not just me, but my boyfriend too, and who says I will be under you? I want to become an investor on your company"

"Then why don't you build your own company if you think you can handle it yourself, it's fun if you compete with me right?" MJ said as he chuckled, mocking Dongmin

Dongmin did his best to calm himself, actually they have personal reason why they want to join MJ's company, whatever it is, it's on themselves

MJ eyed the two in front of him, his eyes soften a bit looking at them but then he snapped out of it quickly, he offer his hands on Dongmin and the latter was confused "I already looked at your background and based on your experiences and skills, I'd say that you're really a great engineer as well as Bin-ssi here and I think I want the two of you to get a share at my company"

Dongmin looked at MJ with eyes widening "You'll making us as a shareholders?" Dongmin asks and MJ just shrugged

"Hmm...it's not like, my company has a lot of shareholders nowadays, when my father resign from being a CEO, few of them resigned too, I guess they are looking down at me, and if you really want to be a part of my company, why not giving you other parts of its shares right?"

Dongmin took MJ's hand as they shakehands, Dongmin is smiling and the plan of getting near MJ was granted.

MJ stood up as he took his phone on his pocket and dialed certain number, he excuse himself and went far away from their table, but if Dongmin and Bin would talk to each other, he would actually hear them

"Binnie, why did you call him that?"

"Because he is Myungie hyung, Dongmin hyung, how can you forget one of our bestfriends and childhood friend?"

"Bin, he is not the Myungie hyung we have before, not anymore, look at him, he seems so cold and distant, he looks reserved and I think he doesn't even remember us, if he did, he would greet us right?"

"No..if he could remember us, he would be mad at us for leaving him and Woonie hyung.." Bin said as he hung his head low, Dongmin looked at his boyfriend sadly as he brought him into a hug

"It's okay, Binnie, that's why we are forcing ourselves on his company, to apologize right?"


"I'm a bad friend, hyung, I left without saying goodbye, and you left them too, ahh!! what do we do now?"

MJ smirks as he eyed the two who is obviously is having their own world, he hung up on his phone, walking back at their table

"So see you in my company from now on then?" He talks as the other two was startled, Dongmin and Bin stood up to say goodbye

"Yes, and I'm looking up on working with you"

"Me too, Lee Dongmin and Moon Bin, thank you for choosing my company anyway, and by the way, you two looked good on each other" Bin blushed at the sudden comment on them as a couple as he hid his head on Dongmin's shoulder

"So..I will go first, it's nice to meet you...it's been years right? Dongmin ah and Binnie" MJ said with a teasing smirk as he began to walk fast towards his car and Dongmin and Bin was left there, can't move and dumbfounded


Sanha's POV

I am confused as why this guy knew my name, but then I have unlimited friends so maybe he is one of them, but I can't recognize him and to take of a look of him, he seems like a new student lurking around the school for his class

And also, I took note of how this guy is so handsome..

Shessh, snap out of it, Sanha, he is a stranger

"Sanha, stop fooling around, you said you want me to find you and now that I found you, I promise myself to have bonding moments with you" The guy said and my confusion increased, is he crazy? insane?

"Ahmm...I don't know what you're talking about, and as to how did you know my name, maybe you are one of my acquaintances but I don't recognize you at all, but thanks for helping me though, see you around" I said and bowed at him as I left, I can see hurt and confusion in his eyes, but I seriously didn't see him somewhere and this is the first time I met him

But I will ask my other friends if theu know him, wait what is his name? aigoo, how stupid of me not to ask for his name, my gosh

I enter our room and one of my friends and classmate, Jihoon, went beside me right after sitting on my seat

"I heard we're having a new classmate, and one of our classmate already saw him, and he saw him with Kim Taehyung, I mean, Kim Taehyung the famous senior student, a senior student to be idolized of-"

"Jihoon hyung, just stop, I know how you idolized the most popular student of our school but please just get straight to the point"

"The point is...that new student is close with Kim Taehyung, I make him my friend to ask some questions about Kim Taehyung"

"Jihoon hyung, do me a favor and get away from me"

"You..why can't you be supportive? aishh" He said and he went back on his seat, I was startled when my teacher's loud mouth boomed in our room

"Okay class, you have a new classmate here, now get inside young man" She said to our probably new classmate outside and once the unknown guy stepped inside our room, my eyes widen

"He is the handsome guy from earlier" I said to myself

He seems so uneasy as he stood in front of our class "Introduce yourself"

He scans us first with his eyes and when his eyes landed on mine, now that we are staring at each other, he smiled and began to speak "Annyeonghasaeyo, I'm Park Minhyuk, I hope we can be friends" He said as he bows, my other classmates eyed his figure, they trailed their eyes on him as they say 'Wow, he's so handsome', I just rolled my eyes at them


"Hmm...okay, Minhyuk ah, you can go, sit beside Yoon Sanha, Sanha raise your hand for him to know you"

I was about to curse my teacher on my head, but in the second thought, I am not because cursing is bad, I'm an innocent kid, and raises my hand for Park Minhyuk

But really? why does it have to be beside me?

He walks towards me and I didn't look him in his eyes but I could feel that he is staring at me, when he was finally settled down beside me, he look straight at the front as our teacher began to discuss her lesson, he searched for his notebook as I did too and he took a sticky note too, I wonder what is the use of that...

After an hour and a half of discussing, the teacher dismissed us for a 20 minutes break, I was about to stand up when my seatmate here just pulled me back on my seat


"Ahmmm...sorry" He said averting his eyes everywhere and the sticky notepad that he is writing in earlier was now on wrist, and he quickly ran off outside the classroom, I just trailed him with my eyes

Shrugging, I took off the notepad on my wrist and read what was written

=Do you really forgot about me? well, don't worry I'll do everything for you to remember me=

If this is not confusing, it is...I don't know sweet? sweet and confusing, but forgot? does he really know me? aishh, I want to ask him what is our memory together. When I woke up in my coma, I didn't even loss my memory, if I did, I will not remember Jihoon hyung, but then who is he? who is Park Minhyuk?

But then let's see, what he will do..


Third Person's POV

"So I'm here again, and what is the prince's orders this time?" Jaebum said as he rolled his eyes at MJ, he just happened to found himself again at MJ's office because the latter called him again

"....help me" MJ said as he sighs, Jaebum stared at him like he have grown two heads

"You... wait, I'm sure I've just heard you asking for help but I don't know, maybe my ears are just playing tricks on-"

"Can't you just help me? JinJin is avoiding me for a week now!"

"Of course that is reasonable, you nearly raped the poor kid, Myungjun, just because you are jealous of someone who hasn't something to JinJin but a friend"

"Don't make me feel more guilty! aishh!! what do I have to do for him to forgive me?"

"....well, how about.... "


JinJin could just stare at Jimin whose eyes are now heart-shaped, earlier his three bestfriends told him about their lovelife

"I..It's good, you and Taehyung ssi looks good together" JinJin just said

"Well, thank you" Jimin said as he giggled in which Yugyeom fake a gag and Jimin just glared at him

"Oh..and hyung, when we said Jaebum hyung was hitting of on Youngjae hyung, how did you know that we're all thinking of the same Jaebum?" Yugyeom curiously ask which making Youngjae's head snapped at JinJin and Jimin suddenly shouted

"Yah! I remembered when you called me that day, you're using his number!" Jimin shouted

JinJin could feel the stares of his friends at him, of course he has a reason for that but it should be a secret, sure he said to himself that he will be telling them about the real story between him and MJ but now's not the right time, and that's includes what they are asking.

But all questions has an alternative answer, isn't it?

"Ah...ahmm, he is now Minhyukie's private doctor, MJ appointed him" JinJin isn't really sure of that but he heard MJ and his youngest brother, Rocky talking about JB being his personal doctor now

"Oh really? wow, why can't I have someone like MJ hyung to be a boyfriend?" Yugyeom said to himself

JinJin could just sigh but he still felt Jimin's stare on him

"My question doesn't answered by that, Park Jinwoo"

Of course it's not, because that phone call was months ago and JinJin's heart started to beat faster out of nervousness

"Ah..ahmmm, MJ introduced him to me when I am getting back here"

Jimin glare at him but now just sighed "Okay, so-" Jimin was cut off by a group of girls running outside their building

"What is happening?" Youngjae ask as he peep down their floor and he was shocked at what he saw... or rather who he saw

He immediately gestured to the three to go outside too and the three others immediately complied, they've gone outside their building and was meet by none other than

"Is that MJ hyung?" Yugyeom asks

"I think so, Gyeomie, what is he doing here?" Jimin said

Yes, it is MJ...with a band behind him, and MJ looks like their vocalist though...and the girls screaming his name make it look like it

Of course MJ is popular being like a model on all business magazines

MJ was smirking, feeling eyes on him, adoring him like what he was expected, though, he search for his someone special and he couldn't contain his happiness as soon as he found JinJin with his friends

He cleared his throat to ready himself to speak "Well, sorry for intruding in your school..." He paused for a seconds as he got a replies from the students that it was okay, he smiled, bringing the mic on his lips once more "I need to do this, my baby is mad at me, I can't make him mad at me, a week long is enough, so I want to do this for him to forgive me"

A series of whispering with each other was heard at the place.. some was shocked that MJ has a boyfriend, and some was jealous of that guy, wanting to know who he is, but about MJ being into guys doesn't surprise the crowd, because he admitted that he is like that long ago, but that doesn't lessen the people adoring him, same goes to his brothers, Jin and V

Meanwhile, JinJin was glued onto his feet, he can't really comprehend what was happening but then he knew MJ was talking about him, 'Damn, I feel so embarassed now' JinJin thought to himself

"Whatever MJ did to you was sure to be a big deal, because you avoid him for a week, and knowing you, you will extend that on months, and then you didn't even tell us? but he's so sweet to do this kind of things for you, I wish Taehyung could do that to me" Jimin said without tearing his gaze at MJ

"I wonder if he could really sing" Yugyeom said as he laughs

The crowd keeps on asking MJ who is the lucky guy he is having, and he could just offered a smile at them, he will reveal his and JinJin's relationship later, he smiled at this idea he is doing right now, the idea came from Jaebum

It's been so long since he sings in front of public, he recalled singing in front of people when he was free from his depression, he sometimes sings with his brothers too and was receiving a good feedbacks as well as offers from the scouts of entertainments but the kindly declined their offer

MJ began to test the mic as he signals the band behind him to start, as the band begins to start, MJ fixed his gaze at JinJin, staring lovely at him, and then he started to sing

And MJ smirked as he heard 'awes' and 'daebak' through the crowd but what makes him happy was the surprised looks at JinJin's friends' eyes as well as JinJin's reaction

'His voice....' JinJin started on his head

"What the hell, how can his voice is so sweet, it's so different from him" Jimin said

"He sing really good too, hyung" Youngjae added

"Wow, amazing! I wish BamBam can sing like that too"

Well, his friends just finished his thoughts for him, but then JinJin was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt a grip on his wrist and pulling him, he didn't know when did MJ managed to get through the crowd just to get him, and also he could feel now the jealous stares he is receiving

MJ smiled as he make JinJin faced him, he put his left hand on JinJin's waist and the latter just hung his head low, too embarassed of the attention he was getting at, but then MJ started to sing again in which JinJin has his head snapped up and he could feel the stare the other was giving into him

'He sings like an angel' That is JinJin was thinking of earlier, he truly admit that the other has a sweet voice he actually didn't know

MJ finishes his song and the crowd cheered for him but MJ doesn't think about that as he focused on the other in front of him, he pulled JinJin into him as he brought him into a hug ans whispered against his ear "I'm sorry, baby, please, I'm just jealous, I can't control myself when I feel like that, I miss you JinJin, please don't avoid me anymore"

JinJin could only let himself melt into MJ's hug but he didn't hug him back, MJ's hug was just comforting and he likes it, JinJin frowned as he felt his chest tightened at his heart beating so fast, he doesn't want to confirm what is the meaning of it but he have to

This is the first time JinJin watched MJ having this sweet side of him, and most of all, the angelic voice he have, he might become addicted to it and ask him to sing for him again, but then the memory of him being pinned into the wall by an angry MJ made him snap out of it

"I...don't know.." JinJin could all just said, MJ sighs, maybe he will have to double his effort to make JinJin forgive him, after giving a kiss on JinJin's lips, which had the latter has shocked even though it was just a peck on the lips, he faced the crowd and

"Thank you for watching me even though I just meant to sing for my boyfriend, and oh, if any of you hurt Park Jinwoo, you wouldn't know what will I do if you mess up with me" MJ said using his threatening voice which make others back away in fear

Jimin, Youngjae and Yugyeom could only exchanges glances

"Shit, MJ hyung just looks so hot in there, like I imagined he would trap JinJin hyung's body and do something with i-" Yugyeom doesnt have the chance to continue what he was saying as a hand was clamped into his mouth

"The brat, Kim Yugyeom and his unfiltered mouth" Jimin said

"MJ hyung is so sweet" Youngjae said


The crowd was dispersed not minutes ago, even Jimin, Youngjae and Yugyeom went back to their class, MJ asked them to, and now it's only the couple who has left outside

JinJin doesn't want to meet MJ's gaze as he could feel it at him

"I can make more of this effort just to make sure you will forgive me, JinJin, just say what you want and I will grant it in front of you"

"You were avoiding me, too" JinJin said, barely audible, he doesn't meant to ask the other about that but he can't stop himself from questioning

"Ah...yes, but I was busy, well I admit I'm avoiding you too, why? is my baby missed me that much, are you falling for me now, JinJin?"

JinJin scowled at the other "In your dreams, we are just a couple because of my brother's debt on you"

MJ felt hurt but then he covered it quickly through speaking " Well then, I will not giving up on you, you'll see, now go back to your class and I will fetch you up later" MJ said as he put a kiss on JinJin's forehead and left

And JinJin could only stare at the MJ's car drifting away


A week has passed and JinJin could really see MJ's effort, every day of the last week, he would find a red rose on his seat as Yugyeom giving him a smirk and he already knows who send that of, and maybe he is asking Yugyeom to put that on his seat

After the class hours end, they arrived at the Cafe to work

"Jin hyung" Jimin said to get Jin's attention, the latter smiled at them

"Oh, Jiminie, you're all here" He said and the others nodded at him

"....and I see, you brought red rose again, JinJin"

JinJin just smiled as he handed the rose to Jin, everyday he will give it to Jin not because he doesn't want it but he just feel like to give it to Jin, he really can see MJ's effort though

"Thank you" Jin said as he went inside his office, just then they heard the chimes of the Cafe's door and Minhyuk entered, everyday Minhyuk goes to Cafe too after his class, Youngjae, Jimin and Yugyeom already met him too

"Annyeong Minhyuk ah!" Youngjae greeted behind the counter

"You know kid, you should work here" Yugyeom said as he wrapped an arm around Minhyuk's shoulder

Jimin clicked his tongue at Yugyeom "Ha, you just want to order him because if he will work here, he will be the youngest now here"

JinJin went beside his brother and sat on the table with him

"Are you okay? you've been down lately, is there any problem at school?" JinJin asks

"Nothing, hyung, I'm just exhausted" Minhyuk said

"Really? then let's make you a coffee, don't worry I will pay for it" JinJin said as he went back on the counter, preparing a coffee for his brother

Meanwhile, Youngjae entered the kitchen as he found Jimin making a bread

"What are you doing here?" Jimin asks

"There is no customers yet" Youngjae said, he glance at what's Jimin doing and he ask if he can help

"Ah yes you can" Jimin said and Youngjae happily helped him

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