《In Debt (MyungJin) [EDITING]》(KJW ◈)


Third Person's POV

"Good afternoon, ma'am, welcome to the SJ Cafe, may I take your order?" Youngjae said in all smile as he turn faced the customer

"Two slices of chocolate cake and two cups of cappucino" The middle aged woman said to him and he return a sunshine smile.

"Would that be all, ma'am?" Youngjae asks politely and the customer nodded with a smile. Youngjae punched in her order and give the customer the other copy of the receipt. "You can have your seat, ma'am, we will just give you your order as we call your name" Youngjae said and the customer left for a seat.

Youngjae turn a glance at his side and saw Yugyeom staring at his other side, after giving Jimin the order, he went beside Yugyeom and hit his arm.

"Ah! Youngjae hyung!"

"Yah! you, go get the orders of the customers so they don't have to fall in line, Jin hyung doesn't want customers to stand" Youngjae said to Yugyeom but the latter just wrapped his arm around his shoulders. "Yah! what are you doing?"

"Hyung, look" Yugyeom said to Youngjae and pointed where he was staring out since earlier and Youngjae's eyes went big.

"JinJin ah..."

"Hyung, JinJin hyung is in that corner since the time he's here, even in the school, he's like that, he's like....a zombie, is he okay?"

"I don't know, why don't we ask him?"

"Ask? I've already done that but all he did was turn his gaze at me and went back to staring at nothing again, hyung, should we call Jin hyung at his office? "

The two was seemingly in deep thoughts until Jimin came in front of them with a blank expression and hit them with a tray.

"You, ungrateful brats! why are you just standing there huh? Yugyeom, take the customers orders and you, Youngjae, you are supposed to make the coffee orders with JinJin" Jimin said as he is the one who made the coffee earlier when he's not even a barista, he is the pastry chef. "Wait, where the hell that JinJin brat went huh?"

Yugyeom pointed at the far corner of the counter. Jimin eyes went wide at the scene in front of him. Jimin approached JinJin with a confused but concerned face.

When Jimin touched JinJin's shoulders, the latter did not just flinched but backed away at Jimin like he did something bad at him. And the concern and confusion that Jimin feels grew bigger, also Youngjae and Yugyeom feels the same.

"JinJin....are you okay?" Jimin said but he didn't went anywhere near to JinJin.

JinJin was snapped out his thoughts, the thoughts that bringing him to what happened yesterday, a moment of his life that made him scared of everything. JinJin found himself nodding at Jimin, he is not okay, of course, but he can't tell them what happened.

But they are his bestfriends, friends you can rely on when something was wrong but he can't just spill everything about them, but he needs a friend to talk.


"Really? tss..stop lying, JinJin ah, you are not okay,Yugyeom asked you earlier but you didn't even answer him" Jimin said with a sigh "You should go home, we can take care of anything here, tell Jin hyung that you were not gonna work today, and please, tell us what is wrong, we're your friends" Jimin added as he went back to the kitchen to make customer's orders

"Hyung...you are shaking, what's wrong really, did something bad happened to you? when Jimin hyung touches you, you leap off a meter from him" Yugyeom said

JinJin could just had his head low 'Home? I don't want to go home'

Home...after what happened, sure he doesn't want to go back but he has no place to run, even if he's thinking about staying with his friends, he pushed away that thought because he doesn't want to be a burden to anyone.

And...until now, MJ doesn't bring him at his youngest brother, MJ said that this is the day when he will be discharged.

"Ahmmm... I'm sorry, I-I need to go" JinJin said walking passed his friends without looking back at them. When he got inside Jin's office, the other didn't question him about his behavior for today but he will ask him in time. JinJin thanked him and he left.

While walking, JinJin was in a deep thought, today is the day he will get to see his youngest brother, he should be happy, he should composed himself so that Minhyuk wouldn't worry about him.

"That's right...I must be...happy..for him"


"Sir, there is a client who wants to see you" MJ turned his gaze at his secretary.

"Client?" The secretary nodded "He said he wants a meeting with you ton-"


"No sir? but he is a big clie-"

"I said no! which in my words you don't understand?!"

"Y-yes sir... and sir, someone whose name is Lee Dongmin wants to see you next week" MJ's head snapped up suddenly at the name stated by his secretary.

"Lee Dongmin?" MJ said and suddenly he felt like his world is spinning. He feels like he wants to throw up.

'Who is Lee Dongmin? His name is familiar' MJ asks himself. MJ nodded at his secretary and he dismissed her.

"I don't have time for this, I have to go to Park Minhyuk and I have to apologize to JinJin" MJ said as he hurriedly left his company.


Minhyuk's POV

"Okay, Park Minhyuk, you can go now" The doctor said to me as he finished examining me. "You have a healthy heart now, I'm happy for you"

I smiled at him and put my hand over my left chest. I am strong now, I don't have a weak heart anymore. I can do whatever I want now...and also I can see JinJin hyung and Jinyoung hyung now.

"How are you, Park Minhyuk?" I look passed the doctor to see the same man who visited me before my surgery. Kim Myungjun, my brother's boyfriend. The doctor left us after giving me a pat on my back.


"Why are you here....again?"

"Tomorrow, you will be studying at a boarding school where my brother goes in, every weekends, the school allows the student to go back home so I am providing you an apartment to live on"

"Just by myself only?"

"Yes, don't worry, the house where me and JinJin lives is just two blocks away from yours"

"Hmm...wait, you and JinJin hyung are living together? a-are you guys, married?"

Kim Myungjun looked at me with big eyes and after that he wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

"Kid, I'm beginning to like you huh, you sounded like you want your brother to get married that soon" I shook my head and lower it.

"N-no, I'm just asking"

"Hmmm...well, didn't I said it before? yes, JinJin is living with me, and I'm planning to marry him"

From how he looks, his eyes is saying the truth. I can also feel that he loves JinJin hyung very much.

"Ah... Myungjun ssi, Is my brothers visiting me here before I leave this hospital? I...I want to see them so badly"

"Only JinJin, he's on his way now here"

I smiled at him, my brother is going to see me...wait...

"How about Jinyoung hyung?"

"Park Jinyoung...do you really want to see him?" Of course, he is my brother, I answered on my mind but I just nodded my head on him.

"Maybe...I would give him this day, just this day" MJ said more like to himself as he left my room.

I don't know what he is talking about but I'm so excited to see my brother, I want to talk to him about everything. And I have to find...a certain someone too.


Third Person's POV

"I'm really getting worried about JinJin, he's not telling us about anything" Youngjae said while leaning on the counter. Yugyeom and Jimin sighed beside him.

They were startled when the chimes at the Cafe door made a sound. All of their heads turned to the customer who entered the Cafe.

"TaeTae!!" Jimin shouted and ran towards his boyfriend

"I thought, it's a customer, just V hyung only" Yugyeom said

"What is this all-Taehyung ah? why are you here?" Jin, who came from his office, said.

"Oh hi hyung!" Taehyung said and wave his hand to Jin

Jin noticed that his brother and Jimin is too close for being just a friend and the way Taehyung held Jimin's waist like someone will stole him away from Taehyung.

"Yah! you two, are you...dating?" Jin asks them and Jimin immediately detached himself from Taehyung

"Huh, Jimin hyung, there's no need to keep it from Jin hyung, after all he bounds to know it anyway" Yugyeom said in a bored tone of voice.

"Haha...Yugyeom's right, you are not mad, hyung, am I right? me and my ChimChim loves each other so much" Taehyung said to his brother.

"O-of course not, it's just that...I'm a little surprised?"

"Yeah, right, I fell in love with Taehyung the first time I saw him and whether you like it or not, I will not letting him go" Jimin said

"Ew, please, stop with the cheesiness, no one is against your relationship here" Yugyeom said.

"Yugyeom ah, you're getting noisy huh, why don't you introduce your long distance relationship to us-I mean to them" Youngjae said with a sassy tone of voice....well he's beside Yugyeom who's being sassy since earlier.

The looks from the others face went confused.

"Wait, Youngjae, so you are saying that Yugyeom...this little kid here, has a boyfriend?" Jimin said and Youngjae nodded.

"You!" Jimin took a step forward to slap Yugyeom's back who retreated to Youngjae's back, but Jimin was stopped by his boyfriend

"Wahh, Youngjae hyung! you betrayed me!"

"Well, Jimin hyung bounds to know it anyway" Youngjae said copying Yugyeom earlier

"Hey, Jiminie, just let Yugyeom okay? he is not a kid anymore"

"Wow! V hyung is the best!"


"Guys! stop! so Jimin and Yugyeom is in a relationships with their partner.... are you...Youngjae?"

"Of course not, Jin hyung, I am not"

"Soon, Jin hyung...with a certain doctor, Im Jaebum"

"Jaebum? our private doctor...aishh, I don't care about your lovelifes but I am still mad for not telling about this to me, but Taehyung ah, why are you here?"

"MJ hyung said that there is new kid that will be studying on our school, JinJin's youngest brother, wait? where's JinJin?"

"He's not feeling well" Youngjae said and went back on beating Yugyeom's back.

"You mean, Minhyuk?"

"Yes, hyung said that this the day when he will be discharged and after that, he will enroll Minhyuk at my school and he will live on apartment, I don't know what's the other details"

"So JinJin will be at the hospital now" Jimin said

"Minhyuk is lucky! and MJ hyung will do everything for JinJin hyung, wow the power of love" Yugyeom. said

"But...Taehyung ah, did MJ said something about him and JinJin? JinJin looks so stressed earlier, did they have a fight?"

"Fight? no, nothing, MJ hadn't brought anything about them to me but if you want Jin hyung, we can visit them, I know where the mansion is"

"Mansion?!" Jimin, Youngjae and Yugyeom shouted altogether

"Ah yes, they are not living with us anymore, they have their own house now"

"They act like they are married now"


And their talk was interrupted when some people entered the Cafe and the three of them get back to work.


"Rocky?" Minhyuk snapped his head towards the person at his front. His eyes begin to water as he ran fast towards his hyung.

"JinJin hyung!" JinJin hugged his brother as he cried.

"I'm so happy to see you like this, Minhyuk ah"


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