ใ€ŠIn Debt (MyungJin) [EDITING]ใ€‹(KMJ ๐Ÿ”น)


Third Person's POV

Jin and JinJin went home together after the work on the cafe. As they opened the door, the sight of Taehyung watching some movies greeted them.

JinJin automatically scanned his surroundings to find a certain someone.

"Where's Myungjun?" Jin asks his youngest brother.

"Hmm? he's here earlier but he left as soon as I got home from school, I'm sure he's busy managing appa-his company, oh and JinJin, here" Taehyung rose from the sofa as he grabbed JinJin's hand and place a piece of paper on his hand. JinJin took a look on it.

"He said go to that address" Taehyung said and went back on the sofa.

"Maybe that's where Minhyuk will be living after he's discharge on the hospital" Jin said beside him as he went to his room.

JinJin heaved a sigh. He is somewhat feeling nervous. He remembered what MJ said to him over the phone, the feeling of wanting his youngest brother to meet was beaten up by the feeling of nervousness.

'What do I have to explain?' JinJin thought.

Nevertheless he should complied to MJ.


MJ eyed the mansion he newly bought just now. He smiled imagining him and JinJin inside the house. He surely wants JinJin for himself that's why he decided to just separate them from his brothers.

"I'm sure he received the address from Taehyung just now" MJ said, smiling to himself as he went inside the house.

Tomorrow, JinJin's youngest brother, Minhyuk will be discharged and he already have a house for him to live on. But it's not that necessary because he is planning to enroll Minhyuk on the same school with Taehyung which has a dorm.

But now, he have to mind what he is feeling right now.


"Are you sure you don't want me to send you off?" Jin asks JinJin as he is worried about the younger's safety.

"Yes hyung, and I will be okay, I have to go"

"Okay, take care"

After that, JinJin called a taxi and he gave him the address that Taehyung gave him earlier. The driver nodded at him and give back the paper.


After minutes of traveling, the driver indicates that they arrived at the place. JinJin pays the driver and went outside the taxi.

JinJin eyed the house in front of him. It's obvious that it is a mansion....so what was he doing here?

He was startled when his phone rang on his pocket. He picked it up and press the answer button without looking who is it.

"[Get inside]" MJ. He heard MJ said on the other line. The line went died after.

"So he's inside" JinJin mumbled to himself. He walk inside and he saw MJ. His back is facing him.

It feels like Deja vu...just without his hyung and Mark.

"W..why are you want me to be here?"

"It's our new house, didn't you like it? I want to live alone with you here baby" MJ said as he turned and faced JinJin.

JinJin roam his eyes around, it's too big for the two of them.

"You said...we are living in your house, with Jin hyung and Taehyung ssi"

"I didn't said that, I said I want you to live with me, you stayed there because I am still searching a house for us, and here it is and also..." MJ said walking towards JinJin with a gaze that makes someone shiver.

JinJin gulped. This is not the first time he saw MJ with a gaze like this but he's not used to it. He backed away until his body was slammed on the wall by MJ. JinJin groaned in pain.

MJ smirked, he likes that he has an effect on JinJin.

"Tell me who is Han Sanghyuk" MJ said near JinJin's earlobe. And JinJin swear that he felt MJ licked his earlobe.

'Oh my god, what is he doing?'

JinJin pushed MJ away only to get his wrists pinned onto the wall.

"W-what are you doing?!" JinJin stuttered, feeling scared about what's MJ's doing.

"Just fucking tell me! why you didn't tell me about him? you do know what will happen if you didn't tell me what's going on with you right?!"


"Sanghyuk is my classmate, are you happy now?! what is your problem?!"

"Classmate? are you sure?"

JinJin realized something about MJ's behavior today "Are you jealous of Sanghyuk hyung? leave him alone! and for your information, Sanghyuk hyung has a boyfriend already, we're just friends!!"

"But if he have no boyfriend, you would choose him right? no! you are mine, Jinwoo! you can't leave me ever again!" MJ said that makes JinJin shivered.

'What is happening to him? he is like some crazy person right now'

'And leave him again? did I leave him before? what is he talking about?'

"JinJin, do you love me? do you want to fall inlove with me?" JinJin was sure that MJ was talking nonsense right at this moment but he has to answer him.

"No..." JinJin said, lowering his head, he doesn't want to look into MJ's eyes.

MJ who was in shock suddenly felt anger, he is frustrated. He pulls JinJin's hair to make his head turn upwards and make him look in his eyes.

"Ah! i-it hurts, what are you-" JinJin didn't have the chance to finish his sentence when something soft was pushed on his lips.

He just realized that MJ is kissing him roughly.

Like he is pouring all of his frustrations on it. He felt MJ pressed himself into him very close. He felt suffocated. He felt MJ's tongue seeking for entrance and he is not giving him it. But JinJin's stubborness didn't match MJ. MJ bit JinJin's lower lip and JinJin's gasps making MJ to shoved his tongue inside JinJin's mouth easily.

JinJin still can't comprehend what is happening as he felt MJ's tongue swirling inside his mouth. He closed his eyes tightly as tears were threatening to fall from his eyes. He couldn't defend himself because his hands was still pinned into the wall.

MJ smirked then move on to JinJin's neck to lick it. He felt the other shivered from his actions making himself drawn to him deeper. He bit on his neck as JinJin whimpered from it.

But when he saw the tears that are freely flowing from JinJin's face, he suddenly stopped on his tracks.

'What am I doing?' MJ asks himself. He let go of JinJin's wrists slowly as he felt the latter pushed him away and then JinJin was gone from his sight.

"I'm sorry, baby...I'm sorry JinJin, God I almost did something to him" MJ said lowering his head as he muttered sorry again and again.


JinJin went inside the first room he saw after escaping from MJ. His crying and heart beating so fast making him dizzy. He cry out loud and slowly sliding his back on the room's door.

He can't believe what just happened. He really can't believe.

He is not asking how MJ could do it to him because he knew he can, but he wants to ask MJ what cause him to do that to him. He is sure that it's not just because of Sanghyuk, it's because of something else he doesn't know.

For the first time, he felt so scared of MJ, so scared that his heart was going to be out on his body anytime because of how fast it was beating.

For the first time and he's surely that for his entire life, he experienced this kind of experience and he didn't want this to happened again.

But his thoughts of escaping and leaving MJ was suddenly shoved out of his mind when his family and friends flashed on his mind.

He didn't want MJ to hurt them. So maybe later... or tomorrow, he just pretend that nothing happened and will distance himself from MJ.

He suddenly felt exhausted and the chance to see Minhyuk was the only one making him feel at ease.


"Dongmin hyung, it's good to be back!!" The person with a puppy-cat like smile shouted inside the airport.

"Ssshh...Binnie, you're so loud! but yeah, you're right it's good to be back" The other person with a handsome face said beside the cute puppy-cat like person.

"I want to see them, I have to say sorry to him"

"Me too"


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