《In Debt (MyungJin) [EDITING]》(KMJ ★)


JinJin's POV

Today is the day that my life will be resume back to normal. Is it still the same? I mean my study and work will be just the same...

My eyes averted from the road I am looking to the one beside me.

"Why baby? do you need something?" I just rolled my eyes at him and go back to watching street...it's more interesting than him anyway.

Yesterday, he came back and said we're going in Seoul on monday, and today is monday so..and also I feel nervous, It might affect my friends if they know my story but what will I tell them?

"How's Rocky?" I suddenly remembered my little brother, I heard from MJ that his operation went successful, I'm glad of course, but I want to see him. That's probably the first thing I want to do when we go back.

"Who's Rocky?" MJ titled his head at me. Oh...of course he doesn't know Minhyuk's nickname.

"....who's that Rocky?" He repeated his question...looking annoyed.

"Minhyuk" I simply answered and I saw him sighing.

"Oh...he's doing fine..I'll let you see him" You better let me..

"W-what will you tell...Taehyung ssi and Jin hyung about..about-"

"Us? it's just simple, you are my boyfriend right? and I am your boyfriend"

"And...do you think they will believe that? they knew how much I..." hate you.. why is it that it's suddenly this hard to say it to him?

"They can't oppose me, they should be out of my business"

I look at him with displeased expression.

"And don't think that I am calm means I am favor of what is happening to me, I am still considering this as kidnapping" I said.

"Sure...kidnapping as what you want to think, but didn't things that happened two days ago explains why you are here with me?" He said, smirking. My mind suddenly drift off that night.. I still feel embarassed and angry...

I will tell my friends about this...I'm sure, MJ wouldn't do something to hurt them. After all, they are my friends. And with that thought, I let myself drift off to sleep.

After hours of going back to Seoul, we finally arrived. He park his car on their garage. I immediately went out the car and sighed. I am back...I feel like home again.

"Let's go" he said and I followed him. He opened their door and went inside.

There are no one inside. Maybe there is.. but they are on their room.

"You should get ready, you have classes later right?" MJ said and I went inside the room he said that will become my room.

I still have an hour to prepare for school...


Third Person's POV

"Jinnie, call me okay?" Yoongi said to his boyfriend.

"Of course, Yoongichi, didn't we call often? you must be sick of looking in my face already" Jin said, saying it as a joke.


Yoongi knew that the latter mean it as a joke but still it means something to him.

"I'm not, Jin, and I will not get tired of looking at your face all the time of my life" Yoongi said with his serious tone.

"Geez...I'm just kidding you know? take care when you travel abroad, Yoongi.." Jin said trying his best not to look sad to the other. Because of Yoongi's job, they can't be together for the long time. But their love for each other didn't lessen a bit.

"Yes, love, I will" Yoongi said as he connected his forehead to his boyfriend and give him a peck on his lips. Jin giggled cutely.

"Maybe some other time, we can go out with our bestfriends, Jeongguk and Hoseok" Jin said and Yoongi nodded.

"Yeah, I also missed that two, anyway I have to leave now, don't forget to call me always okay?" Yoongi said. Jin just nodded and hug him tightly.

And in that, Yoongi went off with Jin still waving his hand for him. When Yoongi was out of his sight, he went inside their house and saw someone made him feel shocked.


MJ turn his head to his hyung and give him a smile.


"Oh welcome back hyung! how was the days with Yoongi?"

"He's your hyung so call him that, anyway, Is my cafe still a cafe or not? did you and Taehyung take care of it-"

"Relax, would you? Taehyung said, your cafe is well...still as it is and don't worry, we didn't do anything in it" Jin sighed in relief with his brother's answer.

"Good, anyway, you will be in appa's company right?"

"Hmmm..this is the day"

"We should go too"

Just then, JinJin came out from his room and Taehyung as well. Both Jin and Taehyung has a shock visible on them just by looking at their now wide eyes. JinJin suddenly become conscious and nervous. MJ just smirked.

"JinJin? what are you doing here?" Jin said still in shock. Taehyung is anticipating for his answer.

JinJin didn't know what to answer. He looked at MJ who seemed to watch his brothers with amusement.

'Bastard, this isn't the time for your self entertaiment' JinJin said inside his mind.

"Are you sick again and MJ hyung take cares of you again?" Taehyung said still can't comprehend why JinJin is in their house

Jin wants to say something but choose to be quiet this time instead he turn his head to his younger brother and give him a questioning look.

"Well, you might want to know what happened" MJ said and proceed to be a story teller...but he didn't make it long and detailed.

After the happenings revealed, the shock evident on Jin and Taehyung's face grew big.

"What in the hell, Myungjun?! are you out of your mind?! who in the hell would do such thing? and what is a million for you when you are wasting your money more than a million?" Jin couldn't control himself but to shout at MJ


"That was before" MJ calmly said.

"Well, if I have to think of it, MJ hyung did the right thing because I know how he is crazy about having JinJin to himself" Taehyung said in which JinJin nearly faint.

"You did that because you just want JinJin to be yours? that's unreasonable, Myungjun" Jin said

"I have my own and personal reasons that all of you shouldn't know...JinJin, prepare yourself, I will send you off to school" MJ said going outside, leaving the three still where they stand.

"Wait up, JinJin...can you elaborate for me what was happening?" Jin said preventing the younger to do what he gonna do.

JinJin didn't know what to say..

"Jin hyung...I will tell you later... I'm gonna be late for school..maybe to the cafe? I will tell you all" JinJin said thinking that it is this hard to tell, how could he say it in front of his friends?

"Hyung..just let this be, I knew how much MJ hyung loves JinJin" Jin tilted his head to his youngest brother.

"And he thinks this is a good way to get JinJin?" Jin said.

"But...what he did is...well for me, reasonable"

"You are saying nonsense, Taehyung ah, what do you think of what's happening? a drama? well, JinJin..I'll ask you..." Jin move his gaze from his brother to his friend.

"..do you want this? because if not, you can go, don't worry about Myungjun. I can handle him"

JinJin just stood there....thinking of what to answer. But why was he thinking? he could answer no right away..seeing how much he hate MJ but there is a little voice in his head, a faint one, telling him to stick with MJ, that he doesn't want to be separated with him.

He shakes his head on that thoughts. He honestly didn't know what to say, to answer yes or no. If he answer yes, he will stay by MJ side but if he answer no..

But didn't MJ told him he will gonna make JinJin his?

"Yes.." JinJin said barely audible to hear. He heard Jin sighed.

"Well, I will not intervene, but I wish this happened in a right way that I am thinking"

"You know hyung, their relationship is different from yours and Yoongi hyung's fairy tale story! JinJin, take care of our brother okay?" Taehyung said as he waved his hand to say goodbye and went outside. He's probably going to school.

Jin patted JinJin's shoulder as he made his way to his own room...whilst JinJin left there dumbfounded.

'Why did I answer yes?'


JinJin and MJ are heading to JinJin's school right now.

"You don't have to go inside" JinJin said to MJ

"Why are you afraid that they will know about us? or you just don't want your schoolmates to see me, after all I'm becoming so popular nowadays" MJ said in which JinJin scoffed.

"So full of yourself.." JinJin made his way outside before MJ had the chance to open the door for him.

"I know what Jin hyung told you..even if you answered no, I will not give up on making you mine and still remember, that you're basically belong to me" MJ said while caressing JinJin's cheek.

"Take care, baby, don't forget to call me when your classes end" MJ addes as he get inside his car and drove off, leaving JinJin being dumbfounded again.

As he face their school's gate, he nearly shouts when a three familiar faces welcome him.

His bestfriends standing in front of him. One with an amused face, two with a confusion written all over his face and three with a murderous aura radiating on him.

"Explain." Jimin said with a serious tone. JinJin gulped. But h-how?

After minutes of convincing them.. well just Jimin, to get inside the school and room first, he finally manage to get them inside. But Jimin's glare on him making him conscious and nervous.

"So...MJ hyung and JinJin hyung is a thing? amazing!" Yugyeom said happily as he earned a smack on the head by Jimin.

"What in the hell, JinJin? what's that all about? you owe us a mass of explainations JinJin, now start" Jimin said looking impatiently.

Just as JinJin were about to open his mouth to speak, the bell rung throughout the school, signalling students and teacher to start classes.

Jimin and Youngjae saves JinJin's explaination later. Well, they can't do nothing, they have to go back on their seats.

Jimin turn his gaze at JinJin, mouthing something like 'later, you're lucky we don't have time for that now'. JinJin just lower his head.

'Geez..that dumbass MJ...' he thought as he killed MJ many times on his mind already.

"Ok class, please pay attention here, you have a new classmate" In that JinJin's head snap. But that doesn't mean that he became suddenly interested with the newcomer. He is just curious.

"You can introduce yourself" Their teacher said gesturing their new classmate to speak about himself.

"Annyeonghasaeyo.." The newcome bowed and continue to speak. " ...my name is Han Sanghyuk and I hope we will become friends"

That and the guy named Han Sanghyuk choose to sit beside JinJin.

And...oh.. JinJin didn't know that MJ has a personal bodyguard for him. A very private one that even JinJin didn't know.

And the guard has already set his eyes to all of the newcomer's doing. Well, he choose to be near JinJin so...that explains all...


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