《In Debt (MyungJin) [EDITING]》(KJW ★)


Third Person's POV

JinJin walked back inside the room where he have been, after wondering around the house...more like palace and thinking about thoughts.

He suddenly remembered his things.

"Ha..silly, when that bastard took me, I don't have anything with me. Just the clothes he gave me when I was sick" JinJin said to himself.

Even though he already looked around the room earlier, he did it again. He doesn't have anything to do anyway but to walk here and there inside this house. He want to call his friends, but he doesn't have his phone with him, he thought he left it on their house when Mark called him.

Just then he heard the door of the house creaked open. Even though it's just faintly because the door is like thousand miles from the room where he is, he manage to still hear it. This house is not a palace but it looks like one.

He suddenly felt nervous and scared. What if it's a thief? and the thief is here to invade this house and kill JinJin? JinJin didn't know what to do but in the midst of his panicking, he remembered what MJ said before he leaves.

There is MJ's friend who will come to look after him.

He immediately open the door to confirm it. He remembered his name is Jaebum. As soon as he stepped outside, he was greeted by a sight of a guy wondering on the first floor of the house. This perhaps Jaebum? but he needs a confirmation.

"A-Are you Jaebum?!" JinJin shouted from the second floor and the slightly startled Jaebum look up at him.

"Hey there, JinJin, go down" Jaebum said like he known JinJin for years.

JinJin is confused as to why Jaebum knew his name but nevertheless, he obeyed him and went downstairs. Something about this Jaebum making people obey to his orders. Maybe his authoritative aura gave it?

"Yes, I'm Im Jaebum, Kim Family's private doctor and MJ's friend" Jaebum said as he reached JinJin's hand for a handshake.

"Private doctor?"

"Yes, and MJ told me to come here, I guess I have to look after you, you eat already?"

"Ahmm yes" JinJin did ate already. When he discovered the kitchen, he immediately cook a food. And the fridge when he opened it didn't fail his expectation at all. There's a lot of food stock. But he thought while cooking, who is in charge of placing all of this?

"Oh that's good, I guess you are good at doing household chores"

"I am literally raising myself so I have to learn things like those, anyway, how did you know my name?"

"Oh that, Myungjun told me" Jaebum said in which JinJin just nodded. 'Oh I didn't think of that' JinJin said on his mind.

"Are you older than me?" JinJin questioned the other.

"I'm 24 years old"

"Oh I should call you hyung then"

Jaebum eyed JinJin. For someone who is like in his situation, JinJin is so relaxed. Maybe MJ settled down things with him.

"I should call Youngjae again, that boy, he's driving me crazy" Jaebum said to himself as he fished for his phone into his pocket and dialed certain number.


JinJin eyed Jaebum.

'So he's a doctor, a private doctor he said? that MJ bastard is so rich' JinJin thought to himself. He made himself busy by arranging some things that is not properly arranged.

"Yah-hey! Choi Youngjae!!" Jaebum shouted frustratedly, forgetting that he is not the only one in the house. Jaebum grumpily put back his phone into his pocket. He could do nothing but to pout.

Youngjae always rejecting him.

Upon hearing Jaebum's shout of frustration, JinJin immediately turn his head into the latter. Choi Youngjae? Isn't that one of his bestfriends?

"D-did you say Choi Youngjae?" JinJin hesitantly ask the other.

Jaebum turn his gaze at JinJin.

"Oh sorry, I totally forgot you're here, I thought you went back to your room, yes why? do you know him?"

"Ahmmm if I am not mistaken, it's the Youngjae that is my bestfriend along with Jimin hyung and Yugyeom"

Jaebum stared at JinJin with wide eyes. That Jimin and Yugyeom, they are the one who Taehyung introduces to him with Youngjae. JinJin and him are thinking of the same person.

"So you're Youngjae's bestfriend, can I ask you somethi-"

"Ahmm can I borrow your phone?" JinJin said cutting off Jaebum from his words. Jaebum glared at JinJin but the latter doesn't care at all, he only wants to update himself and his friends.

Jaebum sighs, maybe he can ask JinJin about Youngjae later, so he hand him his phone and let himself relax on the sofa.

JinJin immediately dialed a number. He doesn't care if it is Yugyeom's number or Jimin's. Of course Youngjae would be out of the choices because he is using Jaebum's number and Youngjae is not answering him.


Jimin's POV

"Do I look good?" I ask Taehyung who is casually leaning at my apartment's door. He smiled upon seeing me.

"You always look good, Chim Chim" He said and smirks. I blushed at the nickname he gave me.

"Same to you, Taetae!" I said while smiling.

"Taetae, huh! cute!" He said pinching my cheeks and smiling widely.

We are going out, you know, like date. Its our third time getting on a date. Of course, I am so happy right now. Taehyung is my crush, I think it is not just a crush, I think I'm inlove with him the moment I saw him at Jin-hyung's Cafe.

Suddenly, I felt a flick on my forehead.

"Yah!" I shouted while rubbing my poor forehead and pouting.

"You are staring at me, Chim Chim! Don't get too obvious that you like me a lot" He said, laughing out loud. I pouted even more.

I let out a 'hmmphh' and walk past him. He is still laughing and I laugh along too. Everything about Taehyung resembles an angel.

Suddenly my phone ringed. I got it inside my jean's pocket and look at the number registered. It's an unknown number. Who the hell is this? I swear, if this is just someone who is a bothersome, bothering all the people in the world, he or she will regret calling me!

"Who's that?" I heard Taehyung ask from behind. I just shrugged my shoulders at him and place the phone against my ear.


"[J-Jimin hyung?]" Who is-wait he sounds familiar. Oh my god!

"JinJin?!" I felt Taehyung come near to me.

"...I didn't saw you for like two days! are you okay now? you can come to school and work tomorrow right?!"

"[Ahmm I guess, by the way, I'm okay now]"

"Good, where are you? and why are you using different number? did you lost your phone?"

"[No, I just borrow Jaebum hyung's phone..]"

"Jaebum? did you mean, Im Jaebum? you know, the Kim's private doctor? the one who hits on our dear Youngjae ha? why do you have his phone? why are you with him ha?]"

"Jimin, calm down"


"You have a lot of explaining to do, JinJin ah! and I will wait for you tomorrow, bye" I said and hung up.

What in the hell is that Jaebum doing with JinJin? Is he friends with JinJin?

"Taehyung ah, could you please get that Jaebum away with my bestfriends especially on Youngjae!"

"Yah, Jimin, you don't need to hate Jaebum hyung like the way you hate MJ hyung, wait speaking of MJ hyung, I didn't saw him in two days too"

"So what are you trying to say? that JinJin is together with that MJ? " I hissed.

"No, it is just, they are the same! I know MJ hyung is busy with our family business and he's also studying some field he wants to study"

"Good, I thought you are thinking like that" I said and I link my arm around his.

"Let's go?" I said, smiling. I will leave JinJin for now. He can't escape for my questions tomorrow anyway.


Minhyuk's POV

My eyes flickered open. I was welcome by a familiar ceiling of a hospital room.

So...it means that.. I survive the operation?

I look at the nurse who is busy monitoring me. Wait...how many hours did I go under operation anyway?

Suddenly, I heard the door click opened and it reveal the doctor and a guy I didn't know but looks familiar. I know I seen him somewhere?

"Minhyuk, I'm so happy, the operation went successful, and if you are wondering how hours you've been passed out after the operation, you are almost 2 hours in the recovery room" The doctor said and I thank him.

"...and also, there is a person who wants to talk to you" The doctor added and the guy behind him stepped forward. The doctor and the nurse leaves us.

Who is he?

"Who are you?" I ask him not in a rude way.

"Park Minhyuk" How did he know my name? "I am the one who paid for your operation" My eyes went bigger in shock, I thought it is JinJin hyung who find a way to paid for my operation.

But what is his reason for helping me? Do I know him? Did he know me?

"Kim Myungjun, that's my name" w-wait? Kim?

"T-The one who owns the SMT Company?" Of course, the Kim Family are famous but it is Kim Hyunjun who is really the famous one, he is the head of Kim's Family and also he is the CEO of the SMT Company.

How did I know all of this? There is a mountain of magazine at the other hospital room where I was confined at. And the Kim's family, especially Kim Hyunjun was always featured on the magazine.

"Hmm..you could say that, but my father is the real owner"

"W-why did you pay for my-"

"You could say that...your brother, Park Jinwoo is my boyfriend, and I would do everything for him" As soon as he said that I felt myself being paralyzed.

What did he just said?

"Y-you mean, m-my JinJin hyung?"

"Yes, kid and the day you will be discharge here, you will be living on an apartment yourself, well it will be near my house so anytime JinJin wants to see you, he could visit you fast and you will be studying at my brother's school"

"T-this is too much, I-I can't-"

"I am doing this favor for your brother, not for you, you're lucky that you are JinJin's brother, well see you kid" Kim Myungjun said as he turn around, ready for leaving.

"Wait, how's my brother? why can't I just go back to our house?"

"JinJin is okay and that house is for rent already and your brother, Park Jinyoung doesn't live there anymore" Kim Myungjun said and he hurriedly leaves.

I have many more question like...how did he and JinJin hyung get together? JinJin hyung didn't told me that he's involve with one of the Kim's son and many more. Maybe if I will get discharged here as soon as possible and get to see JinJin hyung, my questions will be answered.

For now, I want to thank God for giving me a second chance to live, for giving me another chance to be together with my brothers again.


Third Person's POV

MJ is just walking through the hallways of the hospital. He needed to get out of here as soon as possible. He wants to see JinJin again so badly.

Many nurses here knew him, it's because he's dad which is a famous CEO of the SMT company, a car company, was always featured at the magazines and sometimes, MJ and his brothers, Seokjin and Taehyung was also featured in the magazine along with their mother.

He didn't know they will become popular. But it seems that JinJin and his friends, Jimin, Youngjae and Yugyeom doesn't read magazines so they don't know that they are getting involve with a popular family.

That's why MJ has a lot of connections and business friends. Of course, he is the heir of their family because Seokjin rejected being the heir.

Tomorrrow his father will turn over his company to him and he's ready for that.

When he was outside the hospital building already and got inside his car, his phone started to ring. He glance at the caller and it's Jaebum.

Did something happen to JinJin? he thought

"Did something happened, Jaebum? Did JinJin escaped?"

"[No, he can't do that, I'll just want to tell you that JinJin will telling his friends about his situation]"

"I don't care, let them know, it's not like they could do something that will manage to steal JinJin away from me" MJ said, smirking.

"[Huh, the same MJ as always, see you, bye]"

MJ threw his phone at the back and start his car's engine and drove off back to Gwacheon.


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