《In Debt (MyungJin) [EDITING]》(KMJ彡)


JinJin still couldn't believe what happened just an hour of his life. First, MJ supposed to kill them all, or from what he saw, it's only his hyung and Mark because that is MJ's rule based on what his hyung said. Second, his brother just agree to MJ without hesitations and doubts, well the offer is really a temptation, it can save lives. And third and the last, MJ just confessed to him....indirectly.

He came from a fever and stress, and yet another stress is devouring him. How could he escape from this?

JinJin and MJ is currently inside MJ's luxury car .Nobody is talking, JinJin's just staring into nothingness, thinking of unidentified thoughts. When JinJin felt a hand running up and down on his thigh, he snapped back to the reality.

"Baby" He heard MJ called him. He turn his gaze at him but immediately turn away because MJ is looking at him like he wants to eat him.

"....are you thinking of escaping, hmm?" MJ said as he gripped JinJin's thigh a little bit tighter, in which JinJin groaned silently. "....don't even try escaping, you don't know what am I capable of if I am mad" MJ said, smirking.

MJ is right, JinJin did think of escaping but then he thought he can't so he washed out all of the thoughts. JinJin just sighed heavily. He wished everything would went normal again for his life even though the events happened earlier speaks far from that. He decided to just close his eyes and swept away all of his worries.


Gwacheon, one of the best cities of Gyeonggi-do Province in South Korea. Where various attractions located such as its very own Gwacheon National Science Museum and many more.

The place where MJ plans to bring JinJin also.

You see, he has a private property there. He bought it for personal matters. Sometimes, he goes there if he wants to be alone. Moreover, Gwacheon, Gyeonggi-do is his parents province, thus this made their province too.

"Are we getting near?" MJ asked his driver.

"We're about to be near, sir" His driver said which MJ just nodded. He glance at the sleeping figure beside him. He's smiling while caressing the other's cheek so lovingly.

"You are now mine, my baby, I waited so long for you to be mine" He whispered at JinJin as he stared at him and gently placed his head at his shoulders after giving him a kiss on his forehead.


"Jinnie" I heard Yoongi calling me. Well, I can't actually focus on him calling me because I was busy thinking of new coffee mixing combinations for my cafe. I hope JinJin and Youngjae would love this mixing combinations ideas and would love to make them also. JinJin and Youngjae are the baristas of my cafe so that's why I mentioned them.

"You're busy" Yoongi said as he sat beside me and gave a glance at what was I scribbling in my notepad.

"I missed my cafe already" I said with a pout but he only rolled his eyes at me and pouts also afterwards. He looks really cute.

"You missed your cafe more than me? how dare you" what? I can't believe him, is he jealous of my cafe?

"You're being a child, Yoongichi" I chuckle at his expression.

"Say the one who behave like a child here and I just tried to pull out a cute expression for you tss" He grumpily said and laid down on the bed we are sitting on. I manage to let out a giggle as I set aside my notepad and lay beside him. He immediately hugged me closer to him.


A moment of silence occured. I miss this, me and him just hugging. When he went to America with the group he is producing a song for, he is so busy but I understand him though. Yes, Yoongi is a great producer. He is one of the best producers here at South Korea.

"I miss you, Jinnie" Yoongi mumbled beside me. I smiled and tightened my hold at him.

"I miss you too, Yoongichi"

"Can I have your words about this?" He said as he suddenly sat up. "...how about I quit being a producer and be a chef instead? so I can be with you all the time. Maybe I can use what I've learned on culinary school" Oh my god, he's so sweet. But chef? Yes, Yoongi has a great cooking skills but honestly, I am greater than him haha.

"Well, It's up to you but if you want my opinion, I would like you to do both, both have your passion right?" I said which he smiled.

"How about marrying me?" I caught off guard at what he asked... marry him?

"You're so straightforward" I said without looking at him. He held my hand and he titled my head against him.

"Our relationship is long enough to prove our love for each other, Jin, how about we settle down now?"

If I think about it, he's right, we're more than 2 years in a relationship now and I think now is the time but...

"I know but...I am thinking about my brothers especially MJ" I sighed before continuing. "...you see, he doesn't spend his childhood days with me and Taehyungie, and I promise to take care of him when I saw him so depressed when our grandmother brought him to us from Gwacheon. He is so depressed back then, I don't know what happened that it make him like that but he keeps on saying "woonie"...I don't even know who is that or what is that... I know he recovered now but not that fully recovered... I think?"

Yes, MJ had a depression when he was a teenager. And we are so very thankful that he didn't get to the stage where he wants to kill himself, well, almost but we manage to stop him. I think he's 14 years old that time and now he is 24 years old, that's 10 years ago but I think his depression still lingers on him.

"You mean your brother? He's a grown up guy now, Jin, he is not the same boy who you told me about with" Yoongi said. I look at him with worry on my eyes, what if he break up with me just because of this? what if-

As if Yoongi sensend what I am thinking, he leaned closer to me as he caressed my cheek

"I am not breaking up with you, Jinnie, I accept your reason and I'm willing to wait even if it gets me into forever, as long as I'm with you, I love you" Yoongi said as he hugged me. I felt like crying so a tear escaped my eye.

"You sure know how to read my mind, I love you too my Yoongi" I said as I sniffed and smile. He detached me from him and caressed my cheeks. He leaned in and we share a good night kiss. After that, we decided to sleep.

W-wait.....how about the coffee idea-making?


JinJin woke up to the sun shining bright. It's light spreading on all directions of window's cranny. He look around to know where he is. All he can see is a perfectly decorated room, which where he is and a royal-like bed where he is laying right now. He concludes that this is a house, more like a palace and what the hell is he doing here?


Then, he heard the door creaked open and reveals the person he hated the most, MJ

"This room is beautiful right, baby? just like you" MJ said and give JinJin a flirtatious smile. JinJin scoffed.

"Where are we?" of course, JinJin knew they are not in Seoul anymore but he doesn't have idea where the hell MJ did take him.

"Gwacheon, Gyeonggi-do" MJ answered cooly.

What the... a province? JinJin ask on his thoughts.

MJ went beside JinJin. JinJin avoided him as soon as he seated at the bed.

"....so what? you are keeping me here like those in the television dramas? like I'm some sort of a hostage or been kidnapped?"

"No, I just want to show you this property of mine, this will going to be our house together if we got married" MJ said with a playful smirk plastered on his face. JinJin just want to slap his face right at that moment but he kept the thought on himself because who knows what MJ would do to him if he do that.

"Prepare yourself, we gonna have a talk" MJ said as he stood up and left the room. JinJin trailed him with his eyes until he disappeared from his sight.

He got off the bed and fixes it. He went to the room's bathroom which he spend some minutes just to find it, the room is huge. After that, he found a walk-in closet where he saw several clothes hanging. This house is truly a palace.

After a few minutes of deciding what to wear, he settled down with a green hoodie and a denim pants. After that, he went outside, he heaved a heavy sigh before taking a step forward.

"You're here" The voice startled JinJin as soon as he went downstairs and into the dining area. This house's dining area is very huge, it nearly matches half of Mark's house, (he once went there when his hyung is missing one night) JinJin thought but the room is more bigger than this.

MJ called for him to sit beside him. JinJin just obeyed. He didn't like the stare that MJ is giving him. It's making him uncomfortable.

"What?" JinJin doesn't know where he is getting this brave act, that means, he is talking to MJ without being scared. Maybe because he knows MJ wouldn't hurt him?

"I want to talk about you, being mine" As soon as MJ finished saying that, JinJin's heart started to beat very fast. He feel nervous and embarassed. How could MJ just say this without feeling embarassed or stuttering?

"....tomorrow, we will leave this place, of course I want you to continue your study, if you still want to work in Jin hyung's cafe, I will let you, your life will resume back to normal but the real deal here is everything you would do will be reported to me and from now on, you will live in our house, if you try to escape, I will kill your brothers" MJ said and JinJin turn his gaze at MJ immediately. The words MJ said just ago is fine but of course, the "everything you would do will be reported to me" got him disgusted? adding to that is he is living with him....as in forever?

"Forever, of course because you are really going to be mine" JinJin didn't know he said his thoughts out loud.

Mine? I'm not, JinJin said on his mind. "I'm not yours, and will never be. I'm just the pay for my brother's debt to you" JinJin said as he stand up from his seat.

MJ can see anger on JinJin's eyes as he stared at it. He immediately felt sad. He only wants him and JinJin to be together.

"JinJin, in exchange of your brother's debt is me being your boyfriend. I want to be in a relationship with you, I know I don't own your heart, but eventually, I will make you fall in love with me and then I can tell you that you are mine" MJ said and walk away

JinJin clutched his heart. His heart is beating fast again.

"This feeling is familiar" he unknowingly said.


MJ sighed. He's inside his room. He picked up his phone and call someone.

"[Hello]" The person in the other line, said

"Jaebum, come here" He said and hang up. He knows that the person's phone he called earlier has a tracker so he doesn't need to tell him his location.

He have to go back in Seoul. Today is the schedule of Minhyuk's, JinJin's brother, operation and he have to go there.

He went upstairs. He found JinJin's room and knocked. But he knew JinJin is not going to open the door.

So he just sighed and decide to say what he is going to say

"I'm leaving, Jaebum, my friend, will be here. It'll take him hours to go here, wait for him, don't you dare leave this place, once I wouldn't see you here, you know what will happen, so be a good boy and obey me, I will be back immediately" that and MJ went off.

That's when JinJin open the door. He is still thinking about what MJ said earlier. "So basically, my relationship with him now is... lovers?" JinJin said disgustingly, he knows he shouldn't hate MJ because MJ didn't do anything to him but that was before, not until this happened. But he doesn't care, whether MJ will be going to be his boyfriend to the eyes of all people or be his sugar daddy , he cringed when he thought about that, as long as his life will be back to normal, he can go on with relief.

He miss everything already.


When will this Im Jaebum guy let me live? My phone ringed like 50 times already.

"Hyung, can you answer that please, it's annoying" Yugyeom said as I shot him a glare.

"Well, if you didn't give my number to that cool guy then my phone wouldn't be annoying" I said and rolled my eyes. We're currently inside Yugyeom's apartment.

Yugyeom smirk, aishh this brat "So you're admitting that Jaebum hyung is cool? wow Youngjae hyung will be having his lovelife soon~" He said as he sang the last words came out from him.

"If this ain't your apartment, I will burn this" Why is he teasing me?! I feel embarassed! wait why do I even feel embarrassed? wahhhh!!

My phone startled me as it ringed again. And it's the same person. He's so persistent. I decided to just answer him.

"[Oh at last, you've picked up, hi]" I rolled my eyes at this guy even though he can't see me. Really? he called 50 times just to say hi? I can tell that his life is boring for him to bother me like this.

"[Hey are you there?]"

"W-what d-do you need?" why am I stuttering? I heard Yugyeom chuckled, the brat is watching me with amusement on his face.

"[Am I making you uncomfortable? sorry, I just wanna hear your voice]" oh my god, jinjja! can I punch this guy's face?

"D-don't flirt with me, bye" I said and immediately hanged up. I look at Yugyeom who is laughing hysterically. I took a pillow from his sofa and threw it at him.

"I hate you, Kim Yugyeom!!"

Tomorrow, school again. I hope JinJin would come to school and to the cafe.

"Hello BamBam!" I look at Yugyeom to ask him who is he calling but his eyes was glued on his laptop. I went behind him and I saw a boy, I think he's around Yugyeom's age.....he's handsome if I have to say and he looks like a foreigner.

"[Oh hey, Gyeomie~! oh who's that?]" He can speak hangul, wow. Yugyeom look up at me and smiled.

"He's Youngjae hyung, one of my bestfriends, Youngjae hyung, meet BamBam, my boyfriend" Yugyeom said, all smiling. As soon as I heard that, my hand flew automatically against his head. I just slap his head.

"Ouch!! why did you have to do that?!" Yugyeom hissed.

"You have a boyfriend, already?! if Jimin hyung was here, he will definitely do worse than what I did" I said and he rolled his eyes at me. I heard a laugh and it's coming from BamBam.

"[You have an overprotective friend, Yugyeom, well I'll just see you later, bye!]" BamBam said as he waves his hands and smile. That's when the screen went off.

"Look, he left-"

"When do you actually become boyfriends?"

"Hyung, why are you being like this to me?"

"Gyeom, you didn't tell us about BamBam and don't think that I am intruding on your relationship, just tell me the story. So how?"

"Ok...I met him...ah no, I become friends with him on facebook, he's thai and he formally introduced himself to me as BamBam but he said his real name is Kunpimook Bhuwakul" What in the world is that name? "He said he is a model there, and I'm sure that he is not a poser because we video call each other often"

"So you didn't saw him...when did you become, you know?"

"Yesterday?" He seems unsure, wow.

"How long did you knew each other?"

"A month ago?" Seriously?

"Wow, Yugyeom, you're...you're so...I don't know what to say anymore"

"Don't worry okay? why don't we talk about Jaebum hyung? he's a good catch right? a freaking hot doctor likes you, hyung" Yugyeom said, his face suddenly brightened

"Stop, before I throw you outside" He just laugh at me.


"If I were your brother, I will be the happiest person alive" Jackson said which he earned a slap in the back from Namjoon.

Today, I don't feel right. Like someone is telling me, I had a wrong decision. Is it wrong that three lives has been saved?

"Jinyoung's decision is right, but the feelings is not right. Am I correct, Jinyoung?" I found myself nodding on Namjoon "But if you didn't agree, you, your youngest brother and Mark hyung will not be living anymore" Namjoon is right... but Jinwoo...

"We're just trying to lift up your mood, Jinyoung ah, Myungjun is just too powerful, he even fooled Namjoon who has a high IQ than all the people in the world" Jackson said, exaggerating his words and he earned a slap on his back from Namjoon again.

"Please, don't make me remember that" Namjoon said. I smiled at them. I think I will feel alright if I could see Jinwoo once again, even just once.

Mark who is beside me, kissed my forehead. A gesture he's doing if he wants to reassure me that everything will be going to be alright. I lean against his shoulder.

"Hey, lovebirds, stop being lovey-dovey in front of me" Jackson and his bitterness...

"Tomorrow is Monday right? I'm sure Myungjun didn't stop JinJin on his study, you can see him again but only in the far distance and in the short span of time. You can't call JinJin too right? I'm sure there are Myungjun's men lingering around the school" Mark said

"Probably, but I can make a strategy for you to be unnoticed" Namjoon said and I thanked him. I'm still lucky that I have friends like them.

"I want to see Minhyuk also, today is his operation day" I said with a sad tone of voice.

"I'm sure Myungjun will be there too" Mark said

"....and then he will get your youngest brother also because your younger brother told him" Jackson said as if he knew that will really happen

Myungjun doesn't care about Minhyuk so why would he do that?

"That's very accurate, Jackson" Namjoon said. Well, I don't care what will Myungjun do, as long as I can see my brothers once again then I will feel relieved.


"Minhyuk hyung~ Minhyuk hyungie~ Rocky hyung~"

"Sanha, let me sleep please?"

"I have something to tell you!" I opened my eyes and tilted my head at him.


"I am planning on going back...." Sanha said as he averted his eyes elsewhere. What? He's leaving me?

"You're leaving me?" I said as I turn away my gaze at him. Well yeah, leave me because I have only few months to live....tss...

"Wahhh!!! I'm sorry, Minhyuk! don't cry!" I touch my cheeks and it's true, I'm crying. Sanha was about to speak again when my room's door opened. It reveals the nurse and the doctor?

"Hi, Park Minhyuk, wait why are you crying? is there something you need? and I heard you outside, you are talking, are you okay?" I nodded at him. I am confused, why is the doctor here? Usually only the nurse is here and the only one who brought my medicines which I honestly found unhelpful at all.

"Prepare yourself, because you will be under observation before we'll perform the operation" what? did I heard that right?


"Yes and I hope it will going to be successful, we're getting you in twenty minutes"

"Oh my god!! you will be treated!!" Sanha shouted and I give him a shush look but oh...how stupid, the doctor wouldn't hear him, how can I forget about him being a soul?

The doctor left and I found myself dumbfounded. I mean, how? did Jinyoung hyung won in gambling? or is JinJin hyung sell himself? nah, what's with that thought? how can I think about that?

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