《In Debt (MyungJin) [EDITING]》(KJW彡)


"You are Jinyoung's brother?" MJ asked. Mark already told him who is Jinyoung's youngest brother but when he was saying JinJin's name as the other Jinyoung's brother, a phone call cut them off and MJ went on the far side of the house and ordered his men to tie the two on the chair. And that's when JinJin came inside the picture.

JinJin stood there, frozen, as he try to sink in what his eyes is seeing. His brain tried to figure out what's going on. The luxury car outside. His Jinyoung hyung with his boyfriend, Mark tied tightly in a chair. The words that his Jinyoung hyung shouts at him earlier and MJ....

So...Is MJ the one who his Jinyoung hyung have a debt on?

Of course, Jinwoo, didn't you heard what Jinyoung hyung said to you? he said at himself and that's when the situation all sunk in.

"W-what are you doing?" He whispered, pertaining to ask MJ. Though he already understood what is happening, he is still confused, he couldn't believe MJ can do this

"Y-You know him, Jinwoo? how?" JinJin heard Jinyoung said

"Mark here called you right?" MJ decided to speak, cutting off the brothers talk "I'm the one who ordered him to call you, I know you are already aware of Jinyoung's debt, he doesn't have money to pay me, even this house doesn't belong to him but even if he do, this is not enough" MJ said looking softly at JinJin, probably this is the cause of JinJin looking gloomy at his Seokjin hyung's cafe as he always staring at him

But MJ need to do what he gonna do, to be Kim Myungjun that is feared with all. The emotionless Kim Myungjun.

"H-how can I pay you? even me doesn't have enough money to give you!" JinJin frustratingly shouted. MJ just smirked.

"So...say goodbye to your hyung and his boyfriend" MJ said. JinJin watched with fright in his eyes when the man beside Jinyoung pulled out a gun.

"H-How can you do this?!! you're a monster!!" JinJin shouted, looking terrified at MJ. MJ felt a sudden guilt at what he was doing, and also he doesn't want JinJin to look at him like a monster. But of course, he doesn't give a damn thing on that. He needed to ignore that feeling but he is Kim Myungjun today, that explains all.

"Jinwoo, just save yourself, I'm okay, we're okay, just always stay at Minhyuk's side no matter what happens okay?" Jinyoung said like he is sure he's going to die

"No, hyung!!" JinJin draws nearer to Jinyoung with tears streaking on his face. He glared at MJ but the latter just clicked his tongue.

"Wow, this is so touching" MJ said while laughing, JinJin thought, is this the real MJ?

"If you want to kill us, then kill me now! don't you dare take JinJin's life too!" Jinyoung shouted at the top of his lungs while JinJin is hugging him, calling his name over and over again as he is shaking his head, saying no's

Just then, something crosses MJ's mind. He suddenly laugh, knowing fully that he can benefit from it. Mark, Jinyoung and JinJin look at him with disgusted face, he's crazy, they all thought.

MJ stared at JinJin. He loves JinJin so much. Yes, it's true. He is deeply inlove with JinJin, so how can he dare take his baby's life?

"I changed my mind, I am not killing you two anymore" MJ said looking at his men who was holding the gun. The guy get that look and immediately put back his gun and untied Jinyoung and Mark. They all have confusion written over their faces.


"You will be paid from your debts, I can even paid for your brother's operation, I can also give you back this house, in just one condition" MJ said smiling.

"W-what are you saying?" Jinyoung slowly said.

"What makes you change your mind that easily? and what is your condition? I can't see any of the things in this house worth hundred million, or did you felt guiltiness, finally?" Mark said courageously, usually if you were given another chance to live, you will say thank you, or if the situation is like this, you will choose to stay quiet.

MJ smirked at Mark "You sure talk a lot, based on your personality, I think you are quiet but I don't care about that. To answer your question, I'm serious of what I've said earlier"

"Then what do you want, I will give it to you" Jinyoung said.

JinJin just watching what is going on. He is anticipating for MJ's condition for all of the favors he said earlier. What is that condition he is asking for him to clear out Jinyoung's debt that is even larger than the earth, his exaggerating of course, and even Minhyuk's operation can be solved, even the house. But of course he will help Jinyoung too if it's needed

"Can you really give it?" MJ said, Jinyoung hesitantly nodded. He readied himself.

"Give me..." MJ said while staring at JinJin. "....your brother" MJ continued and Jinyoung open his mouth out of shock. He is expecting it to be him being MJ's slave for eternity.

Though he understood it well enough, he couldn't believe what MJ's condition is, so..

"W-What do you mean?"

"Give me your brother, give JinJin to me"

JinJin is lost at his thoughts.


"Jimin hyung is not answering his phone" I said with a pout.

"Really? he said he will eat a dinner with us, or maybe he already ate with V hyung of course" Yugyeomie said, rolling his eyes. I just laughed at how he looked cute, earlier when are shift at SJ Cafe finished, Jimin hyung said that we should eat dinner tonight, all of us including V hyung but MJ hyung is excluded. Why does Jimin hyung really hates MJ hyung? for me he is a kind and nice person.

Maybe because he is always bothering JinJin. Speaking of JinJin, I'm still sad that he didn't came to work today but I understand, he needs to rest.

"Oh Jimin hyung texted me, he said they are on their way here" Yugyeom said, wow, and Jimin hyung didn't answer his phone earlier?

"We should go inside now and just let them notice us if they arrived" I said to Yugyeom. He just nodded his head at me and followed me inside.

We found a table and the waiter approached us and gave us the menu. More minutes passed and...

"Gyeomie~! JaeJae~!" Jimin hyung is so loud.

When Yugyeomie wave his hand, Jimin hyung and V hyung immediately come to us.

"Did you ordered yet?" V hyung ask us as they sit.

I shook my head as an answer.

"Then what are we waiting for? we should order now, I'm really hungry" Jimin hyung said which made Yugyeom smirk.

"If I know you already ate something with V hyung, am I right?" Yugyeom said, he is like teasing Jimin hyung and V hyung

"We didn't eat anything yet, Yugyeom" V hyung said

"I'm not talking about food" Yugyeom said and laughed. I look at the other two and they are like cherry, their faces is color red.


"Where is your innocence, brat?" Jimin hyung said glaring at Yugyeom. I don't know what they are talking about.

Later, the food came and we started eating. The food is delicious.

"Hey, that hot guy keeps on staring at you, hyung, I notice him doing that since we got inside this restaurant" Yugyeom whispered at me. I stopped the spoon midair and looked at the guy he mentioned.

Yugyeom is right, he is looking at our direction but I don't think he is staring at me. Even though, I'm thinking that he is not looking at me directly, I am still feeling self-conscious.

"He is not" I said mumbling against my food.

"Sure, I get his attention for you" Yugyeom said with a smirk

"Don't you dare, Yugyeom"

"Hey, what are you two talking about?" We snapped our heads towards Jimin hyung who is looking at us with a confused face.

V hyung followed Yugyeom's gaze. Yugyeom is looking at that guy

"Oh, that's Im Jaebum-ssi, our private doctor, I didn't know he is eating in a cozy restaurant like this" V hyung said, a slight shock is evident on his voice

"Private doctor? wow" Jimin hyung said in amazement. Well V hyung's family are rich, so having a private doctor is common to them.

Just then, V hyung called that Im Jaebum and invite him on our table. I frowned but I didn't show it to them. The guy is making me uncomfortable.

"Hi Jaebum hyung" V hyung said as he give that guy a hug. He gestured to him to sit to the empty seat next to me. Wahhh!!

"Hey, Taehyung ah" The guy said cooly. Well, he looks cool.

"Oh, this is my friends, Jimin, Yugyeom and the one beside you is Youngjae" I heard V hyung introduce us. I just keep my gaze on my food. But why do I feel like this guy is staring at me. Really, its making me nervous.

"Hi, I'm Im Jaebum" The guy said as he offered his hand for a handshake....to me. Of course, I don't want to ignore people so I accepted it.

But he held my hand for too long...

"So Im Jaebum ssi, how old are you" I heard Yugyeom ask

"I'm 24 years old" He answered, still not letting go of my hand. What am I gonna do?

"Ahmmm c-can you l-let go of m-my hand" I just keep on stuttering when I feel nervous and embarassed. And I said those while lowering my head.

"Oh sorry, your hands is so soft" I felt my cheeks burning when he said that, and I can already feel Yugyeom's smirking at us.

"Excuse me sir, but are you hitting on Youngjae?" Jimin hyung said with disregard? I can feel him glaring at Jaebum ssi too.

"Woah there, the tension is real yeah? why don't we all enjoy our food?" V hyung said with an awkward laugh

"Well, I'm 22, Yugyeom is 20 and Youngjae is 21, we are all studying and we are graduating this year" Jimin hyung said still looking at our guest carefully and Jaebum ssi nodded.

"Ok, you can all call me hyung if you want" Jaebum ssi said

Suddenly, we heard a phone ringing. It's coming from Yugyeom. Yugyeom stood up and excuses himself to us. While going outside, I heard him squealing some words like BamBam.

Now there's four of us left here, V hyung and Jimin hyung is talking with each other and this guy beside me....

"I'm sorry, I know that staring is rude, but I can't help it" Wow, stop, somebody please help my poor heart. I think it's gonna explode.


"What in the hell are you saying?" Jinyoung said, not believing what is MJ's condition all about

"That is my condition" MJ calmly said.

JinJin can't also believe all of this. Why does MJ wants him?

"Why would that be your condition? why do you want my brother?"

MJ sighs before answering " You see, I like JinJin, no, I love JinJin and I will do everything to make him mine" MJ thought that nothing's wrong on givimg honest reason so he said what is in his heart

Well, they doesn't know a single thing behind this plan so his real intentions are safe

Jinyoung and JinJin couldn't help but both gasped. JinJin hung his head low, feeling embarassed, what in the hell MJ is saying? But he is confident, his brother will not agree with MJ right?

"Ok, I will give him to you" Jinyoung said calmly whilst JinJin look at him in shock. MJ smirked.

"I can be paid right? you will be the one paying for Minhyuk's operation right? and all of my parent's properties will be given back to me right?" Jinyoung assured

"Of course, Jinyoung, that will be solved all" MJ said with a smile

Mark, who is standing beside Jinyoung, asked him.

"What are you thinking, Jinyoung ah, giving JinJin just like that?"

"Can't you see, he can benifit from this also" Then Jinyoung turn to his brother "Jinwoo, you want Minhyuk to recover right? so why won't you sacrificed yourself for him"

JinJin is speechless. His Jinyoung hyung is right, MJ is willing to get back their properties for them and will pay Minhyuk's operation, all in exchange of himself.

But why? MJ already said why but he doesn't believe that reason. And also, he hates MJ. That is what he is thinking. And this makes him hating MJ more.

MJ, then decided to end this negotiation as he pulled JinJin towards him

"So it's settled then" MJ said holding JinJin's wrist making sure he won't go away from him. JinJin tries to wriggle his hand but he couldn't, MJ's grip is too strong. JinJin looked at Jinyoung for help but the latter refuses to look. Mark just watched JinJin with pity.

"Expect all of those tomorrow" MJ said talking about his conditions

Jinyoung was shocked. "Tomorrow? that fast?"

"Yes" MJ answered shortly, as he told his men to leave before them. MJ with JinJin on his side was about to follow when Jinyoung stopped them. Jinyoung is already crying.

"I agreed to this, does that mean I can't see my brother anymore?" Jinyoung ask MJ

"Yes, and if you're worried about JinJin, you shouldn't be, I can't hurt my baby" MJ said as he dragged JinJin outside and finally left the house

Mark and Jinyoung was left there. Jinyoung is still crying.

"I-I didn't even give him a h-hug, M-Mark" Jinyoung said between his sobs.

"I can tell that, that Myungjun truly has feelings for your brother.Jinyoung ah so I think he is saying the truth. So don't worry about your brother, but I can see that your brother hate that Myungjun though" Mark said rubbing circles on Jinyoung's back.

Mark fished for his phone and called his other friend.

"Hello, Jackson"


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