《In Debt (MyungJin) [EDITING]》(KMJ*)


"Kim Myungjun" I said. And now I'm feeling scared. I know he look like an angel, an innocent person you would ever know but he is far from that. Myungjun is feared with everyone who has a debt on him. If you don't pay him, you'll never know if that was the last day for you to live or for your family.

I'm so stupid, I knew all of that but I keep on borrowing money to him through Namjoon. I can't help it, luck is always on my side but with Myungjun here, it lost that luck. He always defeat me. I just recently knew that he is that guy playing with me, he told me that through his warnings

"Are you planning to escape, Park Jinyoung?" He said as he smirked and gave me a wicked smile that doesn't suit him but enough to scare the daylights out of me and I know he is planning something if I don't give him his borrowed money.

Then his three men circled around me.

"I did a research about you but I found nothing. For someone like you, I least expected your life to be private" He said and come in front of me. He eyed my things and look back at me. I saw him smirked again. "You think you can escape from your debts? even if you manage to leave this house, I'll still know where you are, I have many connections in this world"

I'm doomed. What should I do now? Should I risk my life? If this is my last day atleast I get to kill Myungjun.

Are you really sure you can do that, Jinyoung? He is a powerful person. You are nothing compared to him.

"Now how about you pay it. I gave you many times already to prepare your pay"

"B-but I don't have money" I murmured. I don't know if he heard it. I heard him clicked his tongue before answering

"If you don't have money, how about any properties?" Ok he heard but properties he said? this house is not even mine. All of my parents' properties are not entitled to me anymore. I sold them to others so I can have money to support my gambling. I am a bastard, yes.

"Ha, based on your expression you do not have any properties to pay me. You don't have money to pay me. So what will I do to you? you know already my rules right? you manage to keep your private information from me but not with this one" he said and another man come inside the house with...

"Mark!" I shouted, eyes bigger from what I am seeing. Mark should be out of this.

"Release him!" I said as I look at Mark who is struggling to the man who was holding him. Myungjun walk beside Mark.

"He's your boyfriend right? Do you know what will happen to him?"

No please no, let him go..


"Why are we in a fastfood chain?" Hoseok hyung asked Jeongguk but I sensed sarcasm in his question.


"What? I want fastfood" Jeongguk said as he smiled at Hoseok hyung and went outside the car. We followed him.

"I want to strangle you really!" Hoseok hyung yelled at Jeongguk who is just laughing at him. Once we got inside the fastfood chain, we searched for a table.

"So what do you guys want?" Jeongguk asked us immediately as we seated.

"You already know mine, how about you Jinwoo?" Hoseok hyung turned his gaze at me.

I told them what I wanted to eat then Jeongguk proceed to the counter. I looked at Hoseok hyung who is just tapping his fingers on the table and resting his chin on his hand. But I avoided his gaze when it's suddenly landed on mine.

"You're still shy around me? don't, okay? how about you tell me about yourself?" He said and I smiled. I still feeling uncomfortable to them.

So I think, I have to fully introduce myself to them and I started by telling them my full name

"My name is-" I started but it was interrupted by Jeongguk

"Hey, can you please help me with this? there's one tray left at the counter" Jeongguk who came with two trays on his hands said. I wonder how he managed to bring that trays without any loads of it spilling.

Hoseok hyung puffed his cheeks which made him look so cute and rolled his eyes at Jeongguk.

"What?" Jeongguk said innocently as he tried to stop himself from laughing.

"I hate you" Hoseok hyung said

"I love you too, Hobi-ah" Jeongguk said and Hoseok hyung looks like his blushing? I don't know but his face is red. He slap Jeongguk's back playfully and went to the counter.

"Oh you can smile, that's great, you look like an angel" I feel my cheeks burning at what Jeongguk said.

When Hoseok hyung arrived, we started eating.

"Oh where did we stop at introducing yourself, Jinwoo? ah your name? please continue"

"What name?" Jeongguk said and Hoseok just covered his mouth with his hands but immediately putting it down and wiped it with the tissue.

"Ew! why do you have to lick my palm? gross!" Jeongguk laugh and he mocked Hoseok hyung which earned him a slap but he still laugh though.

"My name is Park Jinwoo, and I am a graduating high school working student. My friends call me by a nickname JinJin-"

"Oh that's so cute! JinJin! wahh!! you're so cute! you know I named myself also, I named myself J-Hope!"

"Don't mind him, he doesn't know what he was saying" Jeongguk said and Hoseok hyung slap his back. Jeongguk just murmuring something about being a battered husband, that's what I've heard.

"Anyway, where do you work?"

"SJ Cafe"

"You mean, SJ Cafe? Kim Seokjin's cafe? wahh! what a coincidence, Seokjin is our bestfriend too along with his boyfriend, Min Yoongi wow! amazing" Hoseok hyung happily squealed while clapping, Jeongguk just smiled.

Jin hyung had a funny and adorable friends.

"We must visit Seokjin hyung at his cafe, sometimes" Hoseok hyung said to Jeongguk.


"Yeah, oh didn't Yoongi hyung inform us that he will coming back?"

"Actually, he came back already, and yes, he's spending his time with Seokjin hyung" Hoseok hyung said and he turn his gaze at me. "Anyway, what about your family?"

His question...Family? I have family but happy family? I didn't have that. I lower my gaze at them and think of what to answer. I am thankful that they didn't notice my uneasiness to the question.

I sighed before answering, " I have two brothers, one older brother and youngest, my older brother's name is Jinyoung, and my youngest brother is Minhyuk, our parents died when I was a child"

"Oh my god, dear, I'm sorry!" Hoseok hyung said, standing up and hugged me.

I cried. I don't want to. But thinking of my currently state makes me want to cry hard.


One of his men cupped my hands at my back so I can't move. Myungjun smirked at what he is seeing right now. He is starting it already.

"Now, how about this boyfriend of yours will spill some information about you? maybe I will get him. out of this if he will answer my question and do what I wanted him to do" Myungjun said as he smiles while placing his arm around Mark.

"Jinyoung" Mark called me with his eyes full of sorry.

"Mark Tuan, right?" Myungjun said looking at me. I don't want to know what's the end of this. But I'm ready to die as long as Mark and my brothers will be out of this. That's the least thing I can do for them but before that, I'll take my revenge. I struggled to free myself but the man who is holding me has a strong grip at my hands.

"If you keep on struggling, your boyfriend would be laying in his blood, later"

"What? How can you do that?!"

"I can because that's my rule. So Mark, tell me about his family"

"I don't want to put Jinyoung into danger" Mark boldly said, seriousness is present in his face.

"If you will just give me the pay then nothing of this happened and you can live freely but Jinyoung don't have any properties yet money. So you don't have any choice but to give what I want."

"Don't get my family into this. Let go of Mark. I am the one who has a debt in you, if you want to kill someone here then it should be me-"

"No Jinyoung, what are you saying? I saw Mark heaving a deep sigh before turning to Myungjun "Ok I will tell you, he have two brothers" Mark said

"Two brothers okay, can you call one of them?" My eyes getting bigger at his request, I turned my gaze at Mark and I shake my head intensely, telling him not to do it.

"Release him" Myungjun ordered his men who's holding Mark. "Call one of them" Myungjun said to Mark. He look at me as he hesitantly fished his phone on his pocket.

God. What am I going to do?


JinJin jolted from his seat when his phone suddenly ringed. He looked at Hoseok and Jeongguk and ask if its okay if he go outside to answer the call. The two nodded and he went outside.

He look at the caller's name. Mark hyung? he asks himself. Why is his Jinyoung hyung's boyfriend called him? Though its confusing, he answered the call.

"Mark hyung?" JinJin ask the other in line.

"[Come here, quickly, I'm on your house, your brother needs you]" That and the line went died.

Jinyoung hyung again, he thought, what did he do this time? JinJin is not sure if he is ready for another confession coming from his hyung about his situation if there are any left confessions unsaid.

But even though, Jinyoung is still his brother no matter what. So he decided, he will come back to their home.

He went back inside the fastfood chain.

"Ahhm can you give me a ride to my home?" JinJin ask the two shyly.

Hoseok and Jeongguk exchanges glances before they flash a smile to JinJin and nodded.

"Of course, Jinwoo" Jeongguk said with his smile.

"Let's go now hmm JinJin?" Hoseok said and put his arm on JinJin's shoulder.

After some minutes of driving, they arrived at the sidewalk JinJin always walked on that leads to their house.

"Are you sure you can manage now here?" Hoseok ask JinJin which JinJin just nodded with his angelic smile.

"Okay, wait, this is our contact number, can you write your number here?" Hoseok said giving JinJin a two pieces of a paper. JinJin wrote his number and give the other pieces of paper with his number to Hoseok.

The two left with Hoseok still bidding JinJin a goodbye until they are gone from his sight.

JinJin sighed. He is ready for what is coming. Minutes later, he arrived to their home. A luxury car was parked in front of their gate. Much to his confusion, he shrugged it off and continue walking inside.

Though he is still thinking whose car owns that, he thought it could be Mark's car. But Mark is not that rich to have a luxury car like that. He shrugged off the thought and come inside the house.

What he was seeing got him beyond feeling shocked. His Jinyoung hyung is tightly tied in a chair with Mark on his back. And there is a guy facing his back at him. His figure is familiar.

"H-hyung, what happened here? are you k-kidnapped?" In your own home? really Jinwoo?

"JinJin, you shouldn't have come here! he's here, the one who I have debt on, he will kill you!!" Jinyoung said with a scared tone. He look like he nearly cries too..

"JinJin?" The man who is facing his back said.

That voice could it be...

The man finally revealed himself and JinJin didn't know what to feel.



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