《In Debt (MyungJin) [EDITING]》KMJ~


Hearing a scream coming inside the house, my brother's probably watching horror movies again. I click the door open with my one hand. I did it slowly for JinJin not to be woke up.

He said when he saw us finally.

I roll my eyes at him, I said and went upstairs. I unlock my room's door and carefully placing JinJin on my bed.

I pushed my palm against his forehead. Oh God! he's burning! what do I have to do? Jin hyung usually the one taking care of us when we are sick if our parents are out for a business trip. I'm sure I could do the same things he did.

Taehyung placed the basin on the top of my room's desk. I soak the damp cloth in the cold water and laid it in JinJin's forehead.

Taehyung chuckled. I scoffed at him and pushed him off the bed. He fall with a thud.

He said caressing his back. I shot him a glare and push him outside my room.

I shouted at him and locked the door. I turn my gaze at JinJin. He's sweating but his breathing is steady now. I sat beside him, running my hand on his hair. I studied his features, his face, it's so angelic especially when he's like this, sleeping. Still the same. Minutes passed by and I'm still staring at his face, sorry, it's just that I can't take my eyes off of him. I took a glance at the clock, it's 1:31 am. I laid beside him, covering my body with the blanket. Scooping JinJin closer to me, I kiss his forehead. His temperature is almost normal now, I'm glad.

I said, smiling, drifting off to sleep.


My eyes shot open, adjusting to the bright light passing through the window, I tried to sit up, I don't feel like burning now. But why in the hell I can't move? and I feel something heavy on my waist. I glance at my side, and to my horror, there's MJ sleeping soundly beside me.


And then, of course, I freaked out so I push him out of the bed.

He groaned..in a sexy way? what! oh my gosh! why am I having a thought like that?! Anyway, what is this bastard doing at my room?

He said looking at me but he seems to be still sleepy. I glare at him and shouted.

He said, laughing.

I look at my body under the blanket and gasped. How dare him!

I was cut off by a person who suddenly open the doors, banging it to the wall, making me yelp in surprised.

Taehyung ssi happily said and closed the door.

Wait, Taehyung ssi is here too? just what the hell is happening?

He said standing up and walking towards me. I felt my heart beats fast when he hovered before me and look straight into my eyes. He then caught my wrists and pinned it above my head. I felt his face near my neck. I swear, my heart is beating so fast and my breath hitched.

I can feel his smirk to the words he let out, even though I am convulsing here I manage to speak.

I said but he just laughed. He jump off the bed which I find as an childish act, he can act like that? and then he stood near the door folding his arms, staring at me. He doesn't want me to breath normally eh?

He said,leaving me to this bed. So...therefore, THIS IS HIS HOUSE!! OH MY G—


Taehyung ssi whined like a child because me and MJ didn't eat what he cooked.

MJ said and proceeded to the kitchen.

Taehyung ssi shouted. I sighed. So this is how they are? pretty similar with me and Jinyoung hyung....before.

I followed MJ to the kitchen just to find him struggling with what he was doing.

I said.

I said not looking at him. I heard a heavy sigh coming from him and he left.


Though I feel some guiltiness towards my words, there is a part of me telling that I should say those. Shaking all of that thoughts, I started to make breakfast.


I shouted to a child with a gigantic body.

I glared at him and he sat beside me, staring at me.

I was suddenly confused by his staring.

" He said while scanning my face, doesn't he feel embarassed? I hit him on his shoulder but he just laughed.

He sang and I just smiled at his sillines. Though he is such an annoying child, he gives me the company I want. He's making me happy.

I said with a smile.

I just shook my head. He is really a kid, in such a young age, he was involved in an accident which led him to be comatosed according to him, that's what he only remembers and he said he don't want to be back yet so here he was wondering as a ghost.

I just sighed and let out a 'tsk' sound. Laying down my body on my bed and hiding it under the blanket, I close my eyes.

I don't want to die yet. I want to be with my JinJin hyung again, I want to play with him again. I want to go outside again like I used to.

But this kid is so loud!


Taehyung ssi asked right before MJ stopped the engine of his car. He stopped in a sideway which leading to our house.

I nodded my head as an answer and went ouside the car. I lower my head, leveling it to the car's window.

Taehyung ssi said to me.

But doesn't it going to be redundant? Taehyung hyung?

I just said, I was about to say thank you to MJ but they are gone. Ok, so I guess, I hurt him but I know he is just flirting with me. But why does his eyes look so sad? Mental note, say sorry and thank you to him later. Maybe buy or make him a gift or food or anything. Ok noted. Walking the distance leading into our house, I finally reached our gate, I pushed it open and closed it once I get inside.

Sighing heavily, I unlocked our door—oh it's not locked so it means, there is a person inside. As I stepped in, I became confused. What the hell happened to our house? It's like a whirlwind happened to passed by inside our house.

I screamed when I saw who called my name. He looks like a zombie.

I am not kidding, if you can see him, you can tell the same as mine. Messy hair, deep eyebags and bloody knuckles wrapped in a thin white cloth. He didn't look like Jinyoung hyung to me but of course, I believe him because this happened so many times now but I gain shock from it everytime.

He averted his eyes somewhere and he looks like fidgeting. I'm sure he needs money again for his addiction of course, or he did something wrong. I'm used to this.

When his unfiltered words reached into my ears, I immediately choke on my saliva. I want to say something but all I can do is just stare at him like he is some sort of an alien.

100. million. A freaking 100 million! not even a thousand but a million! oh my God!

I said to him like a whisper, trying to hold back my tears. Why is he giving me problems like this?!

I said, tears flowing on my face. He is crying too.

I left him inside the house. I feel so exhausted. And I think the sky symphatizes with me cause it starts to rain.


The guy said, smirking.


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