《In Debt (MyungJin) [EDITING]》KJW~


Pacing back and forth and kicking everything that is blocking his path, Jinyoung felt like he ran from country to another country. He feel exhausted, but everytime the memory of earlier comes back to him, that exhausting feeling was changing into anger.

Pulling his hair out of frustration and anger he sighed. Sliding his back onto the wall slowly. As he silently cried.

The tone of a phone receiving a call ringed into the whole lifeless house. He got a phone call, he took it to see who it is. It's Mark, his boyfriend. He want Mark out of this. So the next thing he did, he threw his phone on another wall, pieces of it scattered on the floor. Running his hand in his hair, he let out a painful sigh again.

He suddenly thought about his brothers. Minhyuk who is in the hospital and needs an operation as soon as possible and Jinwoo, the responsible one.

On the other hand, JinJin is sighing like a hundred times for now. He's feeling bad like, you know, a bad feeling when something is happening, a gloomy feeling that is.

Youngjae, the sunshine said enthusiastically.

JinJin did his best to smile.

Yugyeom said.

Jimin said and with that, Jin, the owner of SJ Cafe, suddenly screamed, alarming his adorable employees.

Yugyeom, who's in his fighting stance yelled,

Jin shouted when he heard Yugyeom's outburst, confused as well as his employees too.

Youngjae explained, as he gave an apologetic look towards Jin.

Jimin said clutching his heart, and he's sweating also.

Jin exclaimed, eyes bigger from the shock. Jin added with a squeal of course.

Yugyeom said, smiling.

Jin then suddenly landed his eyes to a distressed figure of one of his employees. He immediately feel sad, seeing one of his best employees looking gloomy and tired.


Jin said drawing nearer to JinJin, Jin gazed at the younger waiting for an answer, his mother instinct telling him to hug the younger and if possible stay with him to ease the pain he seems to have.

JinJin answered, his voice is nearly fades.

Jin didn't buy that reason of course, but he have to go, his boyfriend is expecting him to fetch him at the airport.

Jin announces causing the others to gasp.

Jimin said with a scoffed.

Jin let out a tsk.

JinJin said.

Jin could just sigh, Jin said with a laugh.

Jimin proudly said.

Jin told them, walking down the door.

Jimin managed to shout.

Jin then got inside his car and drive off. The 4 busy themselves again, serving people when suddenly a car parked at the front of a cafe. Car doors opened and there stood a two good looking men, they entered the cafe.

Jimin talked to himself as he totally checking out the boy in who is suddenly in front of him.

Yugyeom said eyeing the said guy.

The said guy introduce himself with his smile.

MJ said after giving a glance at JinJin, dragging his brother, Taehyung, they are gone from the their sight.

Youngjae asked startling the elder.

Jimin said still looking at the office door.

Yugyeom said and went to greet the customers entering.

Jimin whispers at himself.


Just by looking at my friends, I gain some energy to continue my work, if they're happy I'm happy too but why am I feeling this?

I want to talk with Minhyuk, ask if he's okay or if our irresponsible brother did something to him.

I let out a heavy sigh.

Youngjae said, obviously worrying about me.

I said reassuring him with a smile but I just earn a cute pout from him.


He heaved a sigh and just nodded. Hours passed and the night came.

Jimin hyung said, eyes forming a crescent shape. He is smiling like that ever since Taehyung-ssi came.

All of our heads turn to the one who just spoke, it's Taehyung-ssi.

Yugyeom said with a smirk, sure he likes teasing his friends a lot.

Jimin hyung said blushing furiously. Taehyung ssi just laughed at him.

He's flirting with Jimin hyung, obviously.

I turn to look at my side which I only regret because there stood my enemy-ok enemy, because he's always bothering me. He winked at me like he always does and rolled my eyes at him like I always do. But rolling my eyes is not a good idea, the move just worsen my headache.

hyung Jimin hyung said with a scary tone, but the MJ just smirk, he's not afraid.

That MJ said with a teasing voice and retreated to Jin hyung's office.

Jimin hyung and Taehyung ssi left the café already.

While the retreating figure of a car is slowly fading from our sight, I scan the places outside, I glance at my watch. I decided to take overtime with my work today. The two left with me, Youngjae and Yugyeom, their shift were coming to end.

Minutes passed and...

Youngjae asked me for the ninth time.

Yugyeom said and turned his gaze at me.

Youngjae said.

If he will try to do that to me, then just he dare and he will go home with all of his bones broken.

I bid the two goodbyes until they are out from my sight. Ha...this day is so tiring...

I let out a yelp when I felt an arm around my waist, how dare this bastard to scare the sht out of me?

How did he came here without me noticing it?

I said

Minutes passed again with some customers came and we decided to finally close the cafe.

I said flipping the sign to 'sorry, we're closed' sign.

I was about to answer when suddenly, I felt that I am about to lose my strength. I hold onto one of the chairs for the support.

MJ said holding me and putting his hand at my forehead.

I rolled my eyes at him and let myself passed out, I am expecting to be met by the floor but that doesn't happened, instead a pair of arms wrapped around my waist, preventing me to fall. I felt myself being lifted and that's when my world already turns to black.


Myungjun said with a smirk.

After making sure the Café is closed, he went to his car as he carefully placed the passed out JinJin into the passenger's seat and wrapping his jacket to JinJin. He started the car's engine and drive off to his house.



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