《In Debt (MyungJin) [EDITING]》KJW


. Jimin hyung said to me and ate his sandwich.

I sighed. We're at the school cafeteria because it's breaktime.

my other friend and classmate, Youngjae asked.

How am I supposed to answer that if even me doesn't know it? my brother, Jinyoung said that Minhyuk is fine but I don't believe every single thing he was saying to me.

Yugyeom said and I only gave him a little smile as a response. Of course that's not true, Minhyuk is not okay. He is suffering from a heart disease but what the hell is my damn brother doing? I don't know.

I know, I must become strong for our family. Only three of us left, our parents died in a car accident until then my brother becomes a sort of rebel, a person who gambles here and there and we're always fighting. It only stopped when Minhyuk was rushed into the hospital and confined. I am currently serving as a barista at one of a nearby cafe outside the school with my three friends, Jimin hyung, Youngjae and Yugyeom. The pay is enough but not enough for Minhyuk's medicines and check ups.

And today, I am planning to visit him. I don't care if Jinyoung hyung will know about this but who is he to forbid me in visiting Minhyuk. I have to visit him. I missed him so much.

my phone suddenly rang and Jinyoung hyung's caller ID registered. I immediately declined it and put it back to my bag.

I suddenly smiled at Yugyeom, when time like this came, I am truly thankful that I have them as my friends.

.I just smiled at Jimin hyung and bid them goodbye.


Aisshhh that brat, he doesn't answering me.

I said in monotone. I don't know where am I going to get money for Minhyuk's operation. I gambled all of the money our parent's entrusted to me, I've gambled all of them because I thought it will become bigger but damn that guy who challenge me. I sighed. Am I a horrible brother? all the time Jinwoo is saying that to me, we fight because of what am I doing but because of that also, we live, through that.


I glanced at my youngest brother as I throw a glare at him. He just smirked down on me as a return.

He shouted, looking at me with annoyance.

I just focus my gaze at the window. If I have a money now, I will surely gamble it, I am always lucky that's why I always have a money everytime I go home, wait home...home.. home right! I have some money left at home!

. I said and quicken my pace, going home.


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