《Myungjin - I Fell For You~》[Chapter 3 - Kind Strangers]


Jinwoo pressed the button '10' on the elevator to take him to his office floor. As the doors opened, he exited to be greeted by his secretary, Mr. Lee who wished him a good morning.

What was so good about mornings anyway he thought. Having to wake up so early is definitely in the top three things that Jinwoo hates.

He walked to his large luxurious office as his secretary opened the blinds to let in the warm sunlight through the large tinted glass windows.

Jinwoo made his way to back of his desk where he sat down in his expensive leather chair. Mr. Lee brought his digital tablet forward and began to list the agenda for the day.

"Sir, we have a busy schedule today so it would be best if we started off a bit early. You have a meeting at 9:10am regarding the Advertising Department wanting to put out a new advertisement for the Fundraiser that will assist multiple Veterinaries throughout the state. After that you are required to attend a business lunch regarding the agenda of hiring a skilled Graphic Designer to contribute towards the Fundraiser publicity tasks."

As Jinwoo looked out the window, he sighed and stood up.

"Let's be on time then."

"Yes Sir."

The meeting finished successfully so CEO Jinwoo and his secretary made their way to the business lunch. The restaurant wasn't much far from the office building so Jinwoo insisted that they walk there, a chance to take in some fresh air from their air conditioned offices.

They made their way to the designated restaurant. It was a very posh and an expensive one. A regular for Jinwoo.

The business meeting eventually started on time and the other attendees discussed about hiring a new graphic designer and some other similar staff to assist their new project. Jinwoo sat next to a window seat in the restaurant and found himself drifting away from the conversation.

As he ate his medium rare steak, Jinwoo looked out the window to see an elderly women struggling to cross the road with her multiple groceries. No one was helping her. The elder looked like she was in her late 70's as she tiredly placed her bags with groceries on the floor.


So many people were walking by, wearing their office suits with expensive watches and bags. It didn't cost money to help an elderly cross the road but no one batted an eyelid.

Jinwoo was thinking of excusing himself from the meeting to help the elder but before he could move, he saw a young man running to the elderly and willingly picking up most of her groceries to help her cross the road. As they reached the other side, the elder had a smile on her face thanks to the young man and forced an amount of money to the man to keep.

"Sir? Excuse me sir?"

Secretary Lee's voice brought Jinwoo back to the business lunch.


"Sir, we were wondering if you would wish to attend the hiring of the new Graphics Designer? You would be able to see their skills and project history along with deciding if you preferred their style of design. If you are available, if that is. I could check for you."

Jinwoo basically spent his work hours either at the office, on a business trip or at a meeting. He asked Assistant Lee if there was anything scheduled for that time. Luckily he was available so he agreed to attend the selection of the new designer. Something a little bit different to witness.

Once he had attended the other agendas for the day, it was already 7:15pm. Jinwoo made his way to his car and drove to his way back home.

While driving past the park near his house, he saw what seemed like the same young man who had helped the elderly sitting on the park bench with his backpack on the floor. The man's expression was dark and his eyes looked swollen, probably from crying.

Something came across Jinwoo and he decided to park his car at the park's parking lot. He got out of his car and grabbed a small packet of tissues while he was at it. He locked his car and made his way towards him.

This wasn't usual for Jinwoo. He would be too tired to do anything else after work however, seeing that man's pained expression made Jinwoo feel bad for not asking him what was wrong. Especially since he helped someone out this morning when no one else did.


Jinwoo walked to that park bench and held out the packet of tissues from his suit pocket. The man sitting on the bench looked up with a surprised expression as he faced Jinwoo.

"Thought you may need them", Jinwoo spoke as he had a kind smile on his face.

"Uh th-thank you", the man replied back as he gratefully received the tissues.

"Is it okay if I sit here?"

"Ah yes, of course", he said as he moved a little bit to allow the kind stranger to sit down next to him.

The man was embarrassed infront of the stranger as he obviously suspected that he had cried.

"My name is Jinwoo by the way."

"Ah. Thank you Jinwoo. I'm Myungjun."

They both smiled. Jinwoo then asked why Myungjun looked so upset.

"Actually today hasn't been the best day for me as I lost my job. That's why I cried", Myungjun said with an half hearted laugh.

"Could I ask what your occupation is?", Jinwoo asked.

"I'm a Graphic Designer. Well, I was until I got fired today."

Jinwoo was surprised to hear Myungjun was a Graphic Designer. His company was hiring a new one for the upcoming project. Maybe this guy might be qualified enough.

"How about coming to the company I work at? I heard they are looking to hire a new qualified Graphic Designer. Who knows, you may even score the job", Jinwoo said not giving away any information about his high position in the company.

Myungjun's expression brightened as Jinwoo pulled out a business card from his wallet.

"Here is the company card. Ring them tomorrow and say that Mr. Park has permitted your attendance. Make sure you bring your Resume and proof of identity."

Myungjun happily accepted the business card and politely thanked Jinwoo.

"Thank you for helping me out. I really appreciate it. But could I ask why?"

Jinwoo looked towards some pigeons far off in the distance who were fighting over a piece of food and said, "I'm helping you for the same reason you helped that elderly women this morning."

Myungjun chuckled being a little surprised.

"Oh I was wondering if we could exchange numbers. I mean I'll regret if I don't", Myungjun stated.

"Ah sure", Jinwoo replied as they both exchanged numbers.

It was getting late so both of them parted their ways.

Jinwoo drove back home and freshened up before reuniting with his bed. He decided to order take-away dinner from an Italian restaurant and slept until it got to his address.

Myungjun on the other hand drove back home to his apartment and made ramen for dinner. He took out the card that was given by Jinwoo and studied it. The business card looked very fancy with its letters written in golden ink.

The company name written was 'Crystal Corporation'.

After finishing eating, he packed everything up and headed to bed. This time he made sure he charged his phone on his bedside table.

Lying on his bed, he smiled as he saw his ceiling covered in glow-in-the-dark stickers.

He carefully placed the business card in his phone case and set the phone alarm at 8am.

Closing his eyes, he replayed the moments of meeting such a kind stranger earlier.

"Jinwoo", he whispered.

Eventually he feel asleep ending an exhausting day.

Little did he know what was in store for him later on.

Author's Note:

They finally meet! So kind of Jinwoo to help someone out. Will Myungjun get the job tho? What will his reaction be when he finds out Jinwoo is the rich CEO? Hope you're enjoying it so far and let other Myungjin shippers know about my ff☺

I can write a 1.3k worded chapter of a fanfic but I cant write a thousand word essay :')

I really appreciate all of you that read my fanfic and please feel free to leave comments or feedback regarding my work : )

Thanks to my friend Jet for helping me with my fanfic cover 💕🌚

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