《playaholic | mha textfic x reader》xviii. investigation


mr. aizawa, i have something to ask

What do you need, L/n.

I'm very busy.

a group of villains added me into their group chat last night

How can you be so sure?


they knew izuku, todoroki, and uraraka. when i asked them about how they knew them, they replied with "summer camp". i then asked if they went to UA or were pro heroes, saying no to both of those answers.

one of them nicknamed "patchy" has a fire quirk, one named "blood/love" has a blood related quirk, and one called "cancer" has a disintegration quirk.

they also had someone named "pet" who had a phone but could only type in key smash

i was hoping you knew something about this, considering the class wouldn't even tell me anything until literally two nights ago.

League of Villains.

league of villains?


LoV for short. They're attacked our class numerous times.

wait really??

i thought they only attacked us once

If they came into contact with you, then they know you go to UA.

actually no

blood added me to their group chat as a dare and when they asked where i went to school i told them i was homeschooled

they also only know me as "cloudy"

We can use this to our advantage actually...

exactly the reason why i came to you about this

i wanted to ask if i could (with supervision of course) if i could get information off of them and try to get them arrested

Not a bad idea, but it is EXTREMELY risky.

i am aware

but isn't this what makes being a hero?

Yes it is.

Alright, I'll tell the staff here at UA so you can get the OK on it.

thank you so much

Not a problem.

Also, don't mention this to the other students. They will probably freak out and cause a ruckus.

i wasn't planning on it don't worry

i would probably only tell MAYBE izuku or shinsou


Go get rest.

yes sir

"let's do some hot girl shit."

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