《playaholic | mha textfic x reader》vi. morning


fuck yall

bunch of traitors

What happened?

i was beat up by bakugou yesterday and no one came to help me

now i'm bruised and didnt sleep because i overused my quirk to make a barrier so i wouldnt die

i feel so loved

I'm sorry L/n

its not ur fault shoji :(

its everyone who was online yesterday

aka kaminari, jirou, iida, yaoyorozu, midoriya, kirishima, orjirou, and others

So is that why you're up so early?

sadly yes

its either i over sleep or i don't sleep at all

no in between

if i pass out in class pls wake me up

Of course


theres another person lurking

who else is awake 🤨

I believe it's Hagakure

hiii sorry for not responding i was getting ready

you're all good dw :)

i heard screaming yesterday

did something happen?

ugh 😔

stupid mf bakugou beat my ass and gave me a bunch of bruises and i ended up overusing my quirk so now i can't sleep until like 8AM

You're going to sleep during Present Mic's English?

i'm passing his class so i think it'll be okay

Do you want me to wake you up for lunch?

if its not troubling-

we should bring back nap time

deadass omg i would kill for nap time

I've got you L/n

tysm shoji


watch kaminari try to draw on ur face

i'll piss tears

ur next to momo but behind mineta 😭

mineta better not touch me

i'll throw up and then shit tears

I'm sure he won't try anything

Especially during class

u never know tho

He was put into Class 1-A for a reason though

Despite his... Ways


Actions? Personality?

I'm not so sure

all ik is that he likes looking at naked women 😰

isnt that like every guy tho


and lesbians

You aren't wrong there

bet u kyoka is a lesbian

i see her more as like a bisexual ngl

i can see it

okok ima go finish getting ready and make myself cereal


i don't wanna go

my body is sore 😔

It'll be alright


do we have hero training today?

I believe so


i'm gonna cry

I'm sure Mr.Aizawa will understand

its mr aizawa

hes so strict pls

but i prefer him over my other teachers

they sucked ass

That reminds me, where did you come from?

i came from a smaller hero school in northern japan but my family and i moved because of the poverty issue there

i applied to ua when the applications were first handed out and was allowed a spot in but considering our placement i had no choice but to decline

i didn't want to wake up at like 2AM and take a 4 hour train ride down here and then walk to ua and then fake the 4 hour trip BACK and it was too much of a hassle

we ended up moving half way thru the year and we asked the principal if i was still able to join ua this late into the year

I'm guessing he said yes

kind of?

it took a LOT of convincing 😭

but now ✨here i am✨

and ofc they added dorms after we moved

You could've went to Shiketsu High, Ketsubustu, Seiai Academy, or even Seijin though

i could've

but i had a problem with each school 💀


seijin was a ninja hero school? i mean i could've been a cloud ninja but i decided against it

seiai was an all-girl school and even tho i technically qualify for them it just wasn't the right fit for me

ketsubustu doesn't necessarily like any newcomers- especially the upperclassman so they'll beat 👏your 👏 ass 👏 once you join and basically bully

you until you drop out unless you have like a super mf scary quirk (which i don't have)

shiketsu was gonna be my choice but they didn't accept my application :(


You know so much about each school

ahh yea

i did my research 💃🕺

Makes sense

I'm going to go finish getting ready and join Hagakure downstairs for breakfast

alrighty :)

cya down stairs

See you

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