《y/n fujioka ||haruhi fujioka's sister||》||71, Epilogue||


Hurried strides resonated through the reverberating parking lot as Y/n, Haruhi, Kyoya, and the Hitachiin twins sprinted past pillars that revealed labels of parking garage letters and numbers--the five students moving passed columns D4 all the way to D2 until Kyoya arrived near a black vehicle that was stationed alongside pillar D1.

He lowered his upper body down to an extent so he could meet the eyes of the man in the car. "We're in a hurry can you drive us?" Kyoya hastened through his request, profoundly inhaling oxygen in his lungs due to the prior running he was undertaking.

Y/n and Haruhi were standing behind the twins, who were situated behind Kyoya. The Fujioka sisters enveloped each other's hand, both of their palms being relatively clammy due to the unease and nervousness they were experiencing.

The chauffeur possessed an expression of regret. "I'm sorry sir, but..." He trailed off hesitantly.

"What is it? What's wrong?" Kyoya persisted, still staring at the man that was inside the black vehicle, who had no intention of transporting the five students to wherever they needed to go.

"Well you see, the thing is..."

As the chauffeur once again trailed his explanation off, an unforeseen sound of numerous, lightweight footsteps caught the attention of the five individuals. The twins, Y/n, and Haruhi turned around with an inconsequential gasp escaping their mouths once they identified the people that were surrounding them.

Kyoya straightened his posture, glancing at the group of men, who were wearing black clothing with protective vests, from the corner of his eye. "You want to tell me your orders?" Kyoya challenged in a low tone of voice as his family's private police force slowly approached the high schoolers. "Let me guess, you've been hired to protect Lady Éclair."

Hikaru grabbed a hold of either of the Fujioka sisters' arms and pulled them behind him and his twin brother, acting as a shield for the two females while one of the officers chimed in. "I'm truly sorry it has come to this but as you know, as members of the Ootori private police we answer to your father."

Kyoya gritted his teeth in frustration and exasperation. He upraised his clenched fist and collided it down on the hood of the black vehicle furiously, making a dent in the material. "Damn it!"

"I'm terribly sorry sir but we've been ordered not to allow any of you to leave, even if we have to stop you by force." The man from before avowed in a unrelenting tone, causing Y/n to tighten her grip on Haruhi's hand apprehensively.

Just then, the sound of hooves clattering against the solid ground of the indoor parking lot echoed as well as something weighty that comprised of wheels.

The police force gasped as the advancing carriage propelled passed them and halted in between them and the five students--a few officers being shoved, making them stumble on the ground unscathed. One of the men that were situated on the floor released a shriek due to one of the horses stomping their hoof in between his legs, almost striking the area that was in between the man's limbs.

Honey jumped out of the carriage, landing in front of the group of officers, making a small amount of men let out a timorous gasp. This wasn't the first encounter they've experienced with the vigorous Mitsukuni Haninozuka--they're all aware of what the golden-blond haired male is capable of, making them practically tremble in anticipation.

"Hikaru, take the carriage." Mori mandated the oldest Hitachiin brother, his back facing the five individuals as he stood up from the coach box of the carriage. "If you use the back hills bypass you can cut them off." He finalized and dismounted himself from the carriage, positioning himself behind his cousin, making the police force retrace one of their steps and gasp once more.


"It's Haninozuka." One of the men dressed in black recognized with mild alarm in his voice.

"And Morinozuka!"

The assembly of men began to whisper to one another nervously, debating and reminding themselves of what their orders were.

Hikaru ascended onto the coach box of the carriage, seizing the reins that were fastened on the two horses as Kaoru mounted onto the form of transportation.

Kaoru directed his gaze towards the two sisters, urgently extending his hand out to them. "C'mon!"

Y/n stared at Kaoru's outstretched hand before moving her gaze to Haruhi, who was standing beside her. Y/n tugged her right hand that was still interlocked with her sister's. The wavy haired female used her unoccupied hand to delicately position it on Haruhi's cheek, soon unlocking her fingers that were united with her sister's so she could enfold the short haired female in a short-lived and emboldening embrace.

"I'm going to stay here. Too many people on a fast moving carriage might cause something that would delay our objective. We'll catch up to you guys when we're finished here." Y/n spoke in a hushed tone of voice. "Listen Haruhi..." She shifted her head back so she could meet her sister's trepidatious brown eyes, guiding her hand that was situated around her to rest on her shoulder, whispering so nobody else would hear her words except for the young woman in front of her. "Don't let him be the one that got away."

Haruhi stared at her sister with widened eyes, dubiously nodding her head. Y/n moved away from her but the short haired female remained motionless, appearing to be in some sort of disconcert state.

Kyoya moved himself to stand behind the short haired girl--that was presently wearing a long, brown wig--and placed his hands on her shoulders. "Haruhi. Go get that idiot. Hurry." He moderately shoved her towards the carriage, causing Kaoru to catch her and haul her up onto the carriage.

"What about Y/n? Come on!" Kaoru called once again, extending his hand out to the wavy haired female for the second time.

Before Y/n could articulate her decision, Kyoya utilized his right hand to grab a hold of Y/n's wrist, tugging her back so she could stand behind him. "She's staying here." He conveyed and directed his right arm to the side. "Now go! This is your chance!"

Hikaru showed a terse nod of his head and jerked the reins. "Ha!"

The two horses immediately began galloping, heaving the carriage behind them. A couple of officers moved out of the way due to the speeding horses, not wanting to get trampled on.

"Don't just stand there! Stop that carriage!" An officer commanded, but suddenly released a small groan as Honey stepped on his head, jumping towards the direction of where the carriage is journeying to so he could prevent whoever goes after it.

"Takashi." Honey began in a low voice, his viewable caramel-brown eyes being casted over with a shadow due to his golden-blond bangs. "Don't go easy on 'em!" He dashed towards the police force known as the Black Onion Squad.

"Don't worry, I won't." Mori established, clutching onto the back of two officer's uniform collars, rotating himself around more than once before launching the two men.

Y/n stayed behind Kyoya, who was acting as a defense for the young woman, observing what their two upperclassmen's had to achieve so they would be able to get past the police squad.

Not even six minutes has elapsed and Honey and Mori were already standing with Kyoya and Y/n, stationed in front of a mound of clobbered officers.


Y/n moved herself to the side, now standing next to Kyoya as she surveyed the limp, gathered figures while faintly sweat dropping.

Honey dusted off his hands and pointed his index finger at the pile of male officers, who weren't making an effort to rise to their feet or move. "I warned you guys! Picking on my friends is a big no-no!" He rebuked, his usual high-pitched, childlike tone of voice being evident in his words.

"You should never underestimate the Ouran Host Club." Kyoya added with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Yeah." Mori agreed with his hands settled on his hips while he craned his head from side to side, stretching his neck muscles and joints.

Y/n glanced down at the floor for a moment before turning around to look at the black vehicle, making the man in the car flinch once his eyes met the brown orbs of the female. "Let's go. I'm sure he'll give us a ride now." She commented, glancing at her three companions while cocking her head towards the orientation of the automobile.

Kyoya exhibited a brief nod of his head, directing his gaze to the girl before approaching his family's car, lowering his upper body down to an extent so he could come face to face with the chauffeur. "I encourage you to transport us to whichever location we feel inclined to after witnessing the outcome of my family's police force."

The chauffeur sweat dropped tensely, once again sensing a shiver proceed down his spinal column. He ultimately surrendered his given order from Yoshio Ootori and reluctantly unlocked the car doors, enabling the four students to enter the vehicle--Mori, Honey, and Y/n seated themselves in the backseat while Kyoya settled himself in the passengers seat.

Once the raven haired male closed the car door, he focused his unyielding gaze towards the chauffeur. "Drive."

Concurrently, Hikaru, Kaoru, and Haruhi were journeying on a dirt path, the carriage promptly passing by multiple trees, endeavoring the task of making it to Tamaki before he departs for France with Éclair Tonnerre.

Hikaru whipped the reins, a method of enjoining the horses to gallop faster.

"Hikaru! Don't you think we should slow down? Somebody could get hurt!" Kaoru advised over the loud sound of the horses hooves along with the wheels of the carriage traveling on the unpleasant dirt bypass, his left arm being secured on Haruhi to keep the female balanced on the fast-moving carriage.

"We're not slowing down 'til we get the boss back!" Hikaru disputed, keeping a firm hold on the reins.

"But Hikaru."

"If it wasn't for Tamaki then the two of us would still only be lost souls." Hikaru proclaimed, ignoring his brother's entreatment. "We were able to become friends with Haruhi, Y/n, and the others because the Host Club brought us together. To think that all of it could end so suddenly like this..." He trailed off, tilting his head downwards. "Is something that I can't tolerate!" He shouted emotionally.

Without warning, one of the wheels that were attached to the carriage impacted an oversized rock, making the carriage rise off the ground due to the speedy pace it was sustaining. Kaoru tightened his arm around Haruhi so she wouldn't ascend off the carriage.

Unfortunately, Hikaru lost his placement on the coach box and tumbled out of the carriage, landing in a small pumpkin field. He let out a limited wail once he landed on the ground, the severe collision causing affliction to his right arm.

Once the carriage made contact with the ground and ceased movement, Kaoru hurtled towards his wounded brother. "No Hikaru!" He ran passed the abundant amount of pumpkins until he arrived to his twin brother's aid, kneeling down on the ground near him. "Hikaru! Hikaru! Hikaru, are you okay? Is your arm hurting you?"

"This can't be the end, boss. Its just not fair, the Host Club's the only thing that made us happy, damn it..." The injured auburn haired male mumbled, almost whimpering as his left hand clutched onto his right arm in discomfort.


Haruhi stood on the carriage, her eyes displaying little to no emotion as she stared at the Hitachiin brothers, her mind wandering back to the conversation her father initiated with her and Y/n that morning.

A tranquil breath of wind carried itself through Haruhi's long, brown, wig. She steadily brought her hand to her head and detached the wig from herself, granting the current of air to pass through her short hair. The following item she removed from herself was the bubblegum-pink layer of her gown, revealing the white dress she was wearing underneath the bubblegum-pink covering.

She hopped over to the front of the carriage, now seated in the coach box as she caught a hold of the reins, a determined and unrelenting description materializing upon her facial features.

"What's she doing?" Hikaru questioned once he noticed the female's actions, making Kaoru direct his attention back to the carriage.

"Ha!" Haruhi whipped the reins, making the horses acknowledge the familiar sound of their leashes and neigh, immediately continuing down the dirt path.

Hikaru and Kaoru got to their feet and dashed to where the carriage was once stationed, now staring at the back of the form of transportation as it abandons them.

Haruhi pursued to act in the accordance of the dirt route, which soon led her to a road that was installed beside the heightened back hills bypass. Her brown eyes caught sight of a convertible, red vehicle that contained Tamaki and Éclair, making the brown haired female jerk the reins once more.

She impelled the horses to advance onwards until she directed them to the right, making them leap off the dirt path and land on the cobblestone bridge, following after the red vehicle.

The abrupt thud of the weighty carriage making contact with the surface of the bridge captured the attention of Tamaki and Éclair, causing them to look behind them.

"Haruhi?!" The blond haired male identified, moderately disconnecting himself from where he was seated.

Éclair removed her opera binoculars from her eyes, a stunned expression manifesting itself upon her facial characteristics as she stared at the individual that was in the carriage. "That's Haruhi...Fujioka?" She uttered under her breath.

"What are you doing, Haruhi?! This is dangerous! Stop that carriage now!" Tamaki adjured, fretting for the girls safety.

Haruhi made the carriage progress acceleration so she could insert herself in between the left side of the car and the concrete railing of the bridge.

"Senpai! Please come back to Ouran!" Haruhi implored, ignoring her upperclassman's command of bringing the carriage to a halt.

"I mean it! Stop the carriage!"

"All of us would be completely lost without you, Senpai!" The brown haired female expressed, disregarding Tamaki's behest once more.

The blond haired male possessed a mild description of shock in his violet colored eyes due to the young woman's words, but soon modified to one of unsureness. "But they...they all said they were put out by the Host Club."

"You really are an idiot! What's wrong with you?!" Haruhi shouted. "After all this time we've been together you still can't tell when we're joking and when we're serious?!" She exclaimed, making Tamaki's eyes broaden in size. "Everyone loves being in the Host Club! We really do! Even me and Y/n, Senpai!" Haruhi detached her right hand from one of the reins, extending it out towards the blond haired male, who was standing in the convertible, red vehicle. An uplifting, genuine closed lipped smile materialized on her lips. "I love being part of the Host Club too!"

Slowly, Tamaki outstretched his hand to accept Haruhi's. But halfway through doing so, Éclair placed her left hand on the boy's arm, making him direct his gaze down at her. She glanced towards the left from the corner of her eye before looking up at the blond haired male with pleading eyes.

The wheels of the carriage suddenly began to lose control, making the carriage move against the bridges' concrete railing, creating an abrasive sound.

"Haruhi!" Tamaki worriedly called out as he witnessed the brown haired female lose her footing on the carriage and go over the concrete railing, her right hand still being extended outwards.

Éclair maintained an indecisive description on her face as she debated with herself, hesitantly removing her hand from Tamaki's arm, restoring his freedom as tears formed in her vibrant blue eyes, realizing that she has lost him.

"Thanks Éclair." Tamaki said with a delicate, warmhearted smile on his lips, making the said girl's eyes widen in shock at the small gesture of gratitude the boy expressed to her, tears descending from her eyes and down her cheeks.

With that being said, Tamaki leaped out of the car so he would go over the concrete railing of the bridge. "Haruhi!" He shouted out the girl's name as he quickly outstretched his right hand.

"Senpai!" She yelled, copying the male's actions by extending her right hand.

Tamaki's hand soon linked with the short, brown haired female's palm as his other hand moved to her lower back. The two teenagers stared into each other's eyes before Tamaki pulled her into an embrace, which Haruhi returned with a gentle, closed eyed smile.

The two high schoolers remained in each other's arms as they plunged into the water that was below the bridge. Once they were in the water, they directed themselves towards the rugged shore--Tamaki carrying Haruhi with one of his arms underneath her legs while his other arm supported her back as he stepped out of the water.

"That was reckless, Haruhi. You have to be more careful. Look at you, you're soaking wet." Tamaki lectured tenderly, carefully setting the brown haired girl down on the stony surface.

"A little water never hurt anyone. Besides, people are always telling me that I'm dripping with good looks." Haruhi mentioned as she shared a knowing gaze with the blond haired male, making him display a small smile of admiration as Haruhi released an airy giggle.

All of a sudden, a black car came to a stop near the bottom of the bridge, allowing six individuals to quickly exit the vehicle once they caught sight of Haruhi and Tamaki, who were both standing unharmed on the shore.

Honey was the first to call the attention of the two high schoolers, a carefree grin apparent on his face. "Tama-Chan! Haru-Chan!"

"Haruhi! Tamaki-Senpai!" Y/n blurted out, starting to approach her sister and blond haired upperclassman.

"Hey Boss!" The Hitachiin twins joyously followed along, Hikaru's right arm being supported in a white, improvised arm sling that Y/n developed by tearing a considerable piece of fabric from her white dress that was underneath her champagne-beige colored gown.

Honey, Y/n, and the twins sped down the concrete stair steps and raced towards Haruhi and Tamaki while Kyoya and Mori stood by the black vehicle with miniature smiles on their lips.

"Oh man, he's such a moron." Kyoya remarked lightheartedly as the corners of his lips curved into a small smile, using his index finger to adjust the glasses that rested on his face.

Y/n moderately stumbled as she made her way towards Haruhi first, bringing the short haired female into a tight embrace with an overjoyed grin on her face, making Haruhi smile as she reciprocated Y/n's hug.

The girl with wavy, shoulder length hair withdrew from the embrace and placed her hands on Haruhi's shoulders. "Are you alright? You're not hurt are you?"

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