《y/n fujioka ||haruhi fujioka's sister||》||70||


It was the next morning as Y/n and Haruhi finalized their typical preparations for school, already being dressed in their school uniform.

Haruhi kneeled down near the wooden coffee table that was situated in their shared bedroom, placing her notebooks and educational books in her school bag. Temporarily, Y/n sat on the side of her bed as the only view she had was of her sister's back until she glanced to the left side of her, directing her gaze to the polaroid board that was hung on the wall on the top of her bed. The board displayed various pictures of her, Haruhi, and the six male Host Club members, including the photograph of the wavy haired female with Kyoya at the aquarium on their date.

Y/n remembered when the collage board only had two polaroid pictures attached to it--the first one being a photo of when the two sisters were four years old with their two parents. The brown haired siblings were smiling brightly at the camera, Haruhi being held by their gleeful mother while Y/n was positioned on their father's shoulders. As the wavy haired teenager reminisced the memory, she could faintly hear the giggles that her and her sister were releasing on the day that picture was taken from the back of her mind. The other photo exhibited the Fujioka sisters standing in front of their middle school building with their friend Arai, the polaroid picture being taken on the day of their middle school graduation.

But she now had many pictures to admire and cherish. She will always adore the image of their family photo back when her mother was existent in this world as well as the picture of her and Kyoya together in the marine exhibit. Nevertheless, she treasured two other portraits--one of them being when Haruhi and Y/n were on the ferris wheel back when they visited the amusement park with the Host Club. The picture showed the two sisters smiling, behind them was the scenery of being at the top of the ride with the sun setting.

And the other picture portrayed all the members of the Host Club, that was also taken at the theme park. Standing on the far left side was Mori with a faint smile on his lips while Honey was positioned on his shoulders, the golden-blond haired male holding a white cone of pink cotton candy in one hand while his free hand was raised in the air happily, showing a bright, closed eyed grin on his face. Next to the two third years was Tamaki, a light blush on his cheeks with a wide smile on his lips as his hands were wrapped around Y/n and Haruhi's shoulders, who stood in front of the blond haired boy. Haruhi displayed a small, kindhearted smile while Y/n established a grin on her lips, holding up one of her hands to show a peace sign. Situated beside Tamaki was Kyoya, who was glancing in the direction of where the camera was, smirking slightly with his arms crossed over his chest. And finally, Hikaru stood beside Haruhi while Kaoru settled himself next to Y/n, both of the auburn haired males held wide grins on their faces as they showed peace signs with their fingers.

Y/n's lips curved up into a small smile at the nostalgic pictures--each of them showing a jovial time in her and Haruhi's life--but her reminiscing smile soon faltered once reminding herself what today is.

The Ouran Fair. The Host Club will no longer be open for business after today.

Haruhi finally finished organizing her school bag and zipped it closed, positioning the bag under her arm as she stood back up. "Ready to go?" She asked, looking back at her sister, who was still sitting on her bed with a downcast expression.


Y/n slowly got up from her mattress, grabbing her school bag while doing so. "Yeah..."

The two sisters exited their room and walked down the short hallway of their apartment. As they entered the main area, they noticed their disheveled father eating breakfast--his morning meal consisting of a bowl of rice, a cooked fish, a bowl of miso soup, and a small serving of natto.

"Good morning, you two." Ranka greeted with a tenderhearted smile.

"Morning, dad." His two daughters returned the greeting in unison, proceeding towards the front door where their uniform shoes laid.

"Huh? Aren't you two going to eat breakfast?" Ranka questioned, his smile faltering as he stared at the backs of his two children.

"No, we're not very hungry." Y/n articulated, grabbing her shoes and slipping them on her feet, using her fingers to fix the back of the material while Haruhi removed a blue shoe horn from the wall, maneuvering the object to easily place her shoes on her feet without the trouble of bending the back of the footwear.

"Haruhi, Y/n? You sure you two don't want any breakfast?" Ranka quizzed once more.

"No thanks." Haruhi assured, hanging the blue shoe horn back up on the wall, a small, false smile appearing on her lips as she turned around to stare at her father. "Well, we're off then."

Y/n duplicated her sister's actions, wanting to behave as she normally does to not make their father worry. "See you later, dad."

The Fujioka siblings rotated themselves back around, facing the door as Haruhi placed her hand on the doorknob, on the verge of turning it.

"What? You can't talk to your dad about it?" Ranka suddenly canvassed, making Haruhi and Y/n terminate their movements. "What's the matter, girls?"

The brown haired siblings turned back around to fix their gaze on their father, the both of them summoning an unbelievable smile on their lips. "What do you mean?" Haruhi examined.

"There's nothing wrong, dad." Y/n attempted to reassure, letting out a forceful chuckle, causing the maroon haired man to stare at the two girls as he stayed where he was.

"We're just not that hungry this morning, that's all." Haruhi mentioned and Y/n nodded her head in confirmation.

"You can't fool me, kiddos. The last time you two skipped breakfast was after your mom's funeral. And it was a while before you two could eat again. And Y/n, your eyes look rather red and puffy and it looks like you didn't get much sleep." Ranka pointed out feebly. "Again, I haven't seen you like this ever since your mother's funeral."

Y/n and Haruhi's spurious smiles dematerialized from their lips as they glanced down at the wooden floor. Regardless of the many times they try and smile to make it seem like they're all right, their father always sees through their act.

"There are many things in this world that you cannot ever change no matter how desperately you try." Ranka began as he got up from where he was sitting on the tatami mat, approaching his two daughters and gently placing his hands on the back of their heads, carefully guiding them to his chest for an embrace. "Just remember Haruhi and Y/n," he wrapped his arms delicately around the two girls, "you have to stay brave, even if it seems like your worlds are crumbling around you sometimes."

- - - -

Just like yesterday, the Host Club was open for the general public in the central building salon. The seven members wore the second outfit from the day before; the matching white tuxedos with tailcoats.


Haruhi was wheeling around a serving trolley that displayed a cake and other desserts to consume along with tea to drink. Meanwhile, Y/n was conversing with four individuals that she assisted almost a month ago.

"You look so amazing in a tailcoat, Y/n!" The enthusiastic girl with straight, mocha-brown hair that reached down to the middle of her back endorsed, placing her hands on her cheeks in awe.

"Thanks, Ayumi-Senpai. I really like your dress. The color really suits you." Y/n indicated, showing a small smile to her female upperclassman.

"Aw, aren't you sweet." Ayumi Ito grinned cheerfully, a light shade of pink dusting her cheeks as she leisurely swayed the border of her navy-blue, knee length dress.

"It was a good idea that we decided to drop by to see you. It's been awhile." The male with slightly disheveled, walnut-brown hair scratched the back of his neck with a closed eyed smile, being clothed in a black suit with a red tie.

"It has been awhile since we've seen each other, Daisuke-Senpai." Y/n accorded, staring at the four individuals with a warmhearted definition. "I see Emiko most of the time when I walk through the hallways. We talk to one another for a bit but then we have to go back to class. So it's nice to see you all together like this again."

"It sure is! Especially now that you're here! Now the group is really back together!" Ayumi raised her hand, operating her index and middle finger to form a peace sign. She swiftly normalized her posture, drawing closer to Y/n so their faces were nearer. "Say Y/n, would you like to do another musical with us? You were so good in Grease and it was just so much fun doing it with you. Please? I could sign you up for auditions for our next upcoming production!" She insisted, clasping her hands together in a adjured manner.

"Hey, don't get ahead of yourself, Ayumi." The ink-black haired male hauled the eager female away from Y/n. Kenji Nakamura kept his hold on Ayumi's shoulders so she wouldn't rush towards Y/n again. He was wearing a black suit that was similar to the attire Daisuke Takahashi was wearing but instead of a red tie, he wore a black one.

"You can't just force her into something that she doesn't even have a say in." Emiko Nakamura somewhat scolded the mocha-brown haired female. She was wearing a long, red-golden colored dress that complimented her royal-blue eyes. "And it's not like this is going to be the last time we see Y/n. We all have each other's contact information. We could probably schedule a little hangout some day. Just the five of us."

'Oh, don't worry. It wouldn't be the first time I was forced into something.' Y/n sweat dropped, thinking back to how she ended up being a part of the Host Club that she grew to adore and care for, as well as many other situations that she and her sister were inserted into.

"Y/n? Haruhi?" A familiar male's voice called the names of the two sisters, making Y/n direct her attention to the person. Kyoya stood an exceptional distance away from the wavy haired female due to him standing in front of a table that was occupied by a young woman that Y/n didn't want to see--Éclair Tonnerre. "Someone to see you." Kyoya informed.

Y/n's gaze became profound as she stared at the chestnut-brown haired female. Y/n scanned the room with her brown orbs to try and seek out her sister and noticed that the short, brown haired girl was positioned seven steps away from her.

She turned her attention back to Ayumi, Kenji, Emiko, and Daisuke with a small, companionable smile on her lips. "Excuse me. Supposedly, someone wants to speak to my brother and I. It was great to see you guys all together like this." Y/n submitted a farewell before walking towards Haruhi, who was still staring back at a smirking Éclair.

"I don't want to talk to her... She's a...you know..." Y/n muttered quietly to her sister once she finished making her way towards her, complaining about the state of affairs that's ahead of them as she and Haruhi strolled towards the circular table.

"Don't say the word. I know what you mean." Haruhi acknowledged. "We don't really have a choice though. We'll go through this together." She heartened, interlocking her pinky finger with Y/n's.

The two sisters made it to where Éclair was seated, unfastening their pinky's to take a seat. Haruhi settled herself on the chair that was situated across from Éclair as Kyoya walked away from the table to provide the three girls with seclusion.

Y/n glared at the only chair that was left abandoned at the table--it was in between Haruhi and Éclair. She sensed an irk mark appear on her forehead but she quickly redeemed herself by taking a moment to breathe. She took ahold of the chair and hauled it to where Haruhi was positioned. She cocked her head twice, motioning the short haired female to alter her chair to the side.

Haruhi looked up at Y/n with a blank expression, mentally deadpanning at her sister's actions, but she still complied and shifted her chair over to the right.

Y/n finished moving the chair to where she wanted it, now having it next to Haruhi and across from Éclair, making the girl ultimately sit down.

The wavy haired female couldn't care less if what she undertook was immature and juvenile. She didn't want to position herself next to the person that she didn't want to encounter.

"How are you today?" Haruhi asked in a slightly forced tone, finally initiating a conversation to get her and her sister's moment with Éclair over with.

The wealthy young woman hummed as she stared at Y/n with amusement and devalue, causing the shoulder length, brown haired female to clench her fists that were placed on her lap.

Haruhi instantly moved her hand to rest on Y/n's clenched fists that went unnoticed by others due to her doing it under the table, attempting to alleviate her sister's effrontery.

"I couldn't help but notice that my Tamaki seemed to have a soft spot for you two." Éclair conversed. "Especially you, Haruhi."

"Just what are you getting at?" Haruhi questioned. "Are you saying you're jealous of me?"

Éclair leaned her arms on the surface of the table, propping her elbow so she could rest her chin on the back of her hand. "Oh listen to you." She remarked smoothly, almost in a mocking tone. "Although, you're the only one I can listen to since your sister is being rather quiet." She pointed out, directing her vibrant blue eyes to the youngest Fujioka sibling.

"What would you like for me to say then?" Y/n quizzed, moderately narrowing her eyes at the chestnut-brown haired girl.

"Mhm." Éclair feigned the measures of being in deep thought. "By contrast, I prefer when you're silent."

Y/n inhaled gratingly, exhibiting a thin lipped, irritated smile. "Okay. As you wish."

Haruhi glanced at Y/n from the corner of her eye, being aware of her sister's exasperation that she tried to conceal. What she learned over the years of being Y/n's sister was that the wavy haired female gets irritated easily when someone stares down at her like their superior than her, primarily when in the presence of someone she dislikes.

Éclair relished Y/n's reaction but instantaneously proceeded on with what she was going to say. "Tamaki won't be coming today." Her smirk vanished from sight as an unsympathetic expression appeared on her face. "I warned him that I would be upset if he ever showed his face at the Host Club again." Éclair narrowed her eyes at Haruhi, as if trying to challenge the short haired female. "Tell me, are you Tamaki's lover?"

"No Miss, not at all." Haruhi replied, continuing to speak in a blank, monotone voice.

"I see. That's good to hear. Then I guess you must mean nothing to him." Éclair tilted her head to the side, a small smirk comprising on her vermilion-red lips. "And seeing how Tamaki doesn't seem too attached to your sister, I'm certain that she especially doesn't mean anything to him." She asserted, communicating as if Y/n wasn't present at the table.

"While I may not be his lover. I know that Y/n and I are not nothing to him." Haruhi countered, tightening her grip on Y/n's still clenched up hands, the wavy haired female not minding the gesture.

Y/n didn't utter out a single word, worried that if she did speak she would just lose control of her emotions and vocalize multiple uncomplimentary comments and profanities that shouldn't reach the ears of affluent guests that were in the central building salon. Y/n has never really felt this aggravated before. The sleep that she didn't receive the night before, along with the considerable amount of tears she produced and the heartfelt sorrow made it more challenging to keep herself and her emotions in control. Nevertheless, she still maintained enough self-discipline to attend the Ouran Fair and to be good-hearted and courteous towards the people around her.

Simultaneously, Honey, Mori, Hikaru, and Kaoru stood together. "I wonder what happened to Tama-Chan?" The golden-blond haired male questioned his thoughts aloud.

"I'm getting worried, something's up with him after what he said yesterday." Hikaru expressed while placing his hands on his hips and turning his gaze to his brother, referring to Tamaki's announcement about his engagement to Éclair and how the Host Club would dissolve after the Ouran Fair.

The twins and Honey demonstrated looks of distress as Mori kept his emotions to himself.

"Alright gentlemen, no more idle chatter." Kyoya began, walking towards the four hosts while casually, yet quietly clapping his hands to gain their attention. "Our guests are waiting for us."

"Senpai, it's like you don't even care." Kaoru chimed in, turning his head away disapprovingly.

Kyoya used his index finger to push his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "It's our job to take care of our guests to the best of our abilities. Remember, they're looking to all of us to entertain them. Their happiness is of utmost importance." He reminded, making Hikaru and Kaoru inaudibly hum under their breath, almost resembling a groan.

"He's right, Kao-Chan!" Honey settled with a high-spirited, closed eyed grin on his face, abruptly thrusting Kaoru by the side of his hip.

"Ah!" The youngest Hitachiin brother released, his arms becoming limp above his head. "Honey-Senpai, what're you doing?!"

"C'mon, Hikaru." Mori instructed in his habitual monotonous voice, enfolding his arm around the amber colored eyed male securely while walking away.

"Let go Mori-Senpai." Hikaru's voice sounded stifled due to the constraint of Mori's arm.

Kyoya just watched as the auburn haired twins were hauled away by their two upperclassmen. The brownish-grey eyed male turned around and directed his gaze to where the Fujioka sisters were sitting with Éclair. He perceived the despondent definitions that developed on the sisters' faces. Éclair, seeming to have concluded her conversation with the siblings, got to her feet and strolled away with a satisfied expression evident on her facial features.

The Fujioka sisters overlooked Kyoya as he approached them, the two girls keeping their gaze on the dark wooden surface of the table.

"Thank you for all of your hard work, Haruhi and Y/n." Kyoya voiced, notifying the two females of his existence.

Y/n and Haruhi turned their gaze to their raven haired upperclassman, who stood across from them with one of his hands positioned on top of the unoccupied chair that Éclair once sat on.

"After that request from Lady Éclair. Your debt has been paid. You've finally repaid us for that Renaissance vase you two broke. So, you're free to quit the Host Club...if you want." Kyoya apprised feebly, making the sisters' eyes broaden.

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