《My Inner Demons》Answering Your Questions (Q and A pt 2)


Hello, my lovely helpers! I got a fair few questions over the past five or so days, so here they are and my answers.

Q: What made you decide that you wanted to start writing and why this book specifically?

A: Well I'm the type of person who spends all their time daydreaming and after my 100th time rewatching the Mystreet series I thought to myself... I wanna make my own character and see the story from a different perspective. That's how I made my first ever fanfiction "Mystreet Story"

Why I wanted to make this book specifically is because the day after Jess released the first episode of My Inner Demons I fell in love with the series. So I wanted to make a character insert fanfiction so I could insert myself into the world. As each episode was uploaded I wrote about it. Turns out it got a LOT more attention than I originally thought it would... My best friend lily even made me a 5.5k reads cake when I hit that milestone because I had NEVER gotten that many before. Now here I am, 90k reads later doing a Q and A.

Q: Are you going to write more about MID? Like your own AU or something like that would be cool.

A: I am indeed planning to, I made a cover and everything last year. I was going to start it sooner, but I'm currently trying to finish three other books first. I will get there soon though!

Q1: Who is your favourite character from Doctor who and Harry Potter?

A1: I'd have to say either Luna Lovegood or Neville Longbottom from Harry Potter are my favourites and I myself am a Gryffindor so I gotta love the entire house. (I know Luna is a Ravenclaw, but she's too awesome not to be a favourite) And my favourite character from Doctor Who is Donna Noble.


Q2. How have you been?

A2: I've been doing alright, lots of internal struggles but I'll be okay. I hope you're doing well :)

Q1: What's your favourite dog breed?

A1: My dog Jabba who is a black Golden Retreiver cross Poodle. I also love my dog Delta's breed, but I have no idea what she is.

Q2: What's your fav marine creature?

A2: Gotta be sharks, they're just sooo cute!

Q3: What's your favourite Aphmau series?

A3: This one's a hard one. I love MID, Mystreet and Heartpoint, but MCD gotta have my vote.

Q4: Who's your favourite Daemos?

A4: I'm such an indecisive person... Um... I don't know. Not Peirce? I know I probably killed so many fangirls but I don't really care about character that just say "yes" and acts kind sometimes. I live for good character development, soft bois and psychopaths. So, all of them are my favourite except Peirce.

Q5: What's your favourite mythical creature?

A5: THERE'S SO MANY, um... Angles?

Q6: What's your name?

A6: Cj

Q7: Do you have an Instagram?

A7: Yep! It's in my Bio! _Send0Help_ I draw stuff.

Q8: What country you from?

A8: Australian born and raised BABY! And for the original question you asked "if America what state?", but America ain't the only country with states honey. Australia got six and I'm in the biggest one, shout out to all my West Aussies! Western Australia is the best state in the world don't @ me.

Q9: Who's your favourite youtuber?

A9: All the OG's Pewds, Mark, Jackaboy, Aph, Lizzie, Lauren, Gloom, etc. People I've been watching for a good seven-five years now. As well as the animation squad, James, Jaiden, Rebecca etc.

Q10: What's your favourite colour?

A10: Purple, anything galaxy really.

Q11: How can I become an author like you?


A11: Firstly, that's adorable. Secondly, I just started writing, any idea I had in my head I wrote it. Over time I would pick up on techniques I saw other authors use, like how they described emotion or how they wrote dialogue etc and used that. (Not copying, obviously. Just inspired.) Lastly, I never wrote with the intention of people reading it. I wrote because I wanted to.

Q1: For the season 2 of MID are you going to create your own storyline/plot rather than wait for season 2?

A1: It all depends really. If I get a good idea then I'll make my own, for now though I'm waiting to see if Jess does a season 2. (Just until I come up with a good idea, if I do before s2 is realised then I'll write my own book 2. If not then I'll use Jess's story. We'll see what happens in the future)

Q2: What's your favourite Aphmau series?

A2: Like I said earlier, gotta be MCD

Q1: What country are you from?

A1: Australia

Q2: What is your favourite snack?

A2: Fruit? Idk, I just eat to be honest. I don't like sea food though.

Q3: What or who inspired you to write?

A3: Wattpad did, I spent hours reading all different fanfictions and stories. I wanted to make my own.

Q4: Do you like video games?


Q5: Favourite Show/movie?

A5: I just watched this amazing movie on netflix called "I see you" it's a horror film (I love horror) so if you like spooks I HIGHLY recommend it.

Q6: Favourite Aphmau Roleplay?

A6: MCD (I love the remake so far...)

Q7: Favourite Mystreet season?

A7: I really liked season six

Q8: Pick a colour that describes you

A8: Dark Purple, creative and wise yet spooky.

Q9: Do you watch anime?

A9: Not really, the exaggerated animation style makes me cringe. But I do LOVE attack on titan.

Q10: Want to be author buddies?

A10: Yes, that sounds adorable.


Here's some fun facts about me!

I'm 17 turning 18 in September (Which is terrifying cause I'll be an adult...)

I'm Asexual Aromantic, yet I write x readers...

I'm Non-Binary, They/them pronouns are preferred, yet any are fine

I use terms like mate, buddy, dude, bro, guys, sweetie and honey as gender neutral terms

I've watched Aphmau since I was 10, which means I didn't actually start watching her because of MCD. I started watching her when she did her minecraft pokemon series way back in 2012.

I play minecraft with my friends... A lot

I'm a sims addict. I've been playinng since I was 12 and I can't stop. (Thanks Ihascupquake for that one)

I used to be a MASSIVE ihascupquake fan, I even called myself Cjquake. (don't judge me.)

I'm a beat saber addict (my arms hurt from playing all the time)

I LOVE music, many of my books are inspired by songs which is why a lot of my characters are musically gifted

I love the animation squad on YouTube and want to join them

I'm terrifed of murders yet I listen to murder podcasts (I love horror)

I LOVE drawing

I have three siblings, three dogs, a cat, a snake and many chickens and ducks. So big family.

My snake is my baby

I genuinely love all my readers, thank you for your support

I hope you all have an amazing day, leave some facts about you in the comments if you want. I read every single comment.

Thank you for reading.

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