《My Inner Demons》Zex (Ch39)


"Guys, do you feel that?" I ask getting off of my chair and looking around the room, alert.

"Feel what?" Asch asks, looking at me confused. "Something is wrong... I don't know what it is but. Hmmm, maybe I should see if Ava is okay." I go to leave but Leif walks in front of me, stopping me. "Leif? Why are you-"

"I feel it too." He states simply and my worry for Ava's safety increases immensely.

"Then get out of my way! I need to see if Ava is alright!" I argue, but he doesn't let me pass.

"Y/n please, hear me out. It doesn't feel like Ava is in immediate danger. It feels like we are. If we go to Ava we'll be bringing the danger to her." Leif states and I feel my worry starting to consume me.

"Guys!" Ava calls out and I run over to her to inspect if she's alright, "Ava! Are you okay?! I feel like somethings wrong." I state inspecting her for injuries to which she replies by frantically shooing my hands away.

"Yes, I'm fine! But I invited someone into the house without even thinking! You guys need to go change and hide your horns so they can come in and use my phone since they're lost!" Ava states and I shake my head at her thoughtlessness.

"Ava, just bring your phone to them," I state simply, she points her finger at me to argue but she then shuts her mouth and thinks about what I said.

"Your right. I'll go do that then, just get changed anyways as they may come up!" Ava calls out as she goes to her room to grab her phone.

I quickly do as she says, making sure to place my weapons in my pockets as I still feel the inevitable danger around us.


My body begins to tense and prepare to fight, everything is on alert. "Guys I'm serious. Something isn't right." I state, showing my state of alertness.

"She's right." Pierce agrees, becoming alert and ready to fight as well.

"Somethings here," Leif adds, everyone, becoming alert now.

"I'll be right back!" Ava says walking out the door, I silently follow behind her. Signalling for the guys to stay back.

Peeking around the corner as she opens the door I see a sight that I... I wish I hadn't...

Lady Bish's spirit as disguised as a human... Zex. Fu-

Rushing off, I go to the guys, panicked out of my mind. He's one of THE best assassins on Daemos. Both Leif and I have sparred him at the same time and we lost. Sure it was only by a bit but we still lost.

"Guys! We have a problem! Zex is-" Before I can finish my sentence I here Ava come around the corner with Zex, instinctively I step in front of the guys in a protective stance.

"Hey guys, this is Zex. I just met him in the alley... Which now that I say out loud it sounds kinda creepy." Ava says clueless to what is happening.

"You just met him and you let him inside?!" Leif exclaims, "DID YOU LEARN NOTHING FROM US AVA?!" I add, my tone sounding clearly panicked.

"Are you alright Y/n? You seem panicked..." Ava asks looking at me worriedly.

"Calm down..." Asch whispers to me, I go argue but he tells me to shush, "Look, if Ava clues on to the fact he's dangerous we'll all be in trouble. Keep up your guard, but stay calm."

Taking a deep breath I smile at Ava reassuringly, "I'm fine Ava, just worried for your safety around a stranger is all." Ava smiles back at me and tends to Zex.


Only for her phone to be dead... Oh, my GODS! "Hold on I'll go charge it, you can take a seat on the couch if you want. Oh and guys, Zex is new. So be nice." Ava says, showing her hospitable personality as she goes into her room to charge her phone.

Why must you be so kind?

The second she shuts her door we all grab our weapons and get into a fighting stance. We would able to beat him, but not without casualties...

"Didn't that human say to play nice?" Zex says cheerfully in his hoarse and unnecessarily creepy voice, thinking he's won this battle already. To be honest... He has.

"How did you manage to get here?!" Asch questions, the fireball in his hand becoming more deadly as he prepares to use it.

"Lady Bish has her ways." He replies smugly, his attitude is pissing me off.

"Why are you here?!" I ask angrily, worried for the safety of everyone in this building. If a fight breaks out it won't be pretty.

"To get Asch of course. He still needs to fulfil his destiny, to which it's been apparent he's running away from." Zex replies, but the way he said it suggests the worst...

They can't possibly be considering the ritual on Asch... Can they?

"What are you talking about?!" Leif yells I turn around to see Asch's posture begin to turn from violent and prepared to depressed and hopeless...

"Oh?" Zex laughs seeing Asch's body language and Leif's shock must amuse him, "You haven't told them, Asch?" He asks and worry consumes me.

"Asch please tell me he isn't suggesting what I think he is!" I say stressfully, hoping with all my heart that it's not true.

But he doesn't respond...

Ava comes out of her room and before she does we all hide our weapons before she sees them. Zex walks over to the couch like he was instructed earlier and we all follow behind him.

Noi and I sit on chairs on either side of the couch, while everyone else sits on the couch with Zex in the middle.

Tension is higher than the sun at noon.

To my utter disappointment Ava doesn't catch on and she makes him food! Does she know NOTHING?!

"I'd never thought I'd see the day when Daemos answer to a human, although it's not that surprising with you Y/n. I wouldn't be surprised if you breed with one of those creatures." Zex comments and I glare daggers at him, to my surprise my death glare is nothing compared to the look Asch is giving him.

If only looks could kill. Zex would be dust.

Zex notices this and laughs, clearly wanting to stir the pot more. "And how pathetic is that she even changed your attire and made you hide your horns. Truly this is a new low and you Asch, you're supposed to be the Prince of Daemos. Yet here you are looking like a human and clearly in love with your knight." Zex says smugly and I'm tempted to slit his throat right here and now.

"Don't let him provoke you," Pierce says calmly, he must have noticed the mass amount of anger and murderous gazes coming from Asch and me.

Zex keeps trying to stir everyone up but we try our best to keep our cool.

"I understand now..." Zex says ominously, and I'm worried by what he means by that.

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